
This page highlights the differences between Bara Mobile and the Five Generals.

Machine Empire Generals

The Machine Empire Generals

Bara Mobile

Bara Mobile


Bara Mobile Five Generals
Single monster. Team of five generals (Gerrok, Tezzla, Automon, Steelon, and thier leader General Venjix}.
Appeared in a movie. Appeared in an ordinary episode.
Tanuki and clock based. Humanoid robot based.
Fought in 1996. Fought in 2002.
Survived the events of Ohranger by being on a distant planet and not being around for the death of Emperor Bacchus Wrath and Buldont. Survived Zordon's Energy Wave through unknown means.
First seen in a heated pool. First seen digging out Serpentera.
Teamed up with the Bowzock to achieve his goals. No known association with Divatox's Crew.
Scheme was to reestablish the Machine Empire Baranoia by turning people into "machine people." Scheme was to uncover Serpentera to destroy Earth and conquer the universe through fear, thus reestablishing the Machine Empire.
Showed little or no respect to his late rulers (not even acknowledging them). All held deep respect for King Mondo to the point of General Venjix's final words apologising for failing to avenge him and failing the Machine Empire.
Lacked any footsoldiers, with the last of the Barlo Soldiers being destroyed during the invasion of Earth. Relied on the Bowzock's Combatant Wumpers for support. Had Cogs at thier disposal and never had Chromites working for them.
Tricked Kyosuke and the other Carrangers into fighting for him as he was supposedly an enemy of the Bowzock. Never tricked the Zeo Rangers, Turbo Rangers, nor Robot Rangers into working for them.
Only battled the Ohrangers and Carrangers. The Zyurangers, Dairangers, and Kakurangers were not part of the team-up and the Megarangers, Gingamen, GoGoFive, Timerangers, and Gaorangers had yet to appear. Battled representatives of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Zeo Rangers, Turbo Rangers, Space Rangers, Galaxy Rangers, Lightspeed Rangers, Time Force Rangers, and Wild Force Rangers.
Initially defeated by the Olé Bazooka. Never faced the Zeo Cannon.
Grew by spinning the wheel on his shoulder. None of them grew and Venjix only piloted Serpentera.
Battled alongside Norishiron Extra and SS Sutatanzo. Never fought alongside a version of the Terrorzord nor a petrol pump monster.
Killed by Ohranger Robo's Crown Final Crash. Tezzla was killed by Eric's Quantum Defender, Gerrok was killed by Tommy's Zeo Flying Power Kick, Automon was killed by TJ's Turbo Lightning Sword, and Steelon was killed when he was shot off of a cliff by Carter's Rescue Blaster and Andros' Astro Blaster. Venjix survived and escaped into Serpentera but died inside of it when Cole destroyed it with his Wild Force Rider.