Icon-magirangerThis article is about a set of grunts in Power Rangers Mystic Force.

The Hidiacs are the undead soldiers that serve Necrolai, and all other evil forces.


These monsters were the foot soldiers that fought along with Morticon in the Great Battle 19 years ago, they were all sealed away by the Ancient Mystics. During the series, the Hidiacs are used by Necrolai in many battles, but sometimes they could be summoned by a monster, they often battle the Rangers multiple times. The majority of the Hidiacs were destroyed when Leanbow "destroyed" the Underworld in the final part of the two-part episode "Heir Apparent". The surviving Hidiacs were destroyed for good in the episodes "The Hunter", and "Light Source".


The Hidiacs are violent creatures that will attack any one in their paths. But they are also loyal to Necrolai and also their masters. They are commanded by Styxoids too.

Alone and/or in small groups, the Hidiacs are very weak and can easily be dispatch by any weaponry used by the Rangers, but in larger groups however, they can be a problem, as shown in the episode "Soul Specter", they are also shown that they can overpower the Rangers while they are unmorphed, as shown in the first part of the two-part pilot episode of Power Rangers Mystic Force "Broken Spell".

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mouth Slime Balls: The Hidiacs can fire purple colored explosive slime balls from their mouths.


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  • Blades: The Hidiacs are armed with blade weapons that can be used in combat.

Behind the Scenes[]


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  • Possibly a fusion of hideous with maniac.


  • In the Power Rangers Mystic Force toyline, the Hidiacs are referred to as 'Evil Space Alien', instead of of their proper name, despite not being aliens from outer space or have anything to do with Rita and Zedd's group of villains. This is because 'Evil Space Alien' was a general term used by Bandai when releasing villains before they are explicitly named in the show. This practice has since been phased out by the time of the Jungle Fury toyline's release, and further so upon Hasbro's acquisition of the franchise.
  • In the toyline's figure of Hidiac, there is a button on its back that, when pressed, removes the Hidiac's mask, revealing a bugeyed, grimacing, fleshy red face.
  • The Hidiacs are the second regular Foot Soldiers that do not appear with their master during his final battle against the Rangers.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Mystic Force Icon-magiranger
Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Daggeron - Udonna - Leanbow
Mystic Morphers - Snow Staff - Solar Cell Morpher - Wolf Morpher - Fierce Dragon Morpher - Magi Staffs - Mystic Force Fighters - Laser Lamp - Mystic Muscles - Mystic Legend Armor - Mystic Lion Staff - Red Dragon Fire Ranger - Ancient Mystic Mode - Knight Saber - Wolf Shield - Xenotome - Mystic Racers - Mystic Speeder - Mystic Carpet
Clare - Toby Slambrook - Phineas - Jenji - Leelee Pimvare - Fire Heart - Tribunal of Magic - Snow Prince - Mystic Mother
Zords and Megazords
Mystic Phoenix - Mystic Garuda - Mystic Mermaid - Mystic Sprite - Mystic Minotaur - Solar Streak - Catastros - Mystic Firebird - Mystic Lion - Brightstar
Mystic Titans: Dragon Formation - Titan Megazord - Centaurus Wolf Megazord - Centaurus Phoenix Megazord - Solar Streak Megazord - Manticore Megazord - Phoenix Unizord
The Master
Morticon - Necrolai - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - Imperious - Hidiacs - Styxoids
Ten Terrors: Sculpin - Magma - Oculous - Serpentina - Megahorn - Hekatoid - Gekkor - Matoombo - Itassis - Black Lance
Dark Troll - Mucor - Hydra Worm - Clawbster - Rock Troll - Taxi Cab Monster - Giant Spider - Flytrap - Boney - Skullington - Gargoyle of the Gates - Jester the Pester - Behemoth - Gnatu - Spydex - Screamer - Barbarian Beasts (Warmax - Shrieker - 50 Below - Fightoe) - Ursus - Chimera