Icon-gogglevThis article is about a changer in Dai Sentai Goggle-V.

Goggle Brace (ゴーグルブレス Gōguru Buresu): The Goggle-V's transformation device. To transform, they call their name (the team name if the whole team; individual names for individual members). The activation of the brace summons the Goggle Suit for usage which surrounds the user with the energy of their gemstone on the helmet; if not authorized to use it, the energy will merely shock the user as what happens to a Spotman after trying to use GoggleYellow's brace. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 12: The Sandpit Which Emerged from a Lie

The braces are individualized by number (similar to the number of "lines" requires to make the shapes of their gemstones) as well as an LED light that glows in the color of their gemstone.

The braces themselves do not contain either the Goggle Suit or the powers of Goggle-V; they are merely communication devices and relays for retrieving the Goggle Suit. The brace can be destroyed but it will not lead to a loss of power, merely inconvenience the user and prevent them from using any of their powers of Goggle-V until they receive another brace. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 29: Terror of the Sleeping Quarter

At the climax of the Legend War, the Goggle Braces were made redundant when Goggle-V sacrificed their powers with the rest of the first 34 Super Sentai to destroy the invasion force of the Space Empire Zangyack. Resurfacing as Ranger Keys, the Goggle-V powers would be used by the Gokaigers to assume their forms via the Gokai Change. Ultimately, the Gokaigers returned their borrowed powers to their rightful owners after overthrowing Zangyack.

Transformation Sequence[]


  • The Goggle Brace is the first transformation device sold as a toy.


Icon-gogglev Dai Sentai Goggle-V
Kenichi Akama - Kanpei Kuroda - Saburou Aoyama - Futoshi Kijima - Miki Momozono
Future Science Foundation: Dr. Hideki Hongo - Midori Wakagi - Sayuri Yamamoto - Comboy
Tadao Takayama - Turboranger - Gokaiger
Transformation Devices
Goggle Brace
Goggle Sabres - Golden Spear - Red Rope - Black Clubs - Iron Arm - Blue Ring - Yellow Ball - Yellow Hammer - Pink Ribbon
Goggle Machine - Goggle Cougar
Mecha and Robos
Goggle Jet - Goggle Tank - Goggle Dump
Goggle Caesar
Giant Robo:
Goggle Robo
Dark Science Empire Deathdark
Leader: Führer Taboo
Generals: Grand Marshal Deathmark - General Deathgiller - Mazurka - Dr. Zazoriya - Dr. Iguana - Bella and Beth
Synthetic Beasts: Seashell Mozoo/Fan Kong - Bird Mozoo/Light Kong - Octopus Mozoo/Gorilla Kong - Spider Mozoo/Mammoth Kong - Mantis Mozoo/Kong - Gecko Mozoo/Kong - Mole Mozoo/Kong - Cat Mozoo/Kong - Moth Mozoo/Kong - Baku Mozoo/Kong - Mouse Mozoo/Kong - Lion Mozoo/Kong - Antlion Mozoo/Kong - Catfish Mozoo/Kong - Angler Mozoo/Kong - Bee Mozoo/Kong - Starfish Mozoo - Kappa Mozoo/Kong - Monkey Mozoo/Kong - Bat Mozoo/Kong - Cactus Mozoo/Kong - Coelacanth Mozoo/Kong - Peacock Mozoo/Kong - Crab Mozoo/Kong - Chameleon Mozoo/Kong - Pterano Mozoo/Kong - Boar Mozoo/Kong - Watermelon Mozoo/Kong - Shark Mozoo/Kong - Fly Mozoo/Kong - Tengu Mozoo/Kong - Rattlesnake Mozoo/Kong - Hermit Crab Mozoo/Kong - Tiger Mozoo/Kong
Neo-Metal Mozoo: Crocodile Mozoo/Kong - Hyena Mozoo/Kong - Porcupine Mozoo/Kong - Flying Squirrel Mozoo/Kong - Rhino Mozoo/Kong - Horned Owl Mozoo/Kong - Walrus Mozoo/Kong - Silkworm Mozoo/Kong - Scorpion Mozoo/Kong - Earthworm Mozoo/Kong - Condor Mozoo/Kong - Tanuki Mozoo/Kong - Skunk Mozoo/Kong
Hightron Mozoo: Giant Tortoise Mozoo/Kong - Cheetah Mozoo/Kong - Bear Mozoo/Kong
Grunts: Spotmen