Icon-boukengerThis article is about a minor ally in GoGo Sentai Boukenger.

Kazuko Karamonoya is a minor ally in Go Go Sentai Boukenger


Natsuki returns to Kazuko's store

Natsuki asks Kazuko regarding Nani Uemono dolls

Kazuko Karamonoya first met the Boukengers when Dark Shadow tried to obtain dolls (which she possessed) what were thought to be preciouses by SGS. Shizuka of the Wind impersonated Bouken Blue in an attempt to get it from her, as SGS had come to her before although she had refused. Now she had changed her mind and after the real Boukengers came the impersonation was up and Shizuka tried to fight the Boukengers for it. Soon after Yaiba of Darkness told he would fight Bouken Black for it. Through this fight Natsuki, Bouken Yellow formed a bond with her as she explained how the dolls gave her comfort during tough situations when she was a child. Since Natsuki didn't know much of her past before the Boukengers. Even looking at Natsuki's bracelet and realizing it looked familiar. After Bouken Black won they took the dolls and soon a conflict began whether to burn them since they weren't preciouses' but had a piece of a map. It truly wasn't burned by Bouken Red but Natsuki and Blue believed it so as they went to apologize to Kazuko and the fact she wanted to tell Natsuki about what she knew of her forgotten past. Soon though she went berserk due to the fact her doll was burned but it was because of Gaja's brainwashing. Later she thanks the Boukengers and tells Natsuki that her bracelet is somehow the key.


Kazuko is a kind woman who is empathetic towards Natsuki giving her a connection to her dolls. She isn't violent and only attacked Natsuki due to brainwashing, even being okay if the dolls were destroyed. They soon became friends with her too, as they bonded and through their common personality and the fact Kazuko knew something about Natsuki's past.

Icon-boukenger GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Satoru Akashi - Masumi Inou - Souta Mogami - Natsuki Mamiya - Sakura Nishihori - Eiji Takaoka
Extra Heroes: Great Sword Man Zubaan
Accellular - GoGo Changer - Survi-Buster - Scope Shot - Bouken Bo - Radial Hammer - Blow Knuckle - Bucket Scoopers - Hydro Shooter - Sagasniper - Accel Tector - Dual Crusher
Mister Voice - Morio Makino - Kyoko - Shirou Masaki - Phantom Thief Selene - Ragi - Magi - Kei - Karato Takaoka - Yuji Toba - Kouichi Akashi - Kurolinda - Professor Hanzou Igarashi - Kousuke Shimada - Taro - Miyu - Eve - Gekirangers - Gokaigers
30th logo
AkaRed - Nanami Nono - Asuka - Tekkan Aira - Tsubasa Ozu - Hikaru
Mecha and Robos
GoGo Dump - GoGo Formula - GoGo Gyro - GoGo Dozer - GoGo Marine - GoGo Fire - GoGo Aider - GoGo Police
GoGo Drill - GoGo Shovel - GoGo Mixer - GoGo Crane - GoGo Jet
GoGo Commander - GoGo Carrier - GoGo Fighter - GoGo Attacker - GoGo Roader
Giant Robos:
DaiBouken - DaiTanken - SirenBuilder - DaiVoyager
Negative Syndicates
Gordom Civilization
Arch Priest Gajah - Karths - Giant God Gordom - Giant God Gagadom
Gordom Minions: Mogari - Modified Mythical Beast Gordorum - Desperado
Jaryuu Clan
Creator King Ryuuwon - Dragonoid Soldier Jaryuu
Great Evil Dragons: Great Evil Dragon Dold - Great Evil Dragon Zard - Great Evil Dragon Girad - Great Evil Dragon Zorad - Evil Mechanic Dragon Grand
Wicked Dragons: Dryken - Lindom - Naga - Ragi - Talong - Dembey - Dagargin
Dark Shadow
Gekkou of Illusions - Shizuka of the Wind - Yaiba of Darkness
Tsukumogami: Jougami - Takumigami - Kawazugami - Kanadegami - Nendogami - Zukangami - Akutagami - Shirubegami - Mamorigami
Ashu Tribe
Furious Demon God Gai - Grand Beast Rei - Hyouga - Ouga
Quester Robos: Quester Robo Turbo - Quester Robo Elite - Quester Robo Cannon - Quester Robo Blaze - Quester Robo Radial - Homunculus Quester Jet Over
Precious Creatures
Madness Weather - Vril - Prince - Hyde Gene - Lemurian Mythical Beast - Golem - Prometheus' Stone - Ultimate Artificial Lifeform Homunculus
Other Villains

Time Demon God Chronos - Cosmic Kenpo Master Pachacamac XII
