Icon-liveman This article is about a villain in Choju Sentai Liveman.

"Gash? Can you hear it? Those voices?"
―Great Professor Bias's final words before his death[src]

Great Professor Bias (大教授ビアス Daikyōju Biasu) was the main antagonist of Choju Sentai Liveman. A super genius scientist whose appearance belies his actual age, Bias is well versed in all knowledge and worshiped as a god by his officers whom he educated by having them enact plans and learn from their failures. However, Bias used them to achieve his life-long goal: the Giga Brain Wave, to achieve absolute immortality.



Bias was originally a normal human who was born a few generations ago until he devised a means to cheat death by absorbing a mind-controlling thought pattern-based energy called "Giga Brain Wave". He had shown passions with "intelligent" human brains in order for him to maintain his immortality, but he was dependent on them. But as twelve minds with an IQ of 1,000 each is needed, Bias tricked eleven previous followers under him to be educated until achieving the ideal IQ. From there, Bias extracted the achievers' brains and placed them in the Brain Room to set up the Giga Brain Wave. Needing only one more brain to complete the Giga Brain Wave, Bias tricked Kenji Tsukigata and Rui Senda to join Volt along with Goh Omura, whose recruitment was out of pity.

Hiding his true agenda from his current followers, with only his bodyguard Guardnoid Gash as his accomplice, Bias took extremes from ordering the execution of Miku Kitamura, a girl from 2003, Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 34: Love That Runs through the Future and Present! and later Gou when he unknowingly witnessed Bias' previous absorption of an incomplete Giga Brain Wave. When the effects begin to waver, Bias attempts to use his incomplete Giga Brain Wave to have Tetsuya Yano destroy the Gran Tortoise for him before it backfired and aged him before he managed to regain his youthful appearance. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 42: Bias' Challenge From Space

Soon after, once Kemp reaches the IQ of 1,000, Bias uses Kemp's brain to complete the Giga Brain Wave and becomes a child as a result of absorbing the energy. However, with Megumi's help, Kemp's spirit rallies the ghosts of Bias' previous victims to take their revenge, causing Bias to revert to his true aged self. He dies in a wizened state aboard the exploding Brain Base with Gash, while hearing the voices of delusional praise.

Turboranger clipshow[]

Great Professor Bias appears in the clips from Choju Sentai Liveman seen in the first episode of Kousoku Sentai Turboranger.

Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai[]

Great Professor Bias is one of several past Super Sentai villains that appear in clips in the anniversary special Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai.


Bias is a responsible but cunning evil genius. Despite teaching his apprentice his evil knowledge, he is actually using them as throwable tools to accomplish his own goal. In this case he doesn’t trust anyone except his bodyguard Gush.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Genius Brain: Use his brain to even create robot genius.
  • Flame and Beam Attack: Bias uses attacks from his mouth and modified left hand.
  • Giga Wave: He can control people’s minds.
  • Ring: A multi-use ring on Bias’ right hand finger to unleash the power to summon a Brain Beast or control the Brain Base to attack.


  • Brain Beasts Creation: Create Brain Beasts without Gush’s help.
  • Genius Modification Plan: To even make Arashi Busujima a genius in a short time.


Despite his genius, Bias is still an earthling who can’t avoid the natural aging.


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Behind the Scenes[]


  • Great Professor Bias is portrayed by Jouji Nakata (中田 譲治 Nakata Jōji).


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Concept Art[]


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Icon-liveman Choju Sentai Liveman
Yusuke Amamiya - Jou Ohara - Megumi Misaki - Tetsuya Yano - Junichi Aikawa
Colon - Takuji Yano - Mari Aikawa - Doctor Hoshi
Legend Sentai: Riki Honoo - Daichi Yamagata - Youhei Hama - Shunsuke Hino - Haruna Morikawa - Captain Marvelous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari
Transformation Devices
Twin Brace
Live Blaster - Falcon Saber - Falcon Sword - Lion Bazooka - Lion Punch - Dolphin Arrow - Bison Rod - Sai Cutters - Biomotion Buster - Triple Bazooka
Moto Machines - Live Cougar
Mecha and Robos
Jet Falcon - Land Lion - Aqua Dolphin - Bison Liner - Sai Fire
Machine Buffalo
Giant Robos:
Choju Gattai LiveRobo - Live Boxer
Armed Brain Army Volt
Leader: Great Professor Bias
Bodyguard: Guardnoid Gash
Generals: Doctor Kemp - Doctor Mazenda - Doctor Obular - Doctor Ashura - Guildian Guildos - Chibuchian Butchy
Brain Beasts
Disconnect Brain - Virus Brain - Transmission Brain - Engine Brain - Time Brain - Anger Brain - Tank Brain - Maze Brain - Baboon Brain - Test Brain - Poison Gas Brain - Elec Brain - Fire Brain - Plasma Brain - Pierrot Brain - Twin Brain - Study Brain - Regeneration Brain - Obular Brain - Guitar Brain - Sword Brain - Pig Brain - Spirit Brain - Light Brain - Earthquake Brain - Vega Brain (Vega Baby) - Gore Brain - Robo Brain - Gal Brain - Guild Brain - Armor Brain - Shark Brain - Wolf Brain - Meteor Brain - Space Brain - Invisible Brain - Bomber Brain - Guildo Brain - Reckless Brain - Hacker Brain - Battle Brain - Nightmare Brain - Terror Beast Brain - Electron Brain
Footsoldiers: Jimmers
Mecha: Giga Volt