Icon-abarangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

"I'm back!"
―Insectolite´s first words when growing from the Hydro-Regenerator.[src]

"No! Ahh! My ecto-skeleton!"
―Insectolite´s final words before his demise.[src]

Insectolite is a centipede/pansy/TV satellite-themed monster, who served Mesogog. He serves as the main antagonist of the Power Rangers Dino Thunder episode "Burning at Both Ends".


Mesogog sent Insectolite to take Trent's powers and give false information to the Power Rangers that Trent had turned good.

When Conner battled Trent, Insectolite used his energy siphon and took away Trent's powers. Actually Trent already fell under the evil influence of the White Dino Gem and temporary joined Mesogog from the beginning.

Trent lured the Rangers to a warehouse and forced Tommy to compete with him in a race on their new Dino ATVs. The Rangers fought Insectolite who was able to throw bee bombs and fire lightning attacks and came with Tyrannodrones. At last Tommy returned, as he defeated Trent in a race and forced Insectolite to retreat.

Then the Rangers battled Insectolite in the warehouse and defeated him, but left him alive because he was the only one who could free the Cephalozord and Dimetrozord, which were stolen by Trent. But then Trent appeared and destroyed Insectolite and then brought down the Thundersaurus Megazord.

Mesogog revived and enlarged Insectolite, but he was again destroyed by the DinoStegazord with Cephala Power Punch and Dimetro Saw Blade, but then he himself retreated for unknown reasons. Tvicon TV STORY-Burning at Both Ends


Insectolite was arrogant and confident monster, who took pride in battling the Rangers and capturing Trent. But he was also loyal to Mesogog and Zeltrax.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Invisiportal: Insectolite can teleport through an Invisiportal.
  • Bee Bombs: Insectolite can create and throw bee-like bombs.  
  • Lightning Vision: Insectolite can fire pink lightning from his left eye. 
  • Infestation: He can infest his enemies to change sides and unite to Mesogog´s army.


  • Speech: Insectolite can talk although he has no visible mouth.


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  • Satellite Dish Club: Insectovile can equip a satellite dish-like club over his left arm for combat.
    • Lightning Stream: Insectovile can fire streams of red lightning from his dish club.
  • Pansy Arm Cannon: Insectovile has a pansy-like cannon on his right arm but he never used it.

Behind the Scenes[]



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See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Thunder Icon-abaranger
Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Tommy Oliver - Trent Fernandez-Mercer
Dino Gems - Dino Morpher - Brachio Morpher - Drago Morpher - Triassic Morpher - Triassic Battlizer Morpher - Thundermax Saber - Tyranno Staff - Tricera Shield - Ptera Grips - Brachio Staff - Drago Sword - Z-Rex Blaster - Super Dino Mode - Shield of Triumph - Triassic Battlizer - Raptor Riders - Raptor Cycles - Dino ATVs - Hovercraft Cycle - Triceramax Command Center Truck
Hayley Ziktor - Sensei Kanoi Watanabe - S.P.D. Rangers - Cassidy Cornell - Devin Del Valle - Anton Mercer
Ninja Rangers: Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks - Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley - Cameron Watanabe
Zords and Megazords
Tyrannozord - Tricerazord - Pterazord - Brachiozord - Dragozord - Stegozord - Cephalazord - Dimetrozord - Parasaurzord - Ankylozord - Mezodon Rover
Thundersaurus Megazord - DinoStegazord - Mezodon Megazord - Triceramax Megazord - Valkasaurus Megazord
Mesogog - Zeltrax - Elsa - White Ranger Clone - Tyrannodrones - Triptoids
Evil Space Ninjas: Lothor - Izzy & Pupperazi - Zurgane - Kelzaks
Aerial Assault Craft - Birdbrain - Pollinator - Donkeyvac - Demagnetron - Dysotron - Goldenrod - Scorpex - Megalador - Creature - Angor - Rojobot - Insectolite - Fossilador - Termitetron - Ka-Ching - Mad Mackerel - Copyotter - Other World Monster - White Terrorsaurus -Terra Assault Craft - Jupitor - Tutenhawken - Thornox - Deadwood - Horn-Rimmed Monster - Jade Gladiator - Skortch - Squidrose - Croco D'Vile - Rumba Monkey - Rude Elf - Fridgia - Ruby Dragon - Ugly Monster
Zords: Replicantzord - Zelzord