Icon-dekaranger This article is about a/an monster in Power Rangers S.P.D.

"A massive meteor is coming toward Earth but is expected to miss it by a million miles. With this controller I can change its trajectory and it will hit Newtech City. Of course, you and I will evacuate before impact."
―Kraw as Professor Cerebros to Broodwing[src]

"You are charged with identity theft and endangering the public at large."
―Kraw's final verdict delivered by Sky[src]

Kraw is a squid-like wanted criminal who came to Earth and disguised himself as the world famous scientist Professor Cerebros.


As Cerebros, he works for Broodwing and is responsible for bringing the Dino Thunder Rangers: Conner McKnight, the Red Dino Ranger, Ethan James, the Blue Dino Ranger and Kira Ford, the Yellow Dino Ranger from the past. He is also responsible for redirecting the trajectory of a meteor to hit the Earth. His true identity is found out by Bridge when he uses his psychic power to scan him. Kraw is brought in by the B-Squad Rangers using S.W.A.T. Mode.


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Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Identity theft
  • Multiple assaults
  • Terrorism
  • Verdict: Guilty of all charges

Behind the Scenes[]



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  • Although not outright stated, it is implied that he killed Professor Cerebros. This is supported by the fact that his false identity would have been immediately revealed had the real Professor ever resurfaced.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers S.P.D. Icon-dekaranger
B-Squad: Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew
Sam - Officer Tate - Doggie Cruger - Kat Manx - Nova Ranger
Delta Morphers - Patrol Morpher - Omega Morpher - Kat Morpher - Nova Morpher - Magna Morpher - Deltamax Strikers - Canine Cannon - Delta Blasters - Shadow Saber - S.P.D. Battlizer - Delta Enforcers - Delta Cruiser - Delta Patrol Cycles - Delta ATV - Uniforce Cycle - S.W.A.T. Truck
Piggy - Isinia Cruger - Dino Rangers - T-Top
S.P.D.: Supreme Commander Fowler Birdie - Sergeant Silverback - Boom - R.I.C.
Zords and Megazords
Delta Runner 1 - Delta Runner 2 - Delta Runner 3 - Delta Runner 4 - Delta Runner 5 - Omegamax Cycle - Delta Base - S.W.A.T. Flyer 1 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 2 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 3 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 4 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 5
Delta Squad Megazord - Omegamax Megazord - Delta Max Megazord - Delta Command Megazord - S.W.A.T. Megazord
Troobian Empire
Emperor Gruumm - Mora/Morgana - Broodwing - Krybots - Blue-Head Krybots - Orange-Head Krybots
A-Squad Rangers
Charlie - Blue - Green - Yellow - Pink
Other Villains: Zeltrax - Tyrannodrones
Praxis - Ringbah - Parsnippity - Scaleface - Rhinix - Hydrax - Bugglesworth - Giganis - Sinuku - Debugger - General Benaag - Drakel - General Valko - Tomars - Wootox - Katana - Invador - Changtor - Green Eyes - Shorty - Devastation - Mysticon - Al - Slate - Mirloc - Stench - Thresher - Gineka - Chiaggo - Delapoo - Blobgoblin - One Eye - Silverhead - Professor Mooney - Bork - Herock - Dragoul - Kraw - Icthior - Spotty-Eyed Monster - Green Monster - Vine Monster - Delex - Roswell - Crabhead - Spiketor - Lazor - Cricket Monster - Jackal Monster - Demon Monster - Heater Monster - Jail Bird Monster - Tentacle Monster
Troobian Empire Robots
Mega Drill - Ringbah's Robot - Sinuku's Ninja Robot - Marato - Robot of Destruction - Gigabot - A-Squad's Megazord