Icon-hurricanegerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Ninja Storm.

Hiphopper is a cicada monster and one of the minor villains of the second and third part of the three-part episode "The Samurai's Journey".


Hiphopper was sent out with an army of monsters to attack the Power Rangers. He is confronted by Shane, the Red Ranger and destroyed by the Thunder Rangers with the Thunder Blaster. Tvicon TV STORY-The Samurai's Journey

Hiphopper was seen in an alternate reality. Tvicon TV STORY-The Wild Wipeout

Hiphopper was among the monsters freed from the Abyss of Evil by Lothor. Tvicon TV STORY-Storm Before the Calm


Hiphopper was shown to be loyal to Lothor and fought for him.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Teleportation: Hiphopper can teleport at will.
  • Superhuman Strength: Hiphopper possesses supernatural strength to battle his opponents.
  • Flight: Hiphopper can fly.
  • Energy Blasts: Hiphopper is able to fire energy blasts.


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  • Fists: While lacking weapons, Hiphopper can fight with his fists.

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Hiphopper was voiced by an unknown actor.


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  • Though mainly grunts and growls, his voice sounds similar to Demagnetron, hinting Dallas Barnett might have provided the voice effects.
  • Unlike his Japanese counterpart, he was not enlarged into a giant and defeated by the Storm Megazord's Serpent Sword.
    • This was because his kicking was cut and unused for American audiences.
  • Lothor did not have enough energy anymore to send a Scroll of Empowerment and enlarge him along with his comrades.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Storm Icon-hurricaneger
Wind Rangers: Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks
Thunder Rangers: Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley
Samurai Ranger: Cameron Watanabe
Wind Rangers: Wind Morphers - Lightning Morpher - Ninja Swords - Hawk Blaster - Lion Hammer - Sonic Fin - Storm Striker - Ninja Gliders - Tsunami Cycles - Tri-Battlized Armor
Thunder Rangers: Thunder Morphers - Thunder Staves - Crimson Blaster - Navy Antler - Thunder Blaster - Thunder Blade - Tsunami Cycles - Ninja Glider Cycle
Samurai Ranger: Samurai Cyclone Morpher - Samurai Saber - Super Samurai Mode - Lightning Riff Blaster - Dragonforce Vehicle
Power Discs - Thunderstorm Cannon - Mobile Command Center
Sensei Kanoi Watanabe - Kelly Halloway - Miko Watanabe - Cyber Cam - Dino Rangers
Zords and Megazords
Wind Rangers: Hawkzord - Lionzord - Dolphinzord - Storm Megazord
Thunder Rangers: Crimson Insectizord - Navy Beetlezord - Thunder Megazord
Samurai Ranger: Samurai Star Chopper / Samurai Star Megazord - Mammothzord
Power Spheres
Thunderstorm Megazord - Samurai Storm Megazord - Samurai Thunder Megazord - Thunderstorm Ultrazord - Hurricane Megazord - Hurricane Ultrazord
Evil Space Ninjas
Lothor - Marah - Kapri - Zurgane - Choobo - Motodrone - Vexacus - Shimazu - Kelzaks - Kelzak Furies
Blue Face - Mad Magnet - Copybot - Terramole - Amphibidor - Florabundacus - Snipster - Toxipod - Super Toxipod - Bopp-A-Roo - General Trayf - Madtropolis - Hiphopper - Sky Scrapper - Sucker - Starvark - Tentacreep - Magic Moustache - Fragra - Mr. Ratwell - DJ Drummond - Beevil - Footzilla - Slob Goblin - Morty Board - Wolfblades - Goldwinger - Bald Loser - Inflatron - Eyezak - Condortron - Catonia - Loong Ago
Zords: Zurganezord - Zurganezord II - Zurganezord III - Hyper Zurganezord - Kaprizord - Marahzord - Shimazuzord - Lothorzord