Icon-magirangerThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Mystic Force.

Inner Strength is the fifteenth episode of Power Rangers Mystic Force. It features the debut of the Green Ranger's Mystic Muscles and the Solar Streak Train and Megazord.


Udonna has asked Daggeron to train the Rangers, but Xander doesn't like him at all. Daggeron pushes Xander extra hard due to his lack of effort and Xander becomes more irritated with him. When Daggeron sends the Rangers to another dimension, Xander must put his training to the test.


Inside Root Core, Clare and Jenji are watching a training session between Daggeron and the rest of the Rangers which is held within a small, open chest - this means the Rangers and Solaris Knight are small. Solaris Knight explains that to complete the exercise they must use magic to tie a ribbon tied onto their brooms; although four of the Rangers manage to succeed, Xander is unable to tie his ribbon on, leaving Daggeron to do it instead. He asks if Xander trained like he was supposed to, and Xander admits he didn't (it turns out he had a date) - Daggeron is disappointed, telling him the other Rangers found the time to practice. He then decides to end the training session. The Rangers and Daggeron leave the chest, returning to normal size. Daggeron tells Xander he expected better from him.

In the pit, Imperious calls forth Behemoth who he tells he wants him to draw out and then destroy Daggeron - Behemoth leaves to do Imperious' bidding.

In the woods, Daggeron has another challenge for the Rangers' training: they have to go through an obstacle course to retrieve their flags - everyone except Xander is excited to do this challenge. Xander does not like Daggeron and comments to the others how Daggeron shows up from nowhere and takes over - none of the other Rangers are willing to indulge Xander's current attitude telling him that they all like Daggeron and understand that Udonna wants him to train them so he needs to get past his earlier embarrassment. The Rangers morph and then eventually find the blue flag hovering over sea waves - this is Madison's flag which she retrieves with no problems; Vida, Chip and Nick manage to retrieve their flags easily too, leaving only Xander who needs to hurry as time is running out.

Back in the forest the Rangers have located Xander's flag - Daggeron is with them as well. Xander summons a vine to grab the flag - Daggeron stops him from swinging on it, telling him how it doesn't look strong enough to support anyone's weight - Xander insists it is, so Daggeron tests out Xander's claim by using the vine himself. The vine breaks in half and Daggeron lands in a stream. Xander demorphs as the other Rangers race over to help Daggeron up. Daggeron walks over to Xander, clearly upset - he wants Xander to focus more on his training. Daggeron gives him an acorn which he tells him he wants him to grow a tree from, with no magic - Xander tells him he can't as he has a hot date tonight, which Daggeron tells him is now cancelled as he and the other Rangers leave Xander to his punishment.

Alone, Xander spends the rest of the day and entire night trying to make the acorn grow into a tree; the following morning, he enters Root Core with a young tree - Udonna is there, playing with Fire Heart. Xander complains to Udonna about Daggeron's teaching. Udonna does not have any sympathy for Xander and, before leaving, does tell him the tree he had grown is a very nice tree which Fire Heart accidentally burns up, destroying Xander's success so far.

Xander goes to work at the Rock Porium where he promptly falls asleep - Chip, Nick, Madison, and Vida gather around him; Vida cannot resist and drops something heavy onto the floor - Xander awakens with a start and is in a ready stance position when he realizes it is just the other Rangers. Xander starts to complain to them about Daggeron once more, who he claims is picking on him, because he is jealous that he cannot get a hot date like Xander can; as he goes on and on, he notices his friends' facial expressions and realizes that Daggeron is right behind him. Daggeron announces they are going on a field trip using his Morpher and a summoning spell ticket to call forth a train; the sound of the whistle startles Toby who is in his office. Everyone, but Xander, is excited by the sight of the train and the forthcoming trip. The Rangers board the train which Solaris Knight drives with Jenji shovelling coal into the furnace. Toby, in his office, is once more startled by the sound of the train whistle - he hurries out to see if his employees have heard the train whistle, but they are all gone.

The train arrives in Shalifar and the Rangers then come off; they, except Xander, are delighted to discover their clothing is different as well. Daggeron tells the Rangers that to go home is easy: they simply need to retrieve the ticket that he tosses off in the distance; he also takes the Rangers' Morphers before he leaves, giving them the obstacle of not using magic for this task - Jenji is uneasy about leaving the Rangers on Shalifar, but Daggeron is confident they will do well. The Rangers set off to start the task. Madison, Vida, Chip and Nick find time to clown around, while Xander mopes; the other Rangers continue to have fun until the team hears a powerful roar and so they quickly take off.

In Briarwood, Necrolai and Behemoth are successful in drawing out Daggeron who arrives on a flying carpet; he morphs and the battle begins. Much to Necrolai's surprise, Koragg suddenly appears - Solaris Knight then battles him. Necrolai decides to use this diversion to send Behemoth to continue with their plan - Daggeron sees Behemoth leaving and takes off after him.

Meanwhile, on Shalifar, the Rangers have managed to get away. Xander is leading the team as they make their way through some woods. He is furious at Daggeron who he complains about to the other Rangers. Xander is unaware that the other Rangers are being picked up, one by one, by a giant hand - when he realizes no one is responding he turns around to find the team is gone. Xander hears another big roar and takes off running - he is relieved that he has managed to get away until he hears the Rangers calling for help: they are bonded together and taken to a cave by a giant and they cannot break away. It soon becomes apparent that the giant intends to eat them. Xander finds the team in the cave, and they are relieved to see him. He stays hidden and observes the giant. The giant tries to eat a piece of fruit which is unfortunately spoiled and so he throws it to the floor. Xander gets an idea, taking a seed from the fruit and leaving the cave - the Rangers are confused as to why Xander would leave them.

Xander runs out and plants the seed into the ground; he then starts to chant a spell. In the cave, Nick, Madison, Vida and Chip become terrified as the giant prepares to eat them. Xander runs in with a large fruit, which he offers to the giant - the offer is accepted and the giant is pleased by its taste; he tells Xander how much he likes the fruit, which surprises the rest, since they did not realize the giant could talk. Xander tells him there is more where that came from and so they and the bonded Rangers head outside.

Xander tosses a bucket of seeds to the ground, chanting the spell he used seconds before and an large fruit grove appears - the giant is thrilled and apologizes for trying to eat them. He claims to be a vegetarian, but there was not any fruit and he was very hungry. Xander unties his friends. The Rangers are anxious to find the ticket, which the giant asks them they are looking for when he shows it in his hand; the Rangers cheer in delight at their success of accomplishing the task - with the ticket finally found, they can leave Shalifar and return home.

In Briarwood, Solaris Knight has tracked down Behemoth and they engage in a brief fight before the Solar Streak arrives with the Rangers; they race to Solaris Knight, who congratulates them for completing the test and, with a magic-casting finger snap, returns their Morphers with their instant reappearance in the Rangers' hands. Xander apologizes to Daggeron, telling him he isn't a bad teacher but he himself was being a bad student; Daggeron tells Xander he knew he had the strength to overcome the obstacles in Shalifar. As a reward for learning his lesson, Xander receives a new spell code; the Rangers morph before Xander uses this new spell: the Mystic Muscles - huge muscles on both the torso and arms - a supplier of extra strength. Using his new strength, Xander defeats Behemoth easily with the other Rangers' help, but the battle is not over yet: a cast dark seal enlarges Behemoth.

Solaris Knight, in the Solar Streak's cockpit, tells the Rangers he's got this one by using a Megazord spell ticket to morph his train into the Solar Streak Megazord for this battle. The Megazord is able to easily overpower Behemoth, its strength and its opponent-restraining train-track-producing Remote Train Cars before destroying him with its finishing attack: Furnace Blast.

Later, Xander is in the woods, practicing the earlier lesson of getting the ribbon tie on his broom in the air - Daggeron walks towards Xander and tells him that he had a tough teacher as well, but he soon came to respect him, and eventually they become friends, finally finding common ground. Xander gets the ribbon on the broom - he is finally successful in the broom ribbon tie lesson.



  • When Daggeron asks Xander about the vines strength, something black can be seen on Xander's neck. It is presumably a hole of some sort.
  • Toby being frightened by the Solar Streak's train whistling twice is actually the same, albeit the first time is mirrored. Note, the door behind him.


  • First appearance of Xander's Mystic Muscles Mode and both the Solar Streak Train and Megazord.
  • This episode marks the only time Daggeron is seen wearing something other than his regular uniform.

See Also[]

External Links[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Mystic Force episodes Icon-magiranger

1 & 2: Broken Spell • 3: Code Busters • 4: Rock Solid • 5: Whispering Voices • 6: Legendary Catastros • 7: Fire Heart • 8 & 9: Stranger Within • 10: Petrified Xander • 11 & 12: The Gatekeeper • 13: Scaredy Cat • 14: Long Ago • 15: Inner Strength • 16: Soul Specter • 17: Ranger Down • 18-20: Dark Wish • 21: Koragg's Trial • 22 & 23: Heir Apparent • 24: The Light • 25: The Hunter • 26: Hard Heads • 27: The Snow Prince • 28 & 29: Light Source • 30: The Return • 31 & 32: Mystic Fate
