Icon-dekaranger This article is about a/an producer in Power Rangers S.P.D.

Greg Aronowitz is an American writer, producer, director, and special effects artist who served as show-runner for Power Rangers S.P.D. alongside newcomer Bruce Kalish.


Writing credits[]

Directing credits[]


  • Aronowitz is notable for bringing his visual effects and costuming skills on a level Power Rangers had never seen before. This included altering Anubis Cruger's costume to look vastly different from its Sentai counterpart to creating different background characters on his own dime.
  • Aronowitz wanted to make the B-Squad Red Ranger a girl, which Disney didn't approve of. Cleverly, through audio tricks, he decided that the A-Squad Red Ranger would be a girl, but changed to sound like a man during a transmission scene from Walls, which hadn't been approved yet at the time of the episode's air date.
  • Aronowitz admitted that the team did not receive footage for Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger the Movie: Full Blast Action until the very last days of production. To this day, Aronowitz regrets not being able to adapt the film's exclusive Gold Ranger.[1]



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