Icon-ninningerThis article is about a/an Ranger in Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel.

"Spirit of the Ninja! Ninja Steel White!"
―Ninja Steel White's roll call[src]

Hayley "Hales" Foster is Ninja Steel White, the White Ranger of the Ninja Rangers.


Ninja Steel[]


Hayley and Calvin are attacked.

Hayley is a student at Summer Cove High School and the owner of a dog named Kody. It was during high school that she met Calvin and became a couple. Hayley and Calvin were in his truck, Nitro, getting it fixed when Mick landed in front of them. Ripcon finds them and Hayley drives them to the school's auto shop to get Mick's data com fixed. They learn from Brody through the com that the Ninja Steel was in his dad's trophy. During a fight with Ripperat using sports equipment, the Nexus Prism lands with the Yellow and White power stars glowing. Hayley and Calvin pull them out, and with the others, they become Power Rangers with Hayley becoming the White Ranger.

Dino Fury[]

Season 1[]

When the Rafkonian Ranger Zayto from the Dino Fury Rangers read the Ninja Nexus Prism's mind he saw visions of multiples Rangers from the past, including one of Hayley getting her White Ninja Power Star. Tvicon TV STORY-Unexpected Guest

Season 2[]

Hayley foster in Dino Fury Season 2 the Festival

Hayley in the Ranger database.

Zayto brings up how different Ranger teams had motorcycles for transportation, showing Aiyon and Solon the Mighty Morphin Rangers' Shark Cycles and the Wild Force Rangers' Savage Cycle, later Zayto reveals that some cycles had firepower against a monster, showing her the Ninja Steel Rangers' Mega Morph Cycle. Aiyon believes a Mega Morph Cycle could give them enough firepower to defeat Wreckmate, but Solon reminds him that she does not have spare parts to build one. Tvicon TV STORY-The Festival

Cosmic Fury[]

Galaxy, Dino, Astro, Beast-X and Ninja Blaze Megazords appear

The Ninja Steel Rangers (in their Megazord), for helping the Cosmic Fury Rangers.

The Cosmic Fury Rangers then receive a message from Billy Cranston, having received Solon's distress call before a rift opens up, revealing the Dino Megazord, Astro Megazord, Galaxy Megazord, Ninja Blaze Megazord, and Beast-X Megazord, who start to take on the Squidrills. Tvicon TV STORY-The End


Hayley is an adventurous, smart, centered, competitive, and outdoorsy girl with a love of nature and healthy living. Her best friend is Sarah Thompson. Sarah would help Hayley when she'd have problems with Calvin or even sabotage their parents' relationship. She and Calvin Maxwell are an ideal couple, they give each other gifts, Calvin picks her up in his truck for school, and they are always together during recess and other activities. When they face problems in their relationship, their friends and the actions they do help them realize they're always able to surpass every obstacle, like when Calvin was brainwashed, and Hayley went to the Warrior Dome to rescue him. She also loves animals as she would bring her Siberian Husky dog named Kody to school, he also became the inspiration for the name of her Zord, the Kodiak Zord.



Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: NS Episodes 2-22; SNS Episodes 1-22


Ninja Master Mode

When combined into the Megazord, the Rangers need to access Ninja Master Mode in order to operate it. Using the Ninja Master Mode Star, the White Ranger can access the Ninja Master Blade to perform attacks with the Ninja Steel Megazord. Without it the Megazord is without energy.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: NS Episodes 3-14, 16-19, 21


Super Ninja Master Mode

When combined into the Megazord, the Rangers need to access Ninja Super Steel Mode, an upgraded version of Ninja Master Mode, in order to operate it. Using the Super Ninja Master Star, the White Ranger can access the Ninja Master Blade or the Ninja Super Steel Blaster to perform attacks with the Ninja Steel Megazord. Without it the Megazord is without energy.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: SNS Episodes 2-9, 11-19, 21, 22



  • Height: 187 cm
  • Weight: 209 kg

Hayley switches bodies with the Gruesome Grunt, Jabberon in an attempt to trick the Halloween Intergalactic Court into putting her on trial in her place.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to SNS Episode 25.







Villain Groups[]

Galaxy Warriors[]
Sledge's Crew[]


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Behind the Scenes[]


  • Hayley Foster is portrayed by Zoe Robins.
  • As the Ninja Steel White Ranger, her suit actress was Ai Wadazaki (和田崎 愛 Wadazaki Ai), along with Ryoko Gomi (五味 涼子 Gomi Ryōko) and Naoko Kamio (神尾 直子 Kamio Naoko) in Super Sentai footage from Ninninger.


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Legendary Ranger Devices[]

Ninja Steel White Power Star (V2)

Ninja Steel White Ranger Ninja Power Star (Yellow Chip variant)

The Ninja Steel White Ranger Power Star is a yellow chip variant, marked with the kanji for "White" (白 Shiro). This Ninja Power Star is exclusive in the toyline.


  • Hayley is taller than Sarah and is almost equal height to the male Ninja Steel Rangers. However, her Ninninger counterpart is the shortest member of the team, leading to height irregularities whenever Ninninger footage becomes Ninja Steel footage.
  • Hayley is the fifth African American female Power Ranger. However, she is the first ever African American White Ranger.
  • She is the first and only White Ranger of the Saban Brands era.
  • Hayley is also the final female White Ranger in the Main Timeline of Power Rangers.


Power Rangers Dash[]

White Ninja Steel Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

White Ninja Steel Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

Hayley along with The Ninja Steel Rangers are among all the Ranger teams which appear in the Korean-developed mobile game Power Rangers Dash.

Ultimate Hero Clash 2[]

Hayley along with the Ninja Steel Rangers are played characters in the game Ultimate Hero Clash 2. She is armed with her Ninja Star Blade and in her Ninja Master Mode using the Ninja Battle Morpher Bow Mode for her Special Attacks.

Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

Legacy Wars Ninja Steel White

Ninja Steel White in Legacy Wars.

Ninja Steel White is a playable character Power Rangers Legacy Wars. She is an Epic (Leader), Epic (Assist) character, and represents the Ninja Steel Rangers along with Preston Tien and Sarah Thompson.

Power Rangers Mighty Force[]

Hayley is a recruitable unit of the Epic rarity rank. She equips the Ninja Star Blade when in battle, and is assigned with Javi to gather Morph-X from Poisandra.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Icon-ninninger
Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Dane Romero - Mick Kanic
Ninja Battle Morpher - Gold Ninja Battle Morpher - Ninja Power Stars - Ninja Star Blade - Ninja Blaster - Rockstorm Guitar - Ninja Master Blade - Mega Morph Cycle - Burger Camera - Master Morpher
Redbot - Victor Vincent - Monty - Principal Hastings - Mary Masters - Jackie Thompson - Aaron Foster - Marcus Tien - Princess Viera - Sheriff Skyfire - Mrs. Finch - Mrs. Bell - Mr. Lunt
Legendary Rangers: TommyOliver - Rocky DeSantos - Katherine Hillard - T.J. Johnson - Wesley Collins - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Gemma- Antonio Garcia - Gia Moran - Koda
Zords and Megazords
Robo Red Zord - Dragon Zord - Nitro Zord - Kodiak Zord - Zoom Zord - Rumble Tusk Zord - Astro Zord - Robo Rider Zord - Ninja Bull Zord - Lion Fire Zord - Sub Surfer Zord - Falcon Zord - Serpent Zord - Tortoise Zord - Tiger Zord - Panda Zord - Piranha Zord
Ninja Steel Megazord - Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord - Astro Ninja Steel Megazord - Bull Rider Megazord - Ninja Fusion Zord - Lion Fire Megazord - Ninja Ultrazord - Sub Surfer Ninja Steel Megazord - Ninja Blaze Megazord - Ninja Blaze Ultrazord
Gorilla Blast Zord - Stegosaurus Zord - Sabertooth Zord
Villains (Season 1)
Galvanax - Madame Odius - Ripcon - Cosmo Royale - Aiden Romero (robot) - Kudabots - Skullgators - Basherbots - Buzzcams
Villains (Season 2)
Galaxy Warriors: Madame Odius - Badonna - Cosmo Royale - General Tynamon - Brax - Kudabots - Basherbots - Upgraded Basherbots - Skullgators - Buzzcams - Foxbots
Sledge's Crew: Sledge - Poisandra - Wrench
Others: Lord Draven - Tommy Oliver (Robo Ranger)
Galaxy Warrior Contestants
Galvanax's Contestants
Korvaka - Ripperat - Spinferno - Slogre - Tangleweb - Badpipes - Hacktrack - Stonedozer - Trapsaw - Toxitea - Shoespike - Lord Drillion - Phonepanzee - Cat O'Clock - Abrakadanger - Forcefear
Madame Odius' Contestants
Smellephant - Deceptron - Spyclops - Doomwave - Game Goblin - Galactic Ninjas (Wolvermean - Speedwing - Rygore - Venoma) - Foxatron - Dreadwolf - Blammo - Typeface - Voltipede - Megamauler - Gorrox
Minor Contestants
Lavagor - Ripcon's mother - Lavagor's brother - Unidentified Contestant - Elderly Woman
Gruesome Grunts
Versix - Fangore - Jabberon - Stabberous - Shelldax - Plasmora - Ackshun
Minor Monsters
Cleocatra - Ghost Monster - Kuliner Monster - Snow Fright
White Rangers
Tommy OliverDelphineAlyssa EnriléTrent Fernandez-MercerSamUdonnaDominic HarganHayley FosterZayto
Tommy Oliver (movie)Lord DrakkonRyu (Legacy Wars)Daniel LaRusso
Secondary Rangers
Omega RangerGuardian of the Hall of Legends
Tiger Shadow RangerWhite Dino Ranger Clone
Power Sets
White RangerWhite Aquitar RangerWhite Wild Force RangerWhite Dino RangerOmega RangerWhite Mystic RangerJungle Fury Rhino RangerNinja Steel WhiteDino Fury Zenith Ranger
White Ranger (movie)