Icon-akibarangerThis article is about a monster in Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger.

"That's really playing dirty!"
―Kabukichomesugurohyomoncho's final words before his death[src]

Kabukichomesugurohyomoncho (歌舞伎町メスグロヒョウモンチョウ Kabukichōmesugurohyomoncho) is a "manager" whose intent is to transform Akihabara into a hostess entertainment district.


In his human form he tries to persuade young women to join his cause. However, when they refuse, he sends Shatieeks to kidnap them. With a snap of his finger, he transforms with glittering light into his butterfly-like monster form.


He is an extremely aggressive male monster with a penchant for subduing men as well. His tendency towards "doujin", which drives him to harass Akiba Red, completely distracts Akiba Yellow who finds male-subjugation stories riveting. He is defeated when Akiba Blue buried him with the Bouken Shovel and with Nobuo and Yumeria already sobered up, they finished him with their Moe Magnum. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 3: Pain Touch! Drunken Hero Adventure!! He is later revived and he fought the Akibarangers once again. After making Yumeria return to her original form, Masako Yamada took up her MMZ-01 and transformed into Akiba Yellow to fight him. He is left to his doom by a jealous ©Na and is defeated with Mega Moe Fire. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 5: Our Pain ☆ Yellow Mama

Powers and Abilities[]


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Behind the Scenes[]


  • Kabukichomesugurohyomoncho's human form is portrayed by Shin Koyanagi (小柳 心 Koyanagi Shin).


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  • Kabukichomesugurohyomoncho is named after Kabukicho, which is an entertainment district in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan and the Argynnis Sagana butterfly.


  • He is described by Akiba Yellow to have a "Green River Light" voice. It is the literal English translation of his voice actor Hikaru Midorikawa's name. [1]




Icon-akibaranger Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger & Akibaranger Season Tsuu Icon-akibaranger2
Nobuo Akagi - Mitsuki Aoyagi - Luna Iwashimizu - Yumeria Moegi
Temporary Akibaranger - Masako Yamada - Takuma Tsuzuki
Imaginary Legends
Deka Red - Bouken Red - Red Hawk - Go-On Red - Shinken Red - Gosei Red - RyuRanger/China Red - Kibaranger/Akiba White - TyrannoRanger/Red Powerful Ranger - DragonRanger/Green Powerful Ranger - Hurricangers - Jetmen - Zyurangers - Dekarangers - Boukengers - Dairangers - Yellow 4 - Time Fire - AbareKiller
Season 1:

MMZ-01 Moe Moe Z-Cune - Deka Wappa - Bouken Scooper - Jet Winger - Ludicrous Cannon - Go-On Flag - Shinken Brush - Gosei Microphone

Season Tsuu: Dairen Bomber - Zyuren Buckler - Hurricanger Ball - Ludicrous Bazooka - MMZ-02 Munyu Munyu Zubaan - Ludicrous Cannon Bazooka
Hiroyo Hakase - Kozukozu Mita - Sayaka Honiden - Aoi Ichikawa - Tazuko - Seiji Takaiwa - Kazuo Niibori - Yoshinori Okamoto
Mecha and Robos
Machine Itasha - Itasha Boy
Main Villains
Saburo Hatte - ©Na - Delu-Knight - Droans
Blatantly Evil Marketing Firm B
Doctor Z
Chief Clerks
Shibuyaseitakaawadachisohidenagaaburamushi - Shibuyakozorinahigenagaaburamushi - Kabukichomesugurohyomoncho - Monzennakachohashibiroko - Shimokitazawahoya - Yoyogisujibokehashirigumo - Tsukishimaalpaca - Asakusaalpaca - Drill Cyclops - Kameari Alpaca
Neo Dimensional Brain Reconstructive Underground True Empire of Baros lol
Tsu Shogun - Oneeders
Chief Clerk Blu-Ray - Chief Editor HVD - Smapho Monger - Kunimasmaphogany - Yuru-Chara Dimension - Hadezukin - Mutoumushite - Coelacanth Canth
Other Villains
Prism Ace
Imaginary Sentai Villains
Phantom Spy Vanculia - Long - Yaiba of Darkness