Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a/an Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Super Charge.

"It's me, I'm your dad."
―James Navarro revealing himself to his son[src]

James Navarro is a geologist and the father of Tyler Navarro. After he found the Aqua Energem 10 years ago, he was forced to hide and leave his eight-year-old son for the sake of protecting him. He resurfaces 10 years later as the Dino Charge Aqua Ranger of the Dino Charge Rangers.



Ten years prior to the events of the series, James was exploring a branch of caves with his friend Rusty. When a cave-in started to happen, James pushed Rusty out of the way, saving his life. However, James was trapped under the rock. Luckily, James then spotted the Aqua Energem and grabbed it, bonding to it. Fury then showed up in the cave, demanding for the Energem. Days later, James got out of the cave, but Fury was still attempting to attack him. Realizing the potential danger his family could be put in, James pretended to be trapped in the cave and decided to hide with Rusty, his only confidant. Tvicon TV STORY-Forged Under Fire

His son, Tyler, made it his mission to find him, originally believing he had been trapped in Fury's body. Tvicon TV STORY-Break Out

Later on, Tyler sees a glimpse of his father, who runs away after being spotted, but it is likely due to the machinations of Wish Star, a monster with the power to grant wishes and turn them against the wisher. Tvicon TV STORY-Wishing For a Hero

After James had Rusty write a letter to Tyler to check up on him, Rusty noticed Tyler's Energem and told James about it. Realizing he didn't have to hide anymore, he came to Tyler's aid by fighting Ninja and freeing him from the control of the corrupted T-Rex Super Charger. Tvicon TV STORY-Roar of the Red Ranger

After spending lost time with Tyler and planning new adventures for the both of them, Tyler's Energem got cracked in a battle. In order to fix the Energem, both Tyler and James headed into the Sampson Caves to use the lava to mend the Energem. When they realized they needed more pressure to fix the Energem, Tyler suggested that he should use his Dino Armor X power to dig deeper, but James objected that the pressure and the heat would probably kill him. However, Tyler told him that they had the world to think about and used the Dino Armor X Charger anyway. After the battle with Singe, James spoke with Keeper and James decided to leave the base and use his geology skills to find the Silver Energem but not before he takes a photo with his son. Tvicon TV STORY-Forged Under Fire

In October of 2016, he and Prince Phillip III were called in by Kendall Morgan to save the other Rangers from the rigged Halloween Intergalactic Court by Scumlaw.


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Dino Charge Aqua Ranger[]


Dino Charge Aqua Ranger

"Ankylo Charger Engage!"
―Transformation announcement via Dino Charge Morpher[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DSC Episodes 5, 6, 10, 18-22


Dino Charge Aqua Ranger in Dino Drive

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DSC Episodes 5, 10, 19, 22


Dino Charge Aqua Ranger in Dino Super Drive

"Dino Super Drive Charger, Engage!"
―Transformation announcement via Dino Super Drive Saber[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DSC Episodes 5, 10, 18-20, 22







Villain Groups[]

Sledge's Crew[]
Lord Arcanon's Crew[]


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Behind the Scenes[]


  • James Navarro is portrayed by Reuben Turner who was 28 at the time of the shoot, just 4 years older than Brennan Mejia who portrays his on-screen son. As the Aqua Ranger, his suit actors are Jiro Okamoto (岡元 次郎 Okamoto Jirō) and Keizo Yabe (矢部 敬三 Yabe Keizō).
  • Before Dino Super Charge's production, Robert Baldwin (who portrayed Ramirez in Kyoryuger) stated that he would be interested in playing his counterpart in the show. However, the role was given to Reuben Turner instead. [1]


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  • The first casting sheet revealed that Kaylee was supposed to be the Aqua Ranger.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Icon-kyoryuger
Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Koda - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - James Navarro - Prince Phillip III - Kendall Morgan - Zenowing
Energems - Dino Charge Morpher - Gold Ptera Morpher - T-Rex Super Charge Morpher - Titano Charge Morpher - Dino Com - Dino Saber - Dino Blade Blaster - Dino Chargers - T-Rex Smasher - Para Chopper - Stego Shield - Raptor Claw - Tricera Drill - Dino Spike - T-Rex Chopper - Triple Spike - Gold Ptera Saber - Royal Dino Punch - Dino Steel - Dino Armor X - Dino Super Drive Saber - Dino Cycle
Keeper - Albert Smith - Heckyl
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Zord - Para Zord - Stego Zord - Raptor Zord - Tricera Zord - Ptera Zord - Ankylo Zord - Pachy Zord - Plesio Zord - Titano Zord - Spino Zord
Toy-Exclusive Zords
Deinosuchus Zord - Oviraptor Zord - Ammonite Zord - Archelon Zord
Dino Charge Megazord - Ptera Charge Megazord - Plesio Charge Megazord - Titano Charge Megazord - Dino Charge Ultrazord - Spino Charge Megazord
Sledge & Snide's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Wrench - Poisandra - Fury - Curio - Vivix - Vivizords - Spikeballs
Lord Arcanon's Crew
Lord Arcanon - Singe - Doomwing
Iceage - Scrapper - Slammer - Spellbinder - Cavity - Stingrage - Duplicon - Puzzler - Bones - Smokescreen - Gold Digger - G-BO - Memorella - Shearfear - Meteor - Wish Star - Greenzilla
Cloaked Alien - Nightmare - Ninja - Hunter - Game Face - Spell Digger - Half-Bake - Hookbeard - Beauticruel - Scumlaw - Leisure - Loafer - Fortress - Screech - Conductro - Professor Strickler - Badussa - Heximas
Blue Rangers
Billy CranstonCestroRocky DeSantosJustin StewartT.J. JohnsonKai ChenChad LeeLucas KendallMax CooperTori HansonEthan JamesSchuyler TateBridge CarsonMadison RoccaDax LoTheo MartinFlynn McAllistairKevinNoah CarverKodaPreston TienRavi ShawOllie Akana
Billy Cranston (1995 movie)Billy Cranston (World of the Coinless)SergeCenozoic Blue RangerBilly Cranston (2017 movie)Eddie BanksLina SongNikolai ChukarinChun-LiBlue Emissary
Secondary Rangers
NinjorAuric the ConquerorBlue SenturionBlake BradleyJungle Fury Shark RangerJames NavarroHeckylKiya KyatylYale of Saard
Billy PuttyPuttyBobbyWilliamBilly CloneStanford WinnerBlue Shadow RangerRobo JustinBlue CreepPsycho BlueBlue Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force BlueShark Shadow RangerEvil BlakeA-Squad BlueEvil Blue Mystic RangerEvil Blue Overdrive RangerCenozoic era Blue RangerRobo Blue Space Ranger
Blue Battalion RangerBlue Blitz RangerBlue Prism RangerBlue Lightning RangerBruteOrisonth
Power Sets
Blue RangerBlue Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger III BlueBlue Turbo RangerBlue Space RangerGalaxy BlueBlue Lightspeed RangerTime Force BlueBlue Wild Force RangerBlue Wind RangerBlue Dino RangerS.P.D. Blue RangerBlue Mystic RangerBlue Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Blue RangerRanger Operator Series BlueBlue Samurai RangerMegaforce BlueSuper Megaforce BlueDino Charge Blue RangerDino Charge Aqua RangerNinja Steel BlueDino Charge Dark RangerGrid Battleforce Blue RangerDino Fury Blue RangerCosmic Fury Blue Ranger
Blue Ranger (1995 movie)Blue Ranger (2017 movie)