Icon-magirangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Mystic Force.

The Hydra Worm is a large eight-headed worm-like monster and is one of the many creatures of the Underworld. Hydra Worm was the creature that served Morticon and dug the tunnels in Underword. He serves as the main antagonist of the episode "Code Busters".


Morticon sent this creature to dig its way to the surface world. While doing so, it attacked Clare in the forest, though luckily she was saved by a Troblin named Phineas.

When Nick went to investigate what had attacked Clare after defeating a large slime monster called Mucor, the worm returned to attack him. Nick morphed and tried to take on the Hydra Worm himself, but he was quickly outmatched. The other Rangers were able to rescue him just in time.

Then, the Mystic Rangers morphed into their Mystic Titan Dragon Formation. The Mystic Phoenix rode on the Dragon into battle, and with Dragon Blast kicked at the Hydra Worm, the monster was destroyed. Tvicon TV STORY-Code Busters


The Hydra Worm is a violent and destructive creature that will eat anything in his path. He is shown to be quite unpredictable, cunning and stubborn, as he tried to attack Clare in the forest and later tried to kill Nick in the forest. But he also shows loyal side to Morticon and loyaly does all his orders.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mouth Lasers: Each head of the Hydra Worm can fire a pink energy laser from their mouths.


  • Burrowing: The Hydra Worm can burrow in the ground at high speeds.


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  • Jaws: The Hydra Worm can chomp their victims with their gaping mouths.

Behind the Scenes[]


  • The Hydra Worm did not have a voice actor.


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  • The Hydra Worm is based off of a Hydra, a dragon-like beast with three or more (usually nine) serpentine heads, and the ability to regrow them, or grow two more, whenever one of its mortal heads is severed unless the neck is cauterised. It is also depicted as having an immortal head, sometimes made of gold, that cannot be truly destroyed.
    • The Hydra Worm is also based off of a Sand Worm, a mythological Worm-like beast that digs in the sand.
  • The Hydra Worm is the first monster to be fought by the Mystic Titan Dragon.
  • Hydra Worm is the first monster that Nick fought solo.
  • Revenge-Of-The-Hydra-Worm-300x169
    The Hydra Worm is the subject of a series of monster movies in Beast Morphers. Not only is this monster called by name, the film posters clearly depict it as being the same.
  • The Hydra Worm serves as the villain of a Mystic Force computer game, in which the player plays as the Mystic Dragon and must rescue people from the Hydra Worm, whilst blasting at its heads, which can only be hit when the mouth is open.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Mystic Force Icon-magiranger
Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Daggeron - Udonna - Leanbow
Mystic Morphers - Snow Staff - Solar Cell Morpher - Wolf Morpher - Fierce Dragon Morpher - Magi Staffs - Mystic Force Fighters - Laser Lamp - Mystic Muscles - Mystic Legend Armor - Mystic Lion Staff - Red Dragon Fire Ranger - Ancient Mystic Mode - Knight Saber - Wolf Shield - Xenotome - Mystic Racers - Mystic Speeder - Mystic Carpet
Clare - Toby Slambrook - Phineas - Jenji - Leelee Pimvare - Fire Heart - Tribunal of Magic - Snow Prince - Mystic Mother
Zords and Megazords
Mystic Phoenix - Mystic Garuda - Mystic Mermaid - Mystic Sprite - Mystic Minotaur - Solar Streak - Catastros - Mystic Firebird - Mystic Lion - Brightstar
Mystic Titans: Dragon Formation - Titan Megazord - Centaurus Wolf Megazord - Centaurus Phoenix Megazord - Solar Streak Megazord - Manticore Megazord - Phoenix Unizord
The Master
Morticon - Necrolai - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - Imperious - Hidiacs - Styxoids
Ten Terrors: Sculpin - Magma - Oculous - Serpentina - Megahorn - Hekatoid - Gekkor - Matoombo - Itassis - Black Lance
Dark Troll - Mucor - Hydra Worm - Clawbster - Rock Troll - Taxi Cab Monster - Giant Spider - Flytrap - Boney - Skullington - Gargoyle of the Gates - Jester the Pester - Behemoth - Gnatu - Spydex - Screamer - Barbarian Beasts (Warmax - Shrieker - 50 Below - Fightoe) - Ursus - Chimera