Icon-zenkaigerThis article is about a giant monster in Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger

"Alright, let's get tagging! I'm overflowing with tag power, onigokko!"
―Great Onigokko World's first words.[src]

"The encroaching world is nothing but on-!"
―Great Onigokko World's final words before being destroyed.[src]

Great Onigokko World (ダイオニゴッコワルド Dai Onigokko Warudo, 11) is a tag-themed Great World from Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo created from the Onigokko Tojiru Gear that contains Onigokkotopia.


After the destruction of the Onigokko World, Great Onigokko World is created and summons a giant playground straight from the ground prompting the Zenkaigers to bring out ZenkaiOh JuraGaon to battle the Great Onigokko World and a Kudaitest.

They tried to turn the game off, but this result caused them to receive a bomb which will explode when it reaches zero. With that, both the Kudaitest and the Great Onigokko World high tailed it out of here as JuraGaon chased them. Thankfully, VrooMagine creates a trip hazard causing the Kudaitest to trip and fall as he got tagged now leaving the Great Onigokko World left. However, he creates another mask bomb as he prompt to tag one of the mechas in hope of blowing one of them up prompting the ZenkaiOh JuraGaon and VrooMagine to escape from being tagged.

They split up as VrooMagine takes to the sky, but the Great Onigokko World used his Rocket Boosters as he soars to the sky too as well. Thankfully, the World Pirates used the Battleship CrocoDaiOh as they knock the Great Onigokko World out of the way. So the Great Onigokko World now begins to chase the CrocoDaiOh. He'd tries to tag the CrocoDaiOh, but it splits into two as Cutanner takes the Cross Sky-Oh and Ricky takes Crawling-Oh as they open fire on the Great Onigokko World. However, he used his tail and tagged the Cross Sky-Oh making Cutanner to take the bomb as he passed the bomb towards Ricky which he passed it back to him. However, once the Great Onigokko World let his guard down, they manage to tag him from behind he got his own bomb which makes him explode thus freeing the Onigokkotopia from the Tojiru Gear.


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KSZe-Great Onigokko World

Great Onigokko World

By using the Onigokko Tojiru Gear, it changes into Great Onigokko World (ダイオニゴッコワルド Dai Onigokko Warudo).

Powers and Abilities[]


  • World Creation: Upon the creation of the Great World Monster, Great Onigokko World can alter the world to it own image.
  • Oni Mask Bomb: It can create Oni mask Bombs by shooting them from its head or touching the target with its tail. If it reaches zero, the bomb will explode including itself if not careful. When tagged, it can give the other the bomb.
  • Oni Mask Bomb Reformation: It can recreate the Oni Mask Bomb from its head when the other is destroyed.


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  • Rocket Boosters: It has a pair of Boosters on its shoulders which allows it to fly.
  • Forehead Button: Great Onigokko World has a button on an Oni forehead which allows it to give oni mask.

Behind the Scenes[]


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Icon-zenkaiger Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Kaito Goshikida - Juran - Gaon - Magine - Vroon - Zocks Goldtsuiker - Stacy - Isao Goshikida
Special-Exclusive: Zenkai Red - Flint Goldtsuiker
Transformation Devices
Transformation Gun Geartlinger (Geartozinger) - World Thief Transformation Gun Geardalinger - DonZenkai Blade
Sentai Gear-related
Sentai Gears (Dark Sentai Gears) - Zenkai Buckle (Twokai Buckle)
Juran Sword and Juran Shield - Gaon Claw - Magine Stick - Vroon Picker - Zenkai Tenlance - Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon
Mecha and Robos
JuranTyranno - GaonLion - MagineDragon - VroonDump - Battleship CrocoDaiOh (CrossKaiOh - CrawlingOh) - Zenryoku Eagle
Superbike Enya Rideon
Giant Robos
Zenkai Gattai ZenkaiOh (JuraGaon - VrooMagine - JuraMagine - VrooGaon - SuperJuran - SuperVroon - DonZenkaiOh) - Kaizoku Gattai TwokaiOh (TwokaiOh Ricky - TwokaiOh Cutanner - Super TwokaiOh - CrocoDai Bazooka) - Cho Zenkai Gattaiju ZenKaijuOh (ZenKaijuDrill) - Zenryoku ZenkaiOh
Secchan - Yatsude Goshikida - Isao Goshikida - Mitsuko Goshikida - Flint Goldtsuiker - TwokaiRicky - TwokaiCutanner
Legendary Sentai Rangers: Tsuyoshi Kaijo - Sokichi Banba - Tsuruhime - Doggie Kruger - Chiaki Tani - Captain Marvelous - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari - Raptor 283 - Shou Ronpo - Kairi Yano - Juru Atsuta - Tametomo Imizu - Sena Hayami - Shiguru Oshikiri - Sayo Oharu - Takamichi Crystaria - Taro Momoi - Shinichi Saruhara - Haruka Kitou - Tsubasa Inuzuka - Tsuyoshi Kijino - Jiro Momotani - Don Murasame
Others: Sonoi - Sononi - Sonoza - Mother
Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo
Leaders: Great King Bokkowaus - King Potdeus
Generals: Mobile Commander Barashitara - Mechanic Officer Izirude - Gege - Stacy/Stacaesar - Hakaizer
Worlds: Mushroom World - Ice World (Presski World) - Boxing World (Kickboxing World) - Sushi World - Garbage World (Recycle World) - Door World - Super Warumono World (Normal Warumono World) - Kashiwa Mochi World (Sakura Mochi World) - Noon World (Sun World, Sundial World) - Onigokko World - Snail World - Retro World - Magnet World - Invisible World (Thief World) - Love World - Kabutomushi World - Hikoboshi World (Orihime World) - Copy World - Bullfighting World - Vacances World - Manga World - Tennis World - Dried Persimmon World - Milk World - Inverted World - School World - Halloween World - Diamond World - Surprise Box World - Daikon World - Rider World - Bon World - Shougatsu World - Noodle World - Kotatsu World - Headwind World - SD World - Omikuji World - Carrot World - Sapphire World - Bat World - Beef Rib World - Match World - Traffic Light World - Theater World
Great Worlds: Great Mushroom World - Great Ice World (Great Presski World) - Great Boxing World (Great Kickboxing World) - Great Sushi World - Great Garbage World (Great Recycle World) - Great Door World - Great Kashiwa Mochi World - Great Noon World - Great Onigokko World - Great Snail World - Great Retro World - Great Magnet World - Great Invisible World (Great Thief World) - Great Love World - Great Kabutomushi World - Great Hikoboshi World - Great Copy World - Great Bullfighting World - Great Vacances World - Great Manga World - Great Tennis World - Great Persimmon World - Great Milk World - Great Inverted World - Great School World - Great Halloween World - Great Diamond World - Great Surprise Box World - Great Daikon World - Great Bon World - Great Shougatsu World - Great Noodle World - Great Kotatsu World - Great Headwind World - Great SD World - Great Omikuji World - Great Carrot World - Great Sapphire World - Great Bat World - Great Beef Rib World
Recycle Sentai Great Worldgers: Great Recycle World - Great Mushroom World - Great Ice World - Great Boxing World - Great Sushi World
Fake Zenkaigers: Fake Kaito - Fake Zocks
Grunts: Kudakks - Kudaiters - Kudaitests (New Kudaitests)
Mecha: Battle Caesar Robo (Battle Caesar Robo II - Battle Caesar Robo III) - ZenkaiOh Black JuraGaon (Black JuranTyranno - Black GaonLion) - HaKaijuOh - Izirudestroyer IV
Others: God - Dr. Iokal - Doetamu (Tanuki SP) - Kikaiki