Icon-changemanThis article is about an episode in Dengeki Sentai Changeman.

Booba Dies on Earth (ブーバ地球に死す Būba Chikyū ni Shisu) is the fifty-second episode of Dengeki Sentai Changeman. It is the fifth of the eight episode endgame arc, featuring the final fates of both Adjutant Booba and Adjutant Seama.


Gator's defection from Gozma startles Seama's allegiance to Star King Bazeu, moreso knowing that she will be used as a sacrificial lamb in their latest plan.


Bazoo punishes Super Giluke for Gator's betrayal, and Ahames promises him she will compensate for it. Seama, meanwhile, ponders Gator's decision of leaving Gozma for his family, leading Buuba to tease her, before Ahames rallies them.

Ahames soon sets her new plan in motion: she, along with the two Gozma lieutenants and a mysterious cloaked figure, comes down to Earth and challenge the Changemen in a battle royale with all of them. From the distance, the cloaked figure reveals itself as a Space Beast Warrior, Daryl, whom Seama immediately recognises in complete horror. Daryl attacks Seama with the Changemen caught in the crossfire. Being alerted by Sergeant Ibuki, Dragon knocks Daryl out, everyone else falls unconscious, leading both factions to retreat.

At the Shuttle Base, Ibuki informs the team that Daryl can emit a special kind of energy called Negative Amanga Energy, which affects Seama adversely, due to her being charged with a positive variation of the energy.

Having found out that Daryl was responsible for destroying her home planet, Seama lashes out at him, when Ahames interjects that the clash of these opposite energies will cause the ultimate destruction of Earth, even at the cost of Seama's life. She becomes distraught at the thought that her home world will never be brought back, and that she will have to give up her life. Ibuki telepathically intercepts her thoughts and orders the Changemen to move out to help her, while Nana, who had also picked up on her thoughts, approaches Seama and tells her to flee. Before they can, however, Ahames attacks them, reinforcing the politics that traitors of Gozma are not allowed to live. Buuba shares her sentiment, but having already lost the last thing he could cling to, he lays low.

The Changemen arrive just in time to attack Ahames, and just after she says they fell in her trap and ordering Daryl to attack, once again trying to evoke Seama's and Daryl's opposite energies against the heroes. But before the deadly process completes, Buuba jumps in and strikes Seama down, seemingly killing her, much to the team's sadness.

Ahames confronts Buuba, saying that Seama was supposed to die along with Daryl to destroy the Earth. Saying that he has a plan, Buuba decides to take on the Changemen by himself. While the team is kept busy with Daryl and a handful of Hidrers, Buuba faces an enraged Change Dragon head on. Their duel is intense, as Buuba proves to be an expert swordsman, but Dragon is a skilled fighter on his own right too. Against the sunset, they trade blows, until Dragon finally manages to mortally wound Buuba and send him tumbling down a cliff. Seeing this, Ahames takes matters into her hands, but Nana stands in the way of her and Daryl's attacks, reverting to her original form.

At that moment, Seama stands back up, fully revived and donning her original Amanga outfit, and rushes over to the agonising Buuba's aid, revealing that the attack he used on her, Vital Strike, did not kill her, but actually broke Bazoo's conditioning over her (which can be noticed by her now female voice) and restored her real self as Amanga Princess Seama. After giving her his blessings, Buuba stands up again, mortally wounded, intending to strike Ahames down, but soon falls dead. His sacrifice inspires the Changemen to continue fighting, eventually destroying Daryl with the Power Bazooka and subsequently with Change Robo's Dengekiken.

Later, at Buuba's grave marked with his sword, Seama tearfully bids him her farewell. She thanks the Changemen and Nana, as Hiryu ponders that, due to his sacrifice, maybe he could have turned over a new leaf like Gator, and now Seama, did.


Guest Cast[]


  • to be added


  • Viewership: 11.2%
  • On the day this episode finished filming, Yoshinori Okamoto was seriously injured in an accident, preventing him from returning to Sentai for nearly a year.

DVD releases[]

  • Dengeki Sentai Changeman DVD Volume 5 features episodes 45-55



Icon-changeman List of Dengeki Sentai Changeman Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: Arrival! Secret Power!Ep. 2: The Wrath of Star King BazeuEp. 3: Scram! Soldier TeamEp. 4: A Kiss After the FightEp. 5: Pegasus Arrest OrdersEp. 6: The Targeted High School GirlsEp. 7: The Sad Space Beast Warrior!Ep. 8: The Young Lady is a VampireEp. 9: Shine! The Special Miracle BallEp. 10: The Dreadful Driverless Car Army
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: SOS Koko and KikiEp. 12: Mama is MermaidEp. 13: Papa Sells the EarthEp. 14: Attack! Giant LizardsEp. 15: Reckless Rider MaiEp. 16: The Girl Who Had Wings!Ep. 17: Nagasaki's Mysterious Ghost ShipEp. 18: Ahames' Challenge!Ep. 19: Bet on Sayaka!Ep. 20: Grand Counterattack! Giluke
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: Gozma's Big StarEp. 22: The Soldier Who Disappeared into a MirrorEp. 23: The Boy Who Rides DolphinsEp. 24: Runaway GyodaiEp. 25: Sing! With a Great VoiceEp. 26: Mai's 20-year-old First LoveEp. 27: Gator's Dream of Parent and ChildEp. 28: The Cursed CrayonsEp. 29: Protect the Flowers! Phantom ButterflyEp. 30: Run! Pegasus!
Episodes 31-40
Ep. 31: Reveal It! The Mystery of BazeuEp. 32: Nana! Dangerous ReunionEp. 33: The End of Giluke!?Ep. 34: Ahames the TerribleEp. 35: Earth!! Help Us!Ep. 36: Behold! Our PowerEp. 37: The Disappearing Dragon!Ep. 38: Ghost BaseballEp. 39: Dreadful Hide-and-SeekEp. 40: Strange Sweets
Episodes 41-50
Ep. 41: The Prince of the Lost World!Ep. 42: The Sailor-Suited NanaEp. 43: Super GilukeEp. 44: Leave it to Mai!Ep. 45: The Rainbow-Colored Girl IraEp. 46: Beautiful Seama!Ep. 47: Gator's Tears of Parent and ChildEp. 48: The Pirate Booba's Storm of LoveEp. 49: The Sad Seama Beast SoldierEp. 50: The Day Gozma Trembled
Episodes 51-55
Ep. 51: Nana!! Tell Him!Ep. 52: Booba Dies on EarthEp. 53: Fiery Ahames!Ep. 54: Giluke Grand Explosion! v Final Ep.: Farewell, Friends of Space!
Movies & Stage Shows
Movies: Dengeki Sentai Changeman: The MovieDengeki Sentai Changeman: Shuttlbase! The Critical Moment!
Stage Shows: Changeman Stage Show at Super Hero Korakuen YuenchiChangeman Stage Show at 3 Heroes Korakuen Yuenchi