Icon-supersamuraiThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Super Samurai.

"Did you miss me, Octoroo? Yearning for a dose of something wicked?"
―Fiera's first words.[src]

"NO! YOU'RE supposed to burn up! NOT ME!"
―Fiera's final words before her first destruction.[src]

"He's toast! Haha! And the rest of you will be next!"
―Fiera when turning into a Mega-Monster.[src]

"Woah, this didn't go according to plan!"
―Fiera's final words before her destruction.[src]

Fiera is a bird-like Nighlok that serves as the main antagonist of the episode "Fight Fire with Fire."


Fiera is an extremely powerful monster who was given the task of destroying Jayden, who is the 18th descendant of the Shiba Clan. To help achieve her task, Octoroo provides her with Fire Flashers, which allows her to shoot blue fireballs at her opponents though they only actually affect the Red Ranger. Unluckily for her, he managed to finish her off with the Super Bullzooka before collapsing.

She then went into her Mega-Monster form and the Rangers summoned the Claw Armor Megazord. However, she used her teleportation and speed to rip it apart and cripple the Zords.

Her plan to destroy Jayden was eventually thwarted by the 2nd Red Ranger, Lauren, who is Jayden's sister. She used the Lion FoldingZord's Pentagonal Fury attack to destroy her. Tvicon TV STORY-Fight Fire With Fire


Fiera is cold, ruthless, and arrogant and will not stop to destroy the Red Samurai Ranger, as she was tasked to. But she is also loyal to Octoroo.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Explosive Projectiles: By swiping her hair, Fiera can generate large and explosive blue projectiles that fly at her enemies. However, it was rendered useless against the Lion FoldingZord.
  • Instant Teleportation: Fiera can instantly teleport around the battlefield in blue feathers. This enabled her to dodge the Hydro Bow's projectiles and the Claw Armor Megazord's attacks.
    • Invisibility: Fiera can sometimes use her instant teleportation to become invisible.
    • Quick Attack: Fiera can use her teleportation to her advantage, easily zipping between attacking and teleporting which allows her to perform aerial strikes. This is her strongest move as just three of these attacks ripped apart the Claw Armor Megazord and crippled the Zords to the point that they were useless (except for the Lion FoldingZord).
  • Levitation/Flight: Fiera can levitate/fly at will.
  • Mega Monster Transformation: Fiera can turn into her giant Mega Monster form when destroyed.


  • Strength: Fiera is one of the strongest Nighloks that there is, easily overwhelming all five Rangers and nearly killing Jayden as well as easily ripping apart the Claw Armor Megazord.
  • Durability: Fiera has thick skin that allows her to take attacks without getting scratched.


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  • Beak Claw: Fiera has a large bird beak claw over her right arm that she can use in combat.
    • Energy Blasts: Fiera can fire blue mid-ranged energy blasts from her claw.
    • Blue Fireballs: When loaded with the Fire Flashers, Fiera's claw can shoot blue fireballs capable of hurting Jayden by turning his internal fire against him.
  • Fire Flashers: A blue oni head-like chain rack given to her by Octoroo, the Fire Flashers can be used to consume its target in flames to the point where it will cause them excruciating pain for every blow. They turn her beak claw into a projectile weapon and are exclusively used for/on the Red Samurai Ranger given his fire Symbol Power.

Behind the Scenes[]



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  • She is the first Nighlok to fight against Lauren.
  • She is the last Nighlok to be defeated by the Lion FoldingZord.
  • She is the only female Nighlok to fight the Rangers other than Dayu who's half human.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Icon-shinkenger Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai Icon-supersamurai
Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Lauren Shiba
Samuraizer - Samurai Morpher - Black Box - Power Discs - Spin Sword - Mega Blade - Fire Smasher - Hydro Bow - Sky Fan - Forest Spear - Earth Slicer - Barracuda Blade - Shark Sword - Bullzooka - Mega Mode - Super Mode - Super Mega Mode - Shark Attack Mode - Mega Shark Mode - Shogun Mode - Samurai SUV
Mentor Ji - Farkas Bulkmeier - Spike Skullovitch - Eugene Skullovitch - Cody - Scott Truman
Zords and Megazords
Lion FoldingZord - Dragon FoldingZord - Turtle FoldingZord - Bear FoldingZord - Ape FoldingZord - BeetleZord - SwordishZord - TigerZord - OctoZord - Samurai ClawZord - LightZord - SharkZord - BullZord
Samurai Megazord - Beetle Blaster Megazord - Swordfish Fencer Megazord - Tiger Drill Megazord - Samurai Battlewing - Battlewing Megazord - Octo Spear Megazord - Claw Battlezord - Claw Armor Megazord - Samurai Battle Cannon - Light Megazord - Samurai Shark Megazord - Bull Megazord - Samurai Gigazord - Samurai Lightzord - Samurai Shark Gigazord
Master Xandred - Octoroo - Serrator - General Gut - Moogers - Spitfangs - Furry Warts - Papyrox
Deker - Dayu
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Tooya - Scorpionic - Rofer - Doubletone - Dreadhead - Negatron - Yamiror - Madimot - Desperaino - Robtish - Vulpes - Steeleto - Antberry - Splitface - Arachnitor - Rhinosnorus - Sharkjaw - Sergeant Tread
Armadeevil - Switchbeast - Eyescar - Crustor - Skarf - Duplicator - Grinataur - Epoxar - Maldan - Trickster - Pestilox - Fiera - Gigertox - Gred