Icon-gekirangerThis article is about an episode in Juken Sentai Gekiranger.

Lesson 42: Wasshi-Wasshi Moving On! (修行その42 ワッシワッシで乗り越えろ! Shugyō Sono Yonjūni: Wasshi-Wasshi de Norikoero) is the forty-second episode of Juken Sentai Gekiranger. It is the conclusion of the two-part story delving into Jan Kandou's origins associated with Dan/Suugu and the battle with Long's Genjuken fighters, Dorou and Sojo, along with foreshadowing a detail that will come into play in the endgame.


As Dorou and Sojo capture the other Gekiranger, Xia Fu leads Jan back to the village of his birth in order to teach him an important lesson to get over his anxiety burden.


The four Gekirangers are defeated by Long's Twin Phantoms, who use stronger Dorou Grains to seal the four into a gourd like the others for Dorou's Scream Program. Meanwhile, reporting his minions' success, Long advises Rio that his rivalry with Jan is pointless, only to be knocked down for overestimating Jan. After surviving their encounter with Mele, Jan and Sha-Fu arrive to Dan's hometown where the Geki Jūken began. Once there, the two find the place in ruins from a landslide, just after Dan is killed by Rio, as Jan finds a locket with a picture of himself as a baby and the parents he never knew. With Sha-Fu speculating Dan's feelings for his son, enabling Jan to decide not to runaway from his troubles and face them head on as a Gekiranger. Regaining his Geki Changer, Jan assumes Super Form and frees everyone from the gourds. Super Geki Red then battles Long's Twin Phantoms until the others join in. But Long, annoyed that Jan could defeat his minions, attacks Jan personally before re energizing his Twin Phantoms to enlarge, use their tag-team to overwhelm the Gekirangers until the tables turn. While Dorou is destroyed by the Geki Beasts, Sojo was destroyed by SaiDaiGeki Tohja. Although Jan is staying with the team with a "wasshiwasshi" feeling, Sha-Fu is worried about the golden scale he found in the ruins.


Guest Cast[]


DVD releases[]

Gekiranger DVD Vol 11

Gekiranger Volume 11, DVD cover

Juken Sentai Gekiranger Volume 11 features episodes 41-44: Lesson 41: Zushi-Zushi! No More, Lesson 42: Wasshi-Wasshi Moving On!, Lesson 43: Hapi-Hapi! Merry Christmas, Osu, and Lesson 44: Wafu-Wafu! Father's Melody. [1]

See Also[]



Icon-gekiranger List of Juken Sentai Gekiranger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Lesson 1: Niki-Niki! Fierce Beast-FistLesson 2: Waki-Waki! Beast-Fist CombinationLesson 3: Shio-Shio! Cleaning PowerLesson 4: Zowa-Zowa! The Five Venom FistsLesson 5: Uja-Uja! What Should I Do?Lesson 6: Juwān! …What's That?Lesson 7: Shuba-Shuba Dancing!Lesson 8: Koto-Koto… Earnestly Koto-KotoLesson 9: The Kena-Kena WomanLesson 10: Jara-Jara Attack! The First Errand
Episodes 11-20
Lesson 11: Ukya-Ukya! Beast-Fist ArmamentLesson 12: Zowan-Zowan! Confrontation Beast-Fist, Training StartsLesson 13: Shin-Shin! The Spirit's DanceLesson 14: Netsu-Netsu! Forget Your TechniquesLesson 15: Howa-Howa! Mama WorkLesson 16: Jiri-Jiri! Confrontation Beast Hall, Extra-curricular ClassLesson 17: Goro-Goro! Teacher and Student LoveLesson 18: Shakkin-Kīn! The Body is StrongLesson 19: Gokin-Gokin! Showdown with RioLesson 20: Gicho-Gicho! Triangle Opposing Fight
Episodes 21-30
Lesson 21: Biki-Biki-Biki-Biki! Kageki in Extreme KiLesson 22: Kyui-Kyui! Date with a CelebrityLesson 23: Gure-Gure! Gure-Gure! Sukeban CaptainLesson 24: Garu-Garu! What!? You're my Younger Brother!?Lesson 25: Hine-Hine! Shigeki is Mine AloneLesson 26: Mohe-Mohe! Consult Your WorriesLesson 27: Beran-Beran. Burning Play-by PlayLesson 28: Bishi-Bishi Pikeen Osu!Lesson 29: Guda-Guda Here-Here! ShoppingLesson 30: The Sei-Sei de Dou-dou Woman
Episodes 31-40
Lesson 31: We Muni-Muni!Lesson 32: Zowangi-Zowango! The Gathering, Beast Origin VillageLesson 33: Fure-Fure Gatchiri! Kung Fu ChūshinguraLesson 34: Gowan-Gowan's Dain-Dain! Beast Fist Giant God, ComesLesson 35: Gyuon-Gyuon! Beast Power BloomingLesson 36: Mukyu-Mukyu! The Three Phantom Thief SistersLesson 37: Gyan-Gyan! Useless Arranged Marriage DiscussionLesson 38: Biba-Biba! Another RetsuLesson 39: Uro-Uro! The Children Don't ReturnLesson 40: Head goes Bakān! The Shock of the Truth
Episodes 41-49
Lesson 41: Zushi-Zushi! No MoreLesson 42: Wasshi-Wasshi Moving On!Lesson 43: Hapi-Hapi! Merry Christmas, OsuLesson 44: Wafu-Wafu! Father's MelodyLesson 45: Pikīn! Destined ConfrontationsLesson 46: Gyawa-Gyawa MemoriesLesson 47: Pika-Pika! My PathLesson 48: Saba-Saba! And Now, Judgement FistLesson 49: Zun-Zun! The Beast Fist, for All Time...
Movies, Specials & Stage Shows
Movies: Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive BattleJuken Sentai Gekiranger vs. BoukengerEngine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger
Specials: Juken Sentai Gekiranger Special DVD: Gyun-Gyun! Fist Sage Great Athletic Meet
Stage Shows: Gekiranger Stage Show at Double Hero Tokyo Dome CityGekiranger Stage Show at Super Hero Nagoya DomeGekiranger Stage Show at Hero Live Special 2007