Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about an episode in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Fowl Play is the fifty-third episode of the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


Zack helps out by teaching magic to some day camp kids which works a bit of magic on Angela but Rita makes magic of her own and creates the Peckster to terrorize the city.


At the Youth Center, Zack is entertaining kids with his magic tricks and juggling skills. He then scares away Bulk and Skull with two fake snakes, when they try to gang up on him after a failed juggling attempt, and encourages the kids to use their heads if they're in a situation. Angela, is quite impressed with how good Zack is and gives him a kiss on the cheek. When the others show up, they tease Zack about the kiss but Zack tells them it was just a peck on the check. At the Moon Palace, Rita, overhearing, decides to show him what a real peck on the cheek feels like.

The others are planning to meet Tommy at the mall before it closes. They ask Zack if he wants to come too, but he turns them down so he can stay with Angela and the kids. Back on the Moon Palace, Finster tells Rita about the new monster he's making, the Peckster, who destroy buildings with a single peck or two, Rita then tells Finster to make sure it doesn't fail.

On the way to the mall, the other Rangers are ambushed by Putties in the park, but they manage to hold the Putties off.

Back at the Youth Center, Angela asks Zack if he wants to do something with her tonight, but it is interrupted by the news report about Peckster. Zack and Angela try to keep the kids calm by having Zack do more magic tricks. Zack gets Bulk and Skull to help with a disappearing trick, by tricking Bulk into calling himself a goon and saying to him to bring Zack back he has to say Zack's name. When Bulk figures out Zack's trick, he then notice the latter has disappeared, Zack contacts Zordon, who tells Zack to stop Peckster.

Zack then morphs and fights against Peckster, while the others are still fighting against the Putties in the park. However, Peckster manages to escape from Zack.

Zordon then contacts Zack and tells him to return to the Youth Center because the children need him and to keep anyone from suspecting anything by being away for too long.

At the park the other Rangers defeat the Putties, then Zordon contacts them and they teleport to the Command Center.

At the Command Center, Zordon explains to the Rangers about Peckster. He tells them that Zack is at Youth Center, and when Kimberly asks about Tommy, he reminds her he still has to conserve his powers. The Rangers then morph to face off against Peckster and the Putties.

Back at the Youth Center the kids want Bulk to say Zack's name to bring him back but he refuses. Bulk then flirts with Angela, but she rejects him, then Bulk accidently says Zack's name, the latter reappears. He then sees the report about how the other Rangers are struggling to fight against Peckster. When Zack holds one of the kids' rubber ball and sees some balloons, he gets an idea.

Back at the fight the Rangers manage to defeat the Putties, but are still struggling against Peckster. However, this changes when Zack shows up with the balloons. Zack gets Peckster to peck at them, and tricks him into pecking the rubber ball disguised as a balloon, which causes his beak to get stuck.

Rita then makes Peckster grow, then the Rangers call the Megazord, and destroy Peckster with the Power Sword.

Angela and the kids watch on television at the Youth Center, one of the kids is impressed with how the Black Ranger defeated Peckster and says he reminds him of Zack. Angela then wonders where Zack is, much to Bulk and Skull's annoyance.

On the Moon Palace, Rita berates Finster for Peckster's defeat.

Later at Youth Center, Zack shows up dressed up for Angela. He tells the others his plans for a romantic evening with her, until Angela shows up with the kids and reveals that they are taking the kids to a cartoon festival. When Angela assumes he thought it was a date, Zack denies it and agrees to take the kids to the festival. However, Angela then reveals the festival is a 5 hour retrospective of Woody Woodpecker, much to Zack's dismay.




  • The ball Zack used to trick Peckster clearly is a balloon.
  • During some shots of the downed Megazord, including the use of the cranial laser, the footage is flipped.
  • During the scene where Finster is discussing the creation of the Peckster, his models change shape and size depending on the stock footage being used.
  • When Ernie's TV shows the Peckster smashing a building, he is a giant, but is not when Zack appears to fight him.
  • When Zack was ambushed by Putties in the city battle, one charges at him and gets in close but the next shot shows it is further away.
  • The news reporter knows the name of the Megazord's Power Sword, despite the Rangers not going on TV until the Season 2 episode "Lights, Camera, Action".


Putty low blow

A low blow

  • This episode is the only example in Season 1 of the Putties coming out from under the Rangers. This technique was used in almost every episode of Zyuranger by Golems.
  • This is the final use of the Megazord's Mammoth Shield and the only time it is named.
  • Jason David Frank as Tommy does not appear in this episode, though Tommy is mentioned several times.
  • Jason references Queen's song "Another One Bites the Dust" after the Rangers defeat the Putties.

External Links[]



Icon-mightymorphin List of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Episodes
Season 1

0: Day of the Dumpster (pilot) • 1: Day of the Dumpster • 2: High Five • 3: Teamwork • 4: A Pressing Engagement • 5: Different Drum • 6: Food Fight • 7: Big Sisters • 8: I, Eye Guy • 9: For Whom The Bell Trolls • 10: Happy Birthday, Zack • 11: No Clowning Around• 12: Power Ranger Punks • 13: Peace, Love and Woe • 14: Foul Play in the Sky • 15: Dark Warrior • 16: Switching Places • 17-21: Green With Evil • 22: Itsy Bitsy Spider • 23: The Trouble with Shellshock • 24: The Spit Flower • 25: Life's a Masquerade • 26: Gung Ho! • 27: Wheel of Misfortune • 28 & 29: Island of Illusion • 30: The Rockstar • 31: Calamity Kimberly • 32: A Star Is Born • 33: The Yolk's on You! • 34 & 35: The Green Candle • 36: Birds of a Feather • 37: Clean-Up Club • 38: A Bad Reflection on You • 39 & 40: Doomsday • 41: Rita's Seed of Evil • 42: A Pig Surprise • 43: Something Fishy • 44: Lions & Blizzards • 45: Crystal of Nightmares • 46: To Flea or Not to Flee • 47: Reign of the Jellyfish • 48: Plague of the Mantis • 49 & 50: Return of an Old Friend • 51: Grumble Bee • 52: Two Heads are Better than One • 53: Fowl Play • 54: Trick or Treat • 55: Second Chance • 56: On Fins and Needles • 57: Enter… The Lizzinator • 58: Football Season • 59: Mighty Morphin' Mutants • 60: An Oyster Stew

Season 2

1-3: The Mutiny • 4: The Wanna-Be Ranger • 5: Putty on the Brain • 6: Bloom of Doom • 7: The Green Dream • 8: The Power Stealer • 9: The Beetle Invasion • 10: Welcome to Venus Island • 11: The Song of Guitardo • 12 & 13: Green No More • 14: Missing Green • 15: Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park • 16: Beauty and the Beast • 17 & 18: White Light • 19: Two for One • 20: Opposites Attract • 21: Zedd's Monster Mash • 22-24: The Ninja Encounter • 25: A Monster of Global Proportions • 26: Zedd Waves • 27 & 28: The Power Transfer • 29: Goldar's Vice-Versa • 30: Mirror of Regret • 31: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger? • 32: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun • 33: Lights, Camera, Action • 34: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire • 35: Scavenger Hunt • 36: The Great Bookala Escape • 37: Forever Friends • 38: A Reel Fish Story • 39 & 40: Rangers Back in Time • 41-43: The Wedding • 44-46: Return of the Green Ranger • 47: Best Man for the Job • 48 & 49: Storybook Rangers • 50 & 51: Wild West Rangers • 52: Blue Ranger Gone Bad

Season 3 & Alien Rangers

1-3: A Friend in Need • 4-7: Ninja Quest • 8: A Brush with Destiny • 9: Passing the Lantern • 10: Wizard for a Day • 11: Fourth Down and Long • 12 & 13: Stop the Hate Master • 14: Final Face-Off • 15: The Potion Notion • 16: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger • 17 & 18: A Ranger Catastrophe • 19-21: Changing of the Zords • 22: Follow that Cab! • 23-25: A Different Shade of Pink • 26: Rita's Pita • 27: Another Brick in the Wall • 28: A Chimp in Charge • 29-31: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor • 32: The Sound of Dischordia • 33: Rangers in Reverse • 34 & 35: Alien Rangers of Aquitar • 36: Climb Every Fountain • 37: The Alien Trap • 38: Attack of the 60' Bulk • 39: Water You Thinking? • 40: Along Came a Spider • 41: Sowing the Seas of Evil • 42 & 43: Hogday Afternoon

Movies & Specials

Alpha's Magical ChristmasMighty Morphin Power Rangers: The MoviePower Rangers (2017)Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always
