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- "KyurenOh!"
- ―Combination announcement[src]
Kyutama Gattai KyurenOh (キュータマ合体キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai Kyūren'ō) is the main Giant Robo in Uchu Sentai Kyuranger.
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*05*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,05,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,05,07,09 Kyūren'ō) is the default combination of KyurenOh.
- The first combination, also known as the primary combination, features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, Oushi Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg. In this combination; KyurenOh uses Kajiki Voyager's blade as a sword, Chameleon Voyager's tongue as a grappling wire, can perform a charge attack using Oushi Voyager's treads, and deliver a spinning heel kick with Ookami Voyager. This combination has two finishers: KyurenOh Star Break (キュウレンオースターブレイク Kyūren'ō Sutā Bureiku): KyurenOh gathers energy from the five Kyutamas and slashes with Kajiki Voyager's blade accompanied by a barrage of flaming meteors and KyurenOh Meteor Break (キュウレンオーメテオブレイク Kyūren'ō Meteo Bureiku): KyurenOh delivers a powerful blast attack alongside another KyurenOh (01*02*04*06*08).
- Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 1, 2, Chou Super Hero Taisen, Kyuranger 10, 12, 13
- The second combination of 01*03*05*07*09 KyurenOh features Oushi Voyager as the right arm, Kajiki Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
- This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 10.
The colors of this combination is the same as the colors of the Livemen and Go-Ongers (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Black).
TV STORY-Space.1: The Super Stars of Space
TV STORY-Space.2: Let's Go! Phantom Thief BN Team!
TV STORY-Space.3: The Man from the Desert Star
TV STORY-Space.4: Dreamy Android
TV STORY-Space.5: 9 Ultimate Saviors
Transformation Lessons ~Let's Star Change Together!~[]
TV STORY-Ookami Blue & Oushi Black Chapter
Chou Super Hero Taisen[]
During the events of Chou Super Hero Taisen, Kyuren-Oh is joined by Ex-Aid Maximum Gamer Level 99 (who grew by means of a Giant Energy Item
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
The Voyagers (ボイジャー Boijā) are the personal mecha of the Kyurangers. Each Voyager (except Shishi Voyager) can form either an arm or a leg for the robot, allowing 24 different combinations.
- Through use of the Futago Kyutama, Shishi Red can duplicate his Voyager allowing for a temporary KyurenOh duo with all eight Voyager limbs being used at once.
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
Shishi Voyager[]
Shishi Voyager (シシボイジャー Shishi Boijā) is Shishi Red's Voyager, a Shishi System space cruiser. The largest of the 9 main Voyagers, Shishi Voyager is armed with missile launchers behind its claws and a beam cannon in its mouth. In the event the Kyurangers need to evacuate from a battle, a ventral cargo bay enables Shishi Voyager to pick them up and flee with them. Forms the body and head of KyurenOh in all of its combinations.
In episode 18, Geki Jumonji forcibly boarded the Shishi Voyager and acted as its co-pilot alongside Lucky for a brief moment in a bid to chase after Madakko.
Ryu Commander pilots the Shishi Voyager in episode 30.
Koguma Skyblue pilots the Shishi Voyager in episode 45.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 1-7, Chou Super Hero Taisen (2x), Kyuranger 8-13, 15-16, 18-20, The Geth Indaver's Counterattack, Kyuranger 23-26, 28-34, High School Wars 4th Period, Episode of Stinger, Kyuranger 36-37, 39-46, 48, Kyuranger vs. Space Squad
Ookami Voyager[]
Ookami Voyager (オオカミボイジャー Ōkami Boijā) is Ookami Blue's Voyager, a Ookami System cyborg beast which can fire an energy beam from its mouth and slash with its claws. Forms the left leg of KyurenOh in its default combination and the right/left arm and right leg in its alternate combinations.
As a leg, it allows KyurenOh to perform a slashing spinning heel kick.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 1-6, Chou Super Hero Taisen, Kyuranger 8-10, 12-13, 17-18, The Geth Indaver's Counterattack, Kyuranger 23, 25-26, 28 (2x), 33-34, 36-38, 40, 42, 44-46, 48
Oushi Voyager[]
Oushi Voyager (オウシボイジャー Oushi Boijā) is Oushi Black's Voyager, an Oushi System battle tank which can use its horns to either fire a spiraling energy beam or to perform a powerful ramming attack. Forms the right leg of KyurenOh in its default combination and left/right arm and left leg in its alternate combinations.
As a leg, its treads allow KyurenOh to perform a charging attack. As an arm, KyurenOh can use it as an arm cannon.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 1-5, 7, Chou Super Hero Taisen, Kyuranger 9-13, The Geth Indaver's Counterattack, Kyuranger 25-26, 30, 33-34, High School Wars 4th Period, Episode of Stinger, Kyuranger 36, 39-42, 44-46, 48, Kyuranger vs. Space Squad
Chameleon Voyager[]
Chameleon Voyager (カメレオンボイジャー Kamereon Boijā) is Chameleon Green's Voyager, a Chameleon System space hover. Chameleon Voyager is armed with an extendable tongue which it uses to bind and crush Jark Matter starfighters. Forms the left arm of KyurenOh in its default combination and right arm and right/left leg in its alternate combinations.
As either an arm or leg, KyurenOh can use Chameleon Voyager's tongue as a grappling wire to snag or trip the opponent. When its used as an arm, the wire can also be used a form of whip. Although the wire can be cut, it seems to be repairable.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 1-3, Transformation Lessons ~Let's Star Change Together!~ (Ookami Blue & Oushi Black (offscreen)), Kyuranger 4-7, Chou Super Hero Taisen, Kyuranger 8-10, 12-13, 15-21, The Geth Indaver's Counterattack, Kyuranger 23, 25-26, 28 (2x), 31, 33-34, High School Wars 4th Period, Episode of Stinger, Kyuranger 36, 38, 40-42, 44-46, 48
Kajiki Voyager[]
Kajiki Voyager (カジキボイジャー Kajiki Boijā) is Kajiki Yellow's Voyager, a Kajiki System space submarine which uses its razor sharp bill to slash through Jark Matter Starfighters. The bill can also fire a laser beam from its tip. Forms the right arm of KyurenOh in its default combination and left arm and right/left leg in its alternate combinations.
As an arm, Kaijiki Voyager acts as KyurenOh's sword. If Kajiki Voyager were to become a leg, it might be able to pierce through the opponent's bottom limbs.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 1-6, Chou Super Hero Taisen, Kyuranger 8-13, 15-16, 19-21, The Geth Indaver's Counterattack, Kyuranger 23, 25-26, 29-31, 33-34, High School Wars 4th Period, Episode of Stinger, Kyuranger 36-37, 38 (offscreen), 39-42, 44-48
Additional Formations[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,07,09 Kyūren'ō):
- The first combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm and Chameleon Voyager as the left arm. This combination has no legs at all. It was briefly used in the first episode before the Ookami and Oushi Voyagers completed the combination.
- This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 1.
- The second combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm and Chameleon Voyager as the right leg. This combination doesn't have a left arm or a left leg. It was briefly seen in Episode of Stinger when the Oushi and Sasori Voyagers separated from the combination.
- This combination is exclusive to Episode of Stinger.
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*04*05*06 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*04*05*06 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,04,05,06キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,04,05,06 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Hebitsukai Voyager as the right arm, Tenbin Voyager as the left arm, Oushi Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
In this combination, KyurenOh can use Tenbin Voyager's disks as either shields or buzz saws or launch Hebitsukai Voyager's snake head on an extendable neck to bite/grasp an opponent and lift them into the sky.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Trick Break (キュウレンオートリックブレイク Kyūren'ō Torikku Bureiku) where it performs a yo-yo attack with the Tenbin Voyager's disk.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 2.
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*06*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*06*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,06,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,06,07,09 Kyūren'ō):
- The first combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
- This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 3.
- The second combination of Kyutama Gattai 01*03*06*07*09 KyurenOh features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg. Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break where the blade of Kajiki Voyager gathers energy from the Kyutama and delivers three slashes accompanied by a barrage of flaming meteors.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 3, 23
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*05*08*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*05*08*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,05,08,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,05,08,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Oushi Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
In this combination, KyurenOh can use Washi Voyager's wings as blades.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break where the blade of Kajiki Voyager manifests an energy arrow while Washi Voyager's wings serve as a bow to shoot it at the opponent.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 4.
Kyutama Gattai 01*04*06*08*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*05*08*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,05,08,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,05,08,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the right leg and Tenbin Voyager as the left leg.
In this combination, KyurenOh can slash an opponent with Kajiki Voyager's blade and Washi Voyager's wings as well as perform a flip kick with Hebitsukai and Tenbin Voyager.
This combination has three finishers:
- KyurenOh Meteor Break: KyurenOh jumps into the sky and launches Hebitsukai Voyager's snake head and Tenbin Voyager's disks to simultaneously bite and buzzsaw the opponent.
- KyurenOh Star Break: The blade of Kajiki Voyager gathers energy from the Kyutama creating a long energy blade and slashes the opponent.
- KyurenOh All-Star Break (キュウレンオーオールスターブレイク Kyūren'ō Ōru Sutā Bureiku): The blade of Kajiki Voyager manifests an energy arrow while Washi Voyager's wings serve as a bow to shoot it at the opponent.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 5, Chou Super Hero Taisen
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*05*07 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*05*07 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,03,05,07キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,03,05,07 Kyūren'ō):
- The first combination features Sasori Voyager as the right arm, Oushi Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg. In this combination, KyurenOh can deliver powerful energy blasts from the Sasori and Oushi Voyagers. This is the first configuration to use the KyurenOh Super Meteor Break (キュウレンオースーパーメテオブレイク Kyūren'ō Sūpā Meteo Bureiku) finisher, where the other four Voyagers join in and all nine fire a barrage of energy beams capable of destroying a Jark Matter satellite several times larger than KyurenOh.
- This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 5.
- The second combination of Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*05*07 KyurenOh features Sasori Voyager as the right arm, Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, Ookami Voyager as the right leg and Oushi Voyager as the left leg.
- This combination is exclusive to Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
- This combination is exclusive to Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*04*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*04*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,04,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,04,07,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Tenbin Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
In this combination, KyurenOh can enhance its power with the power of the Pegasus Kyutama.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Pegasus Break (キュウレンオーペガサスブレイク Kyūren'ō Pegasasu Bureiku) where KyurenOh manifests a pair of energy wings which it uses in a spinning slash to finish off the opponent.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 6.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*06*07 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*06*07 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,04,06,07キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,04,06,07 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Sasori Voyager as the right arm, Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the right leg and Tenbin Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is unknown as Tenbin and Hebitsukai seperated from the main combination to finish off Toome with their Happy Splash double beam attack.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 7.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*06*08 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*06*08 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,04,06,08キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,04,06,08 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Sasori Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the right leg and Tenbin Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break where KyurenOh delivers a powerful blast attack alongside another KyurenOh (01*03*05*07*09).
This combination is exclusive to Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*07*08 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*07*08 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,03,07,08キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,03,07,08 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Sasori Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
This combination uses two variations of the KyurenOh Meteor Break as its finisher. The first generates a swirling energy blade from Washi Voyager which is then propelled towards the opponent by Sasori Voyager's beam cannon. The second is a quintuple energy blast from all five Kyutama.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 8.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*07*08*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*07*08*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,07,08,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,07,08,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Sasori Voyager as the left leg.
The finisher for this combination is the Dragon Meteor Break (ドラゴンメテオブレイク Doragon Meteo Bureiku), performed in conjunction with Ryu Voyager where KyurenOh fires is energy arrow alongside Ryu Voyager's fire ball.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 9.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*05*11 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*05*11 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,03,05,11キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,03,05,11 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kuma Voyager as the right arm, Sasori Voyager as the left arm, Oushi Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 12, 34, 42
Kyutama Gattai 01*06*07*08*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*06*07*08*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,06,07,08,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,06,07,08,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Hebitsukai Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break, where the blades of Washi Voyager and Kajiki Voyager gathers energy from the Kyutamas and Washi Voyager swings a large ball of energy, then Kajiki voyager stabs it, releasing a piercing energy spear at the opponent. An alternate version can be done where the blades of Washi Voyager form a slash attack and the Kajiki Voyager launches the slash at the opponent.
Appearances: Kyuranger Episodes 15-16
Kyutama Gattai 01*04*06*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*04*06*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,04,06,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,04,06,07,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Chameleon Voyager as the left arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the right leg and Tenbin Voyager as the left leg.
In this combination, KyurenOh uses the power of Taiyou Shishi Red and performs the Solar Lunar Total Eclipse (タイヨウツキニッショク Taiyō Tsuki Nisshoku) double kick attack with the Hebitsukai and Tenbin Voyagers.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break where KyurenOh gives a powerful blast attack from the Chameleon and Kajiki Kyutamas.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 19.
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*07*08*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*07*08*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,07,08,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,07,08,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break where the blades of Washi Voyager and Kajiki Voyager gathers energy from the Kyutamas and Washi Voyager swings a large ball of energy, then Kajiki Voyager stabs it, releasing a piercing energy spear at the opponent.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 23.
This combination makes up the standard color combination (Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Green).
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*06*07*08*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*06*07*08*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,06,07,08,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,06,07,08,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg, Ookami Voyager as the left leg, and Washi Voyager as the wings.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 23
The colors for this combination is the same as the colors for the Gokaigers (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink, and Silver).
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*05 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*05 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,05キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,05 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Oushi Voyager as the right arm and Ookami Voyager as the left arm.
This combination is exclusive to Uchu Sentai Kyuranger The Movie: The Geth Indaver's Counterattack.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*03*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,03,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,03,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Ookami Voyager as the left arm, Sasori Voyager as the right leg and Kajiki Voyager as the left leg.
This combination is exclusive to Uchu Sentai Kyuranger The Movie: The Geth Indaver's Counterattack.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*05*07 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*05*07 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,04,05,07キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,04,05,07 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Chameleon Voyager as the right arm, Tenbin Voyager as the left arm, Sasori Voyager as the right leg and Oushi Voyager as the left leg.
This combination is exclusive to Uchu Sentai Kyuranger The Movie: The Geth Indaver's Counterattack.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*07*09*11 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*07*09*11 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,07,09,11キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,07,09,11 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Kuma Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Sasori Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the Triple Meteor Break (トリプルメテオブレイク Toripuru Meteo Bureiku): KyurenOh delivers a powerful blast attack alongside 03*05*10 RyuTeiOh, Gigant Houou, Tenbin Voyager and Washi Voyager.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 26.
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*03*07*07 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*03*03*07*07 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,03,03,07,07キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,03,03,07,07 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Chameleon Voyager as the right arm, Ookami Voyager as the left arm, another Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and another Ookami Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Twin Break (キュウレンオーツインブレイク Kyūren'ō Tsuin Bureiku): The Arm Voyagers gather energy from the Ookami and Chameleon Kyutamas and deliver a powerful blast attack.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 28.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*05*08*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*05*08*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,05,08,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,05,08,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Washi Voyager as the left arm, Oushi Voyager as the right leg and Sasori Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break where KyurenOh gathers energy from the Kyutamas to send an energy blast then an arrow to finish off the enemy.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 30.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*05*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*05*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,05,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,05,07,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Oushi Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Sasori Voyager as the left leg.
Appearances: High School Wars 4th Period, Episode of Stinger
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,07,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Sasori Voyager as the left leg.
This combination doesn't have a left arm. It was briefly seen in Episode of Stinger when the Oushi Voyager separated from the combination.
This combination is exclusive to Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger.
Kyutama Gattai 01*06*07*09*11 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*06*07*09*11 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,06,07,09,11キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,06,07,09,11 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Kuma Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Hebitsukai Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the KyurenOh Meteor Break where the blade of Kajiki Voyager gathers energy from the Kyutama and delivers a powerful energy rainbow slash at the enemy.
This combination is exclusive to Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger
Kyutama Gattai 04*06*09*11*77 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 04*06*09*11*77 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体04,06,09,11,7キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 04,06,09,11,77 Kyūren'ō):. This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Kuma Voyager as the left arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the right leg and Tenbin Voyager as the left leg. It also has the Kojishi Kyutama replace the Shishi Kyutama.
This form was briefly seen when the Kojishi Voyager released itself from KyurenOh to attack Kukuruga.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episodes 37.
Kyutama Gattai 01*04*05*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*04*05*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,04,05,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,04,05,07,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Oushi Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Tenbin Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the Triple Meteor Break where KyurenOh delivers a powerful blast attack alongside 02*10*11 RyuTeiOh and Gigant Houou.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 42.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*05*06 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*04*05*06 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,04,05,06キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,04,05,06 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Sasori Voyager as the right arm, Oushi Voyager as the left arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the right leg and Tenbin Voyager as the left leg.
This combination is exclusive to Kyuranger Episode 45.
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*06*07*09 KyurenOh[]
Kyutama Gattai 01*02*06*07*09 KyurenOh (キュータマ合体01,02,06,07,09キュウレンオー Kyūtama Gattai 01,02,06,07,09 Kyūren'ō): This combination features Kajiki Voyager as the right arm, Hebitsukai Voyager as the left arm, Chameleon Voyager as the right leg and Sasori Voyager as the left leg.
Its finisher is the Ame Talk Break where KyurenOh draws an Ame Talk style rainbow before delivering a powerful slash.
This combination is exclusive to the Ame Talk talk show.
Behind the Scenes[]
to be added
to be added
to be added
- Washi and Kuma are the only voyagers to not become a leg part for any KyurenOh's formations throughout the show.
- With eight Voyagers who can have four different positions on the Mecha, the total number of possible combinations is 1680.
- With the inclusion of the Kuma Voyager, the amount of possible combinations increases to 3024.
- With the revelation that Washi Voyager can be utilized as wings, the number of potential combinations becomes roughly 4,704.
- With the inclusion of the Kojishi Voyager, the total combinations is about 7,728, since Washi cannot be used as wings while Kojishi is joined.
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
- Space.1: The Super Stars of Space
- Space.2: Let's Go! Phantom Thief BN Team!
- Space.3: The Man from the Desert Star
- Transformation Lessons ~Let's Star Change Together!~ "Ookami Blue & Oushi Black Chapter" (Chameleon Voyager only, offscreen)
- Space.4: Dreamy Android
- Space.5: 9 Ultimate Saviors
- Space.6: Flap! Dancing Star
- Space.7: Take Back the Birthday!
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
- Space.8: Secret of Commander Shou Ronpo
- Space.9: Burn! Dragon Master
- Space.10: A Small Giant, Big Star!
- Space.11: Three Kyutama to Save The Universe (Shishi, Sasori, Oushi and Kajiki Voyagers only)
- Space.12: 11 Ultimate All-Stars
- Space.13: Stinger's Challenge To His Brother!
- Space.14: Exciting! Space Dragon Palace Castle! (Tenbin and Hebitsukai Voyagers only)
- Space.15: Savior of the Water Planet Vela
- Space.16: Stinger's Reunion with His Brother
- Space.17: Lighting the Dome of Darkness! (Ookami, Tenbin and Chameleon Voyagers only)
- Space.18: Emergency Dispatch! Space Hero! (Shishi, Ookami, Hebitsukai and Chameleon Voyagers only)
- Space.19: The Elf of Forest Planet Keel
- Space.20: Stinger VS Scorpio (Shishi, Tenbin, Hebitsukai, Chameleon, and Kajiki Voyagers only)
- Space.21: Farewell Scorpio! The Day The Argo Revives! (Chameleon and Kajiki Voyagers only)
- Uchu Sentai Kyuranger The Movie: The Geth Indaver's Counterattack
- Space.23: Become My Shield!
- Space.24: I Will Be A Shield to Fight! (Shishi Voyager only)
- Transformation Lessons ~Let's Star Change Together!~ "Special Episode" (archive footage only)
- Space.25: Planet Toki, the Boy's Determination!
- Space.26: Warrior of Darkness, Hebitsukai Metal
- Space.27: Indaver Panic Within the Orion!? (flashbacks only)
- Space.28: BN Thieves, Breakup...
- Space.29: Orion, The Strongest Warrior (Shishi, Washi, and Kajiki Voyagers only)
- Space.30: All Right! The Miraculous Kyutama
- Space.31: Naga's Great Recapture Strategy! (Shishi, Tenbin, Hebitsukai, Chameleon, and Kajiki Voyagers only)
- Space.32: Orion, Forever (Shishi Voyager only)
- Space.33: Launch! Battle Orion Ship
- Space.34: Mysterious Masked Warrior, Appears
- From Episode of Stinger, Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: High School Wars "4th Period: P.E."
- Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger
- Space.36: The Legend That Sleeps in Lucky's Homeworld
- Space.37: Lucky, Seen Again With His Father
- Space.38: Flaming Spheres! The 9 Crisis Strike! (Ookami, Hebitsukai, Chameleon, Washi and Kajiki (offscreen) Voyagers only)
- Space.39: The Great Adventure of Perseus
- Space.40: Opening Event! Deathball of Hell
- Space.41: Rushing! Planet Southern Cross
- Space.42: My Father? The Universe? Lucky's Resolution
- Space.43: Lucky’s Promise on the Holy Night (Shishi Voyager only)
- Space.44: Don Armage's Identity
- Space.45: Tsurugi's Life and Earth's Crisis
- Space.46: Between Hope and Despair
- Space.47: The Saviors' Promise (Kajiki Voyager only)
- Space.Final: Echo in the Universe! Alright, Lucky
- Uchu Sentai Kyuranger vs. Space Squad (Shishi and Oushi Voyagers only)
See Also[]
- Cosmic Fury Megazord - Power Rangers counterpart in Cosmic Fury. See comparison page.