Icon-boukengerThis article is about a villain in GoGo Sentai Boukenger.

Grand Beast Rei (大いなる獣レイ Oinaru Kemono Rei, 17-42) is the right-hand man of Furious Demon God Gai.



Furious Demon God Gai and Hyouga freed this powerful Bengal tiger-like demon from the 100-Demon Mirror by using the captured Natsuki's blood as sacrifice.

Rei is a calm, yet vicious and calculating demon who loves to make people suffer. He has power over fire and can breath forth an illusion-filled miasma that preys on the self-doubt of his victims. Satoru tried to use the Dual Crusher Mixer Head on Rei, but Rei simply broke out of it with his fire powers. Though defeated by Satoru Akashi wielding the Crossbow of Fighters, and terminated by Ultimate DaiBouken and the Ashu Spirit Extinguishing, Arch Priest Gajah revived him as Quester Rei (クエスター・レイ Kuesutā Rei). In this form, Rei wields a sword that also turns into a gun and can also shoot lighting from his hands. He also kept his Ashu ability to project a person's memories and thoughts. He was able to put Natsuki into a trance that made her believe that her purpose as the last of the Lemurians was to bring destruction to the future humanity.

After the defeat of Homunculus he was finally destroyed by the Boukengers with the Dual Crusher in Task 42.

Super Hero Taisen[]

Quester Rei is revived as a member of the Shocker-Zangyack Alliance. In the hunt on Fourze and Meteor, he was seen getting beat up while Meteor kicked him down. He and the other members of Dai-Zangyack teamed up with Dai-Shocker and fought the army of Kamen Riders and Super Sentai, including his enemies the Boukengers. He is also seen in the battle fighting HououRanger, and in the second aerial scene fighting GoseiRed, Kamen Rider ZXIcon-crosswiki, HurricaneYellow, and HurricaneBlue. Tvicon TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen

Super Hero Taisen Z[]

Quester Rei was part of an army of resurrected (mostly Super Sentai) monsters led by Space RaiderIcon-crosswiki after the revival of MadouIcon-crosswiki Demon King PsychoIcon-crosswiki. They proceeded to attack the gathering of Kamen RidersIcon-crosswiki and Super Sentai, giving them a hard time, with the Questers fighting Kamen Rider WizardIcon-crosswiki before he joined the Kyoryugers in Kyoryuzin. The heroes of recent years were in a pinch until the arrival of a force of Sentai and Rider reinforcements, which included the Boukenger five-man team, led by Akarenger and Kamen Rider IchigoIcon-crosswiki. The combined forces of superheroes were able to turn the tide against the Madou army. They lined up and used their various finisher attacks to destroy the revived monsters. Tvicon TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z


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  • Height: 207 cm (46.5 m: giant)
  • Weight: 93.4 kg (150 t: giant)

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Dual Crusher Immunity: Rei is immune to Bouken Red's Dual Crusher Mixer Head attack.


  • Human Disguise: Rei is able to shapeshift as a human disguise, especially Shirou Masaki.
  • Pyrokinesis: Rei has power over fire and can breath forth an illusion-filled miasma that preys on the self-doubt of his victims.
  • Fog Breath: Rei is able to breath a fog to cover entire land.


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  • Soldier's Bow: Rei is equipped with a bow under his Shirou Masaki disguise.
Appearances: Episodes 17-19

  • Height: 218 cm
  • Weight: 133.6 kg

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Gordom Engine Wave: The Questers possessed the ability to create wavelengths with the Gordom Engine, which interfere with the power of the Boukengers' AccelSuits' and GoGo Vehicles' Parallel Engine.


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Rei is armed with a Quester Gun.

Appearances: Episodes 19-20, 23, 28, 31, 33-34, 36, 39-42, Super Hero Taisen, Super Hero Taisen Z




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Behind the Scenes[]



Concept Art[]


His name comes from the number "Zero".


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See Also[]

External links[]



Icon-boukenger GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Satoru Akashi - Masumi Inou - Souta Mogami - Natsuki Mamiya - Sakura Nishihori - Eiji Takaoka
Extra Heroes: Great Sword Man Zubaan
Accellular - GoGo Changer - Survi-Buster - Scope Shot - Bouken Bo - Radial Hammer - Blow Knuckle - Bucket Scoopers - Hydro Shooter - Sagasniper - Accel Tector - Dual Crusher
Mister Voice - Morio Makino - Kyoko - Shirou Masaki - Phantom Thief Selene - Ragi - Magi - Kei - Karato Takaoka - Yuji Toba - Kouichi Akashi - Kurolinda - Professor Hanzou Igarashi - Kousuke Shimada - Taro - Miyu - Eve - Gekirangers - Gokaigers
30th logo
AkaRed - Nanami Nono - Asuka - Tekkan Aira - Tsubasa Ozu - Hikaru
Mecha and Robos
GoGo Dump - GoGo Formula - GoGo Gyro - GoGo Dozer - GoGo Marine - GoGo Fire - GoGo Aider - GoGo Police
GoGo Drill - GoGo Shovel - GoGo Mixer - GoGo Crane - GoGo Jet
GoGo Commander - GoGo Carrier - GoGo Fighter - GoGo Attacker - GoGo Roader
Giant Robos:
DaiBouken - DaiTanken - SirenBuilder - DaiVoyager
Negative Syndicates
Gordom Civilization
Arch Priest Gajah - Karths - Giant God Gordom - Giant God Gagadom
Gordom Minions: Mogari - Modified Mythical Beast Gordorum - Desperado
Jaryuu Clan
Creator King Ryuuwon - Dragonoid Soldier Jaryuu
Great Evil Dragons: Great Evil Dragon Dold - Great Evil Dragon Zard - Great Evil Dragon Girad - Great Evil Dragon Zorad - Evil Mechanic Dragon Grand
Wicked Dragons: Dryken - Lindom - Naga - Ragi - Talong - Dembey - Dagargin
Dark Shadow
Gekkou of Illusions - Shizuka of the Wind - Yaiba of Darkness
Tsukumogami: Jougami - Takumigami - Kawazugami - Kanadegami - Nendogami - Zukangami - Akutagami - Shirubegami - Mamorigami
Ashu Tribe
Furious Demon God Gai - Grand Beast Rei - Hyouga - Ouga
Quester Robos: Quester Robo Turbo - Quester Robo Elite - Quester Robo Cannon - Quester Robo Blaze - Quester Robo Radial - Homunculus Quester Jet Over
Precious Creatures
Madness Weather - Vril - Prince - Hyde Gene - Lemurian Mythical Beast - Golem - Prometheus' Stone - Ultimate Artificial Lifeform Homunculus
Other Villains

Time Demon God Chronos - Cosmic Kenpo Master Pachacamac XII
