PR2017iconThis article is about a Megazord and its components in Power Rangers (2017), a different continuity than the TV series.

"We're like one big zord, like a mama zord. No, no, no that sounds lame. Um....a Megazord!"
Billy Cranston after the zords become one[src]

The Megazord is the combination of the five Battle Zords: T-Rex, Pterodactyl, Mastodon, Triceratops, and Sabertooth.

The Megazord has jet thrusters on its feet, retractable wings, twin cannons on its left wrist and a blade that can extend on its right wrist. The cockpits are located in the midsection, the shoulders, and the upper thighs.


The Zords are alien battle vehicles that have taken on the form of the most powerful beasts on the world they landed- in this case Cenozoic Era Earth. They are powerful but hard to control. A Ranger must have full access to their morphing capability in order to interface with the Zord, becoming one with them.


Originally used by Zordon and his team of Rangers, Alpha 5 shows them to the new Power Rangers to motivate them but warns that they will not be able to access it without the ability to morph. Zack Taylor still tries and is overpowered by his Mastodon Zord, nearly crashing into civilians before crashing back into the command ship.

When the Rangers learn to morph, Zack once more initiates the use of the Mastodon and finds himself in complete control, demolishing Putties in battle. The other Rangers follow suit and make use of their full arsenal to destroy Putties and try and hold back Goldar.

After some time, Goldar manages to push all of them into a lava-spewing edge of the canyon holding teh Zeo Crystal. However, as the Rangers have come together as a team, so have their Zords, forming a humanoid robot with which each sections is controled by one Ranger. With the Megazord, Goldar and Rita Repulsa are defeated.

Megazord components

T-Rex Battle Zord

The Red Ranger's Zord. It makes up the upper body and arms of the Megazord.

Mastodon Battle Zord

The Black Ranger's Zord. It makes up the knees and part of the legs of the Megazord

Triceratops Battle Zord

The Blue Ranger's Zord. It makes up part of the legs of the Megazord.

Sabertooth Battle Zord

The Yellow Ranger's Zord, which is the lower torso and upper legs of the Megazord and provides it with two alternating cannons on its arm.

Pterodactyl Battle Zord

The Pink Ranger's Zord, which becomes the Megazord's head, back, and wings. The wings can be removed from the Megazord and used as blades.



  • The Megazord has a much more complex combination sequence than any other Giant Robo or Megazord before it, so much so that it's not 100% possible to mimic the combination sequence for the toys. As such, both an interactive Megazord toy, which looks like the onscreen model, and a separate combining Megazord, which traditionally combines, were released. The most obvious change is that the Mastodon and Triceratops seem to combine onto each other to form legs in the film while in the combining toy, they are separate legs.

See Also
