Icon-kingohgerThis article is about a villain turned ally in Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger.

"If you want someone abducted… then leave it to me."
―Geroujim's first words[src]

"I believe you are the one most fit to be Chikyu’s ruler."
―Geroujim pledging his loyalty to Jeramie[src]

"It is I, the Non-Existent Geroujim..."
―Geroujim introduction to other people after the truth about Bug Naraku is revealed[src]

Geroujim (ゲロウジーム Gerōjīmu) is a Mayfly-themed Kaijim of the Earth Empire Bug Naraku , who later defected and joined forces with Jeramie Brasieri, becoming one of the first citizens of his new In-between Land Bug Naraku . Using his shapeshifting abilities, Geroujim would briefly morphs himself into Jeramie as Spider Kumonos (スパイダークモノス Supaidā Kumonosu), the White Ranger of the King-Ohgers.


Geroujim first appears while Desnaraku is punishing Kamejim, offering his services using his illusion abilities to slip through unseen into Shugoddam. Desnaraku accepts his offer but continues trying to crush Kamejim despite his pleas for mercy.

During the battle between Gira and Rcules, Geroujim disguised as Yanma appears and an irritated Rcules ends up injecting him with a venom syringe intended for Gira. Gira tends to the fake Yanma and is shocked to see him transform back into Geroujim. Rcules uses this as an opportunity to frame Gira as a sympathizer of Chikyu’s hated enemies, making the public turn further against him. Despite this, the real Yanma and the other King-Ohgers arrive to help, with some Sanagims appearing to distract them.

Seemingly cured of his poison, Geroujim grows into a giant off-screen and rampages. Rcules prepares to summon King-Ohger to deal with him but is interrupted by the appearance of the final Greater Guardian, God Hopper, who apparently destroys Geroujim in one blow. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 8: King and Prince in Trial by Combat

However, Geroujim is revealed to have survived, citing his previous defeat as an illusion. He returns to Desnaraku to further offer his services, but the villain is displeased at his failure. Geroujim infiltrates N'Kosopa by disguising as Shiokara and taking his place in Yanma's plan to prank Rcules with a giant whoopee cushion. Geroujim is exposed when he trips and Yanma kicks him to stop him from falling on the cushion, causing him to turn back into his Bug Naraku form. Yanma passes off the failed prank as a Bug Naraku plot, and Geroujim is chased out of the Shugoddam palace where he transforms into a giant again. Jeramie battles him with God Tarantula, but spares his life and fakes his death with his illusion powers after sympathizing with his half-hearted nature. From there, Geroujim sees Jeramie as the rightful king of Chikyu and swore his allegiance to him. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 13: Angry Spider

Geroujim later disguises himself into Sebas after Hymeno brutally defeats Jeramie, with him taking hold of Hymeno thus allowing Jeramie to flee from Ishabana to Gokkan. Geroujim ended up leaving unnoticed by Hymeno and the real Sebas while showing his relief. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 14: Together with Moffun

Geroujim appeared again in Shugoddam to warn Jeramie that the Bug Naraku was planning to revive Daigorg. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 17: The King Does Not Flee

Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 24: King of the In-between VS King of the Abyss

Geroujim appears with a group of Sanagims as he appears to be attacking Shugoddam, and Jeramie ends up having to fight his own ally. This fight Geroujim started turn out as a ruse to make Jeramie wake up to reality on how he'll be king, no matter how violent & bloody things are. To that end, Geroujim became Jeramie's vassal on his path in becoming Bug Naraku's king replacing Desnaraku. His loyalty shined on Jeramie's dagger. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 25: War of The Kings and The People


Geroujim is shown to be a patient Kaijim seemingly having stood still while invisible for an unknown period of time. His disguise and how he acts in them range from being accurate as with Prime Minister Kamejim, Sebas and even Jeramie to very inaccurate as seen with his disguise with Yamma Gast and Shiokara. He's also somehow meek and soft-hearted as he tries to please Desnaraku VIII and later his new beneficiary, Jeramie. In time of crisis, Geroujim is shown to be strong-willed as he succeeded in reprimanding Jeramie about the duty as a King.


  • Height: 189 cm (47.1 m:Giant)
  • Weight: 151 kg (375.9 t:Giant)

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Shapeshifting: Geroujim is able to transform his body into a replica of another person.
  • Illusion: Geroujim can make illusions of himself, as his previous defeat was an illusion and survived against God Tarantula
  • Teleportation: Geroujim is able to teleport himself from one place to another.
  • Yura Yu Rush (ユラユラッシュ Yura Yurasshu): Geroujim's special attack. It create a heat haze by swaying to destroy the target.
  • Laser: Geroujim is able to fire purple lasers from his maw and both claws.
  • Size Enlargement: By devouring a Shugod Soul, Geroujim is able to grow giant-sized instantaneously.


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Geroujim did not display any Weaknesses


Appearances: King-Ohger Episodes 8, 13-14, 17, 24-29, 46-50


Spider Kumonos

Using his shapshifting abilities, Geroujim is able to shapeshift into Spider Kumonos.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to King-Ohger Episode 25.




Behind the Scenes[]



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  • Geroujim's name comes from Mayfly (カゲロウ Kagerō).


  • Geroujim is the first Kaijim to appear in more than one episode, and is also the first to have survived a mecha fight.
  • Geroujim is the first Kaijim to become good.





Icon-kingohger Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
King-Ohgers: Gira Husty - Yanma Gast - Hymeno Ran - Rita Kaniska - Kaguragi Dybowski - Jeramie Brasieri - Rcules Husty
Other Rangers: Daigoro Kiryu - Geroujim - Causus Husty - Karras Dehaan - Iroki
Shugodom: Duga - Kofuki - Boshimar - Vedalia - Devonica
Nkosopa: Shiokara - Gin
Ishabana: Sebastian - Elegance Moun - Cleo Urbanus - Shiron - Deed - Metally
Gokkan: Morphonia - Moffun
Tofu: Kuroda - Suzume Dybowski
Bug Naraku: Geroujim - Nephila - Sanagim
Others: Gentle - Yuko Fukui - Rika Fukui - Joyful Knight Canderrilla - Funfilled Spy Luckyulo - Dantetsu Kiryu - Murphy K9
Legend Sentai: Daigo Kiryu - Ian Yorkland - Nobuharu Udo - Souji Rippukan - Amy Yuuzuki - Utsusemimaru - Ramirez - Tessai - Yayoi Woorushade - Wise God Torin - Taro Momoi - Shinichi Saruhara - Haruka Kitou - Tsubasa Inuzuka - Tsuyoshi Kijino - Jiro Momotani
Others: Sononi - Sonoza
Shugodom: Kogane - Boone - Goroge
Nkosopa: Akka - Usuba - Mayuta
Ishabana: Kare - Edda
Transformation Devices
OhgerCalibur - OhgerCalibur ZERO - Kumonoslayer - Ohger CrownLance - Don Ohger Crown - Gaburimix Shooter
King Gaburicalibur
Kings Weapon - Venomix Shooter
Kings Hotline - Ohger Holder - Kumonos Keys
King Speeder
Mecha and Robos
Normal: God Kuwagata - God Tombo - God Kamakiri - God Papillon - God Hachi - God Tarantula
ZERO: God Kuwagata ZERO - God Tombo ZERO - God Kamakiri ZERO - God Papillon ZERO - God Hachi ZERO
Sub Shugods:
Normal: God Tentou - God Kumo - God Ant
ZERO: God Tentou ZERO - God Kumo ZERO - God Ant ZERO
Other Shugods: Semishugods - God Caucasuskabuto
Three Great Shugoshin: God Kabuto - God Scorpion - God Hopper
Guardians: Guardian Rolling - Guardian Snail - Guardian Cicada - Guardian Pede - Guardian Hercules
Other: Caucasuskabuto Castle - Tarantula Abyss - Zyudenryu Gabutyra
Giant Robos:
Main Giant Robos: Ohsama Gattai King-Ohger - Ohsama Henkei Tarantula Knight - Ohsama Henkei King Caucasuskabuto
Evil Giant Robos: Ohsama Gattai King-Ohger ZERO
Other Giant Robos: Ohsama Gattai King Kyoryuzin
Earth Empire Bug Naraku
Leader: Naraku King Desnaraku VIII
Generals: Prime Minister Kamejim - Deathblow Shogun Daigorg
Normal: Danjim (DiamondDanjim) - Bodarujim (GenjiBodarujim) - Funjim - Tanijim - Jigokujim - Gundajim - Geroujim - Nagabajim - Amenjim - Baejim - Wogerajim - Iragajim - Zarigajim - Minojim - Semijim
Dezu: DezuDanjim - DezuBodarujim - DezuFunjim - DezuTanijim - DezuJigokujim
Human-based: Shidejim
Grunts: Sanagim
Leader: Rcules Husty
Generals: Duga - "Boshimar"
Grunts: Shugodom Soldiers
Leader: Uchu King Dagded Dujardin - Alternate Gira Husty
Uchu Five Jesters: Kamejim Unka - Goma Rosalia - Hilbil Leech - Minongan Moth - Glodi Leucodium - Rcules Husty
Grunts: Sanagim - Semishugods
Deboth Army
Leader: Kabutobushin Deboth
Debo Monster: Debo Senking
Grunts: Zorima
White Rangers
Sokichi BanbaSayaka NagisaKaori RokumeikanKouTsuruhimeSae TaigaMikoto NakadaiTekkan AiraMiyuki OzuKen HisatsuFuka IgasakiAmuLuckyKaito GoshikidaJeramie Brasieri
Secondary Rangers
Misa ArashiyamaTadao TakayamaRadietta FanbeltShadow White SwanCopyWhiteShade GaoWhiteFrabeejoSononiGeroujim
Power Sets
Big OneWhite Rose Fencer (secondary)Transformed Papa (secondary)ChangeMermaidWhite SwanKibaRangerNinjaWhiteWhite Racer (secondary)GaoWhiteAbareKillerDekaBreakMagiMotherGekiChopperShiroNingerZyuoh TigerShishi Red OrionZenkaizerSpider Kumonos