Icon-hurricanegerThis article is about a foot soldier in Power Rangers Ninja Storm.

A red, upgraded version of Kelzaks were the Kelzak Furies, created by Beevil, Marah's friend by having the colors reversed. They were three times stronger than the regular Kelzaks. Somehow, they survived after Beevil's destruction, having been used again, during the finale, for Lothor's big plan. Like regular Kelzaks, their fate is unknown.


The Kelzak Furies came into being when Marah's friend Beevil uses her red breath on the regular Kelzaks, changing their suits from black to red and making them more powerful than the originals.

During Beevil's second encounter with the Rangers, she summons the Kelzak Furies to battle them. The Rangers weapons had no effect on the Kelzak Furies and the Rangers took a beating from them until the Kelzak Furies were blasted by Marah who unexpectedly helped the Rangers.

However, after Marah's ruse was exposed and betrayed Dustin's trust, ordered the Kelzak Furies to continue the battle against the Rangers who are still overwhelmed by the powerful Kelzaks, Cyber Cam upgrade the Ninja Swords to Gold Mode to even up the odds against the Kelzak Furies and defeated them. Tvicon TV STORY-All About Beevil

As part of Zurgane's plan, the Kelzak Furies returned and disguise themselves as some civilians doing a rock climbing stunt that went wrong by luring the Rangers into a trap. Zurgane put his plan into action undoing the Kelzak Furies' disguises and ordered them to attack the Rangers.

After some difficulty with the Kelzak Furies, the Rangers morphed and the Wind Power Rangers once again activated Ninja Sword Gold Mode to finish them off. Shane later activates his Battlizer and eliminate the remaining Kelzak Furies. Tvicon TV STORY-General Deception

In their final appearance, the Kelzak Furies are summoned by Marah and Kapri to deal with Hunter and Cam while fighting alongside with the original Kelzaks.

While Cam and Hunter are dealing with the Kelzak Furies, the original Kelzaks are being dealt with by three unknown civilians coming to the two Rangers' rescue even though the trio have no idea what they are doing and who are they up against but they claim that they wanted to help, much to Hunter and Cam's concern for their safety and wanted the trio to stay out of Hunter and Cam's way.

After Marah and Kapri found and scan the exact spot where the Abyss of Evil is at, they teleported back to Lothor's ship along with the Kelzak Furies and the original Kelzaks. Tvicon TV STORY-Storm Before the Calm


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Powers and Abilities[]


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Behind the Scenes[]


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  • The Kelzak Furies are repainted versions of some Kelzak suits.
  • They are also PR exclusive and don't appear in Hurricanger.


See Also[]

  • Kelzaks - Predecessors of the Kelzak Furies



Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Storm Icon-hurricaneger
Wind Rangers: Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks
Thunder Rangers: Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley
Samurai Ranger: Cameron Watanabe
Wind Rangers: Wind Morphers - Lightning Morpher - Ninja Swords - Hawk Blaster - Lion Hammer - Sonic Fin - Storm Striker - Ninja Gliders - Tsunami Cycles - Tri-Battlized Armor
Thunder Rangers: Thunder Morphers - Thunder Staves - Crimson Blaster - Navy Antler - Thunder Blaster - Thunder Blade - Tsunami Cycles - Ninja Glider Cycle
Samurai Ranger: Samurai Cyclone Morpher - Samurai Saber - Super Samurai Mode - Lightning Riff Blaster - Dragonforce Vehicle
Power Discs - Thunderstorm Cannon - Mobile Command Center
Sensei Kanoi Watanabe - Kelly Halloway - Miko Watanabe - Cyber Cam - Dino Rangers
Zords and Megazords
Wind Rangers: Hawkzord - Lionzord - Dolphinzord - Storm Megazord
Thunder Rangers: Crimson Insectizord - Navy Beetlezord - Thunder Megazord
Samurai Ranger: Samurai Star Chopper / Samurai Star Megazord - Mammothzord
Power Spheres
Thunderstorm Megazord - Samurai Storm Megazord - Samurai Thunder Megazord - Thunderstorm Ultrazord - Hurricane Megazord - Hurricane Ultrazord
Evil Space Ninjas
Lothor - Marah - Kapri - Zurgane - Choobo - Motodrone - Vexacus - Shimazu - Kelzaks - Kelzak Furies
Blue Face - Mad Magnet - Copybot - Terramole - Amphibidor - Florabundacus - Snipster - Toxipod - Super Toxipod - Bopp-A-Roo - General Trayf - Madtropolis - Hiphopper - Sky Scrapper - Sucker - Starvark - Tentacreep - Magic Moustache - Fragra - Mr. Ratwell - DJ Drummond - Beevil - Footzilla - Slob Goblin - Morty Board - Wolfblades - Goldwinger - Bald Loser - Inflatron - Eyezak - Condortron - Catonia - Loong Ago
Zords: Zurganezord - Zurganezord II - Zurganezord III - Hyper Zurganezord - Kaprizord - Marahzord - Shimazuzord - Lothorzord