Icon-goseigerThis article is about an episode in Tensou Sentai Goseiger.

Gosei Knight Will Not Allow It (ゴセイナイトは許さない Gosei Naito wa Yurusanai) is the nineteenth episode of Tensou Sentai Goseiger. It features the debut of Gosei Knight's mecha "form", Gosei Ground


Agri feels sorry for himself when he lets a family become separated by a Yuumajuu working with Buredoran to manipulate Gosei Knight's power for themselves.


As the Gosei Angels talk about the turn of events with Gosei Knight with the intent to grant his trust much to Agri's dismay, Buredoran finds Giemurou of the Kappa to use in his own plan for Gosei Knight. After using his ticks to capture several people, Giemurou battles the Goseigers before Gosei Knight arrive. Overpowering the Yuumajuu at first, nearly getting some people caught in the crossfire as Gosei Black is unable to save a little girl named Kanako from a tick, Gosei Knight is captured with Buredoran's aid.

Later, as they try to make amends with Kanako's father, the Gosei Angels reveal their identities while promising to save the girl before others leave to find her as Moune consoles her brother. After hearing the man telling his wife to believe in them, Agri gains the strength to join his team. While this occurred, finding himself trapped and his Leon Cellular taken, Gosei Knight's power is siphoned by the tick and transferred to the hostages, turning them into Kappas and have them covert other humans while they suck up Earth's waters.

As Gosei Blue and Pink fight Giemurou with the Landick siblings arriving for support, Gosei Knight is horrified to learn of Buredoran's scheme as Gosei Red battles him. As the two fights collide, Gosei Knight grieves about being used to kill the planet until the Landick siblings snap him of it before they attempt to free him to his shock. Seeing the Goseigers' determination to save the world, Gosei Knight breaks free from his cage and battles Buredoran and Giemurou, defeating the latter as Buredoran summons the Bibi Bugs to enlarge Giemurou.

Stopping the Goseigers from summoning their Headders, Gosei Knight summons the Knight Brothers into battle as he becomes Groundion, combining with them to become Gosei Ground and destroy Giemurou. Later, as Kanako is reunited with her parents as Agri erases their memories of the incident, Gosei Knight turns down their offer of joining them before he takes his leave as Alata tells him their missions are the same.


Guest Cast[]

Gosei Cards[]


DVD releases[]

Goseiger DVD Vol 5

Goseiger Volume 5, DVD cover

Tensou Sentai Goseiger Volume 5 features episodes 17-20: Epic 17: A New Enemy! The Spectral Demon Beasts, Epic 18: The Earth Purifying Knight of Destiny, Epic 19: Gosei Knight Will Not Allow It, and Epic 20: Fall In Love Goseigers. [1]

See Also[]



Icon-goseiger List of Tensou Sentai Goseiger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Epic 1: The Gosei Angels DescendEpic 2: Fantastic GoseigersEpic 3: Landick Power, DividedEpic 4: Echo, Song of the AngelsEpic 5: Magical HydeEpic 6: Breakout GoseigersEpic 7: Protect the Land!Epic 8: Gosei Power, Out of ControlEpic 9: Gotcha☆Gosei GirlsEpic 10: Hyde's Partner
Episodes 11-20
Epic 11: Spark, Landick PowerEpic 12: The Miraculous Gosei Headder Great AssemblyEpic 13: Run! The Mystic RunnerEpic 14: Birth of the Ultimate Tag!Epic 15: Countdown! The Life of the EarthEpic 16: Dynamic AlataEpic 17: A New Enemy! The YuumajuuEpic 18: The Earth Purifying Knight of DestinyEpic 19: Gosei Knight Will Not Allow ItEpic 20: Fall In Love Goseigers
Episodes 21-30
Epic 21: Elegant EriEpic 22: Over the RainbowEpic 23: Burn! GoseigersEpic 24: Miracle Attack GoseigersEpic 25: Nostalgic MouneEpic 26: The Laughing Gosei AngelsEpic 27: Wake Up Agri!Epic 28: A Father's TreasureEpic 29: The Goseigers are Sealed!Epic 30: Romantic Eri
Episodes 31-40
Epic 31: Never Give Up, Goseigers!Epic 32: Perform the Ultimate Miracle!Epic 33: The Dreadful Matrintis EmpireEpic 34: Gosei Knight JusticeEpic 35: Find the Perfect Leader!Epic 36: Run, Agri!Epic 37: Excited MouneEpic 38: Alice vs. Gosei KnightEpic 39: Epic ZeroEpic 40: Strong Alata
Episodes 41-50
Epic 41: Exploding Bonds of Friendship!Epic 42: Passionate HydeEpic 43: The Empire's General AttackEpic 44: The Ultimate Final BattleEpic 45: The Messiah is BornEpic 46: Gosei Knight is TargetedEpic 47: The Trap of the Earth Salvation PlanEpic 48: The Fighting Gosei PowerEpic 49: Fight Towards the FutureEpic 50: Protecting the Planet is an Angel's Duty
Movies & Specials
Movies: Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Epic on the MovieTensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on GinmakuCome Back! Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Last Epic - The Gosei Angels are National Icons!?Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
Specials: Tensou Sentai Goseiger: Special DVD - Gotcha☆Miracle! Compilation Video!!