Icon-gokaigerThis article is about a set of events in Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
"No it's not just us, look around you. All the Rangers who came before us are here too, and they entrusted us with their power, because they believe in us. So really, we're not just five. We're over a hundred, all fighting for Earth!""
―Troy's speech after the others thought there was no hope defeating the Armada[src]

Legendary Ranger Mode, or simply Legendary Mode refers to the ability of the Super Mega Rangers to morph into the Legendary Rangers, via the Legendary Ranger Keys and the Legendary Morphers. They can also use this mode to access new Ranger forms never before seen on Earth.

Ranger Keys[]

Main article: Legendary Ranger Keys

Individual Modes by Episode/Special[]

Super Megaforce (episode)[]

Earth Fights Back[]

Blue Saber Saga[]

A Lion's Alliance[]

Samurai Surprise[]

Spirit of the Tiger[]

Silver Lining[]

Part 1[]

Part 2[]

Power of Six[]

The Perfect Storm[]

Love Is In the Air[]

United as One[]

The Grass is Always Greener… or Bluer[]

In the Driver's Seat[]

All Hail Prince Vekar[]

Emperor Mavro[]

The Wrath[]

(Additional Legendary Ranger Modes appear in the The Legendary Battle: Extended Edition)

Legendary Battle[]

(Additional Legendary Ranger Modes were seen in the Extended Finale)

The Legendary Battle: Extended Edition[]

(These modes are exclusive to the additional footage, and in addition to those in The Wrath and Legendary Battle)

In Comics[]

Team Modes[]

Although the Super Mega Rangers can mode into any past Power Ranger, and use different combinations they normally just mode into a past Ranger team with individual Rangers changing to their equivalents or closest analogues.

Space Rangers[]

(from Power Rangers in Space)
Tvicon TV STORY-Samurai Surprise
Legendary Ranger Mode - Zordon Era Rangers

Troy and Orion as the Red Space Ranger and the Silver Ranger

Tvicon TV STORY-Legendary Battle
Black Space Ranger

Jake as the Black Space Ranger

Ninja Rangers[]

(from Power Rangers Ninja Storm)
Gokai Change-Hurricanegers (Episode 2)

Super Megaforce Rangers as Wind Rangers & Thunder Rangers

5-man team Tvicon TV STORY-Super Megaforce (episode)
Tvicon TV STORY-Legendary Battle

New Modes[]

Lightning Rangers[]

(originally from Hikari Sentai Maskman)
Gokai Change-Yellow (Yellow Mask)

Gia as the Yellow Lightning Ranger

Note: When Gia changed into the Yellow Ranger in Samurai Surprise, she called out "Legendary Ranger Blitz!", a name that would later be used for another set of New Powers.
Legendary Ranger Mode - Blue (Blue Lightning Ranger)

Noah as the Blue Lightning Ranger

Prism Rangers[]

Gokai Change-Pink (Pink Flash)

Emma as the Pink Prism Ranger

(originally from Choshinsei Flashman)

Blitz Rangers[]

(originally from Dengeki Sentai Changeman)
Gokai Change-Red, Blue, Yellow and Pink (Changeman)

Blitz Mode Without Jake and Orion

Legendary Ranger Mode - Green (Black Blitz Ranger)

Jake as the Black Blitz Ranger

Note: In the initial change into this mode, the Red, Blue, White, and Pink Rangers were described as having the powers of the Legendary Dragon, despite that of the four, only Red had a Dragon motif, the others being a Pegasus (Blue), a Mermaid (White), and a Phoenix (Pink). It was later referred to as Blitz when Jake used the Black Key.

Supersonic Rangers[]

(originally from Chikyu Sentai Fiveman)
Legendary Ranger Mode - Yellow (Yellow Supersonic Ranger)

Gia as the Yellow Supersonic Ranger

Legendary Ranger Modes by Set[]

On several occasions, rather than changing into a past team, the Super Mega Rangers mode into Rangers all belonging to a particular motif, normally colors. There are also a few team-specific Legendary Ranger Modes that don't fit into the default configurations.

  • All-Legendary Ranger Modes with Megaforce Blue Tvicon TV STORY-Samurai Surprise
    Megaforce Blue with Legendary Mode Rangers

    The Mega Rangers Legendary Ranger Mode from left to right: Emma as the Pink Time Force Ranger, Jake as Zeo Ranger IV Green, Troy as the Red Wind Ranger, Noah in his default Megaforce Blue mode, and Gia as the Yellow Dino Ranger.

  • All-Black Mode Tvicon TV STORY-A Lion's Alliance
    Gokai Change-Black Rangers

    Black Rangers (Black Aquitar Ranger, Black Dino Ranger & Ranger Operator Series Black)

  • All-Dinosaur Mode Tvicon TV STORY-The Perfect Storm
    Gokai Change-Blue and Silver (Dinosaur Rangers)

    Dinosaur Rangers (Mighty Morphin Green Ranger & Blue Dino Ranger)

  • All-Staff Users Tvicon TV STORY-The Legendary Battle: Extended Edition
    Gokai Change-Episode 51 Changes (5)

    Staff Users: (Blue Squadron Ranger & Red Overdrive Ranger)

  • All-Fire Power Mode Tvicon TV STORY-The Legendary Battle: Extended Edition
    Gokai Change-Episode 51 Changes (10)

    Corbett Brothers (Galaxy Red & Magna Defender)

  • All-Battle Booster Mode Tvicon TV STORY-The Legendary Battle: Extended Edition
    Gokai Change-Episode 51 Changes (13)

    Rangers with Battle Boosters (Black Space Ranger & Blue Lightspeed Ranger)

  • Reverse Gender Modes[]

    If a Super Mega Ranger switches genders with the original Ranger, the outfit will take the traits of his or her gender's uniform as styled for the team, like how S.P.D. has slacks for both genders, but Mystic Force has tights (only) for men and skirts and tights for women.

    Skirted versions of some of the Yellow Rangers as seen in Super Megaforce. This is due to the respective Rangers Sentai counterparts being male while Super Megaforce Yellow is female.

    See Also[]

    Power nav icon Icon-goseiger Power Rangers Megaforce & Power Rangers Super Megaforce Icon-gokaiger
    Troy Burrows - Noah Carver - Jake Holling - Gia Moran - Emma Goodall - Robo Knight - Orion
    Gosei Morpher - Robo Morpher - Legendary Morpher - Legendary Silver Morpher - Power Cards - Legendary Ranger Keys - Mega Blaster - Super Mega Blaster - Super Mega Saber - Dragon Sword - Phoenix Shot - Snake Axe - Tiger Claw - Shark Bowgun - Megaforce Blaster - Robo Blaster - Super Silver Spear - Ultra Mode - Ultra Sword - Super Mega Mode - Super Mega Cannon - Legendary Ranger Modes
    Gosei - Tensou - Mr. Burley - Ernie
    Legendary Rangers: Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Cassie Chan - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Karone - Carter Grayson - Dana Mitchell - Wesley Collins - Casey Rhodes - Jayden Shiba - Mike - Emily
    Zords and Megazords
    Gosei Dragon Mechazord - Gosei Phoenix Mechazord - Gosei Snake Mechazord - Gosei Tiger Mechazord - Gosei Shark Mechazord - Lion Mechazord
    Sea Brothers Zords - Land Brothers Zords - Sky Brothers Zords - Ultra Change Zord - Knight Brothers Zords - Gosei Ultimate Command Ship - Gosei Jet
    Super Megaforce
    Super Mega Skyship Zord - Super Mega Jet Zord - Super Mega Wheeler Zord - Super Mega Racer Zord - Super Mega Sub Zord - Q-Rex Drill/Dinozord
    Delta Runner Zord - Mystic Dragon - Red Lion Wildzord - Ninja Zord - Turbo Falcon Zord
    Gosei Great Megazord - Sea Megazord - Land Megazord - Sky Megazord - Ultra Gosei Great Megazord - Gosei Grand Megazord - Gosei Great Grand Megazord - Gosei Ultimate Megazord - Gosei Jet Megazord
    Super Megaforce
    Legendary Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary S.P.D. Megazord - Legendary Mystic Force Megazord - Legendary Wild Force Megazord - Legendary Samurai Megazord - Legendary Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary Ninja Megazord - Legendary RPM Megazord - Ultimate Legendary Megazord
    Warstar Aliens: Vrak - Admiral Malkor - Creepox - Loogies - Zombats
    Toxic Beasts: Bigs - Bluefur
    The Robots: Metal Alice
    The Armada: Prince Vekar - The Messenger - Damaras - Argus - Levira - Emperor Mavro - Redker - X Borgs - Bruisers - Royal Guards
    Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
    Warstar Aliens: Scaraba - Yuffo - Virox - Dragonflay - Beezara - Dizchord
    Toxic Beasts: Hisser - Psychotick - Shadow Serpent - Distractor - Mummy - Kesaran - Gremlin - Skyfish - Nojoke - Dream Snatcher - Glytcher
    The Robots: Rotox - Rotox DX - Rico the Robot - Water Rotox Army
    The Armada: Headridge - Tentacus - Cybax - Skatana - General Peluso - Matacore - Pacha Chamak - Gorgax - Osogain - Skeltox - Sirjinkor - Invidious - Desolar - Turtlelini - Tranceferer - Armada Megazord - Tresnag - Drill Horn - Yellzor - Levira Megazord