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The Sad Seama Beast Soldier (哀しきシーマ獣士 Kanashiki Shīma Jūshi) is the forty-ninth episode of Dengeki Sentai Changeman. It is the second episode of the endgame arc, with Giluke targeting Adjutant Seama in turning the Gozma invasion fleet into Space Beasts.
Giluke transforms Seama into a Space Beast, forcing the Changeman to discover an unconventional means to restore her to her true self.
Seama shrivels in pain, receiving an attack from Super Guiluke. "Since I was interfered with the time I attempted to make Buuba a Space Beast Soldier," he reveals, "you shall instead be made one." Seama cries out in pain. "Why me, after all I've done for Gozma," she shrieks in question. Ahames arrives along with Buuba and Gator, furious at the scene. Cursing Super Guiluke, she prepares to attack while he urges her otherwise. "You feel like disobeying Bazuu," he taunts, reminding Ahames that Bazuu said himself that it didn't matter who became a Space Beast Soldier, as long as Changeman's defeated. Just then, Seama becomes Space Beast Soldier Zuune, the sight frightening Gator while the others look on in disbelief at their sacrificed comrade. A pleased Guiluke orders for Zuune's attack.
Zuune watches on as people enjoy time spent relaxing in a park. Zuune then begins to emit a light from her a snake on her head, the beam hitting random stones in the park, transforming them into diamonds. A girl brings the diamonds to her mother's attention, shortly afterwards, a frenzy breaking out as crowds flock to obtain each jewel. People trample each other in search as Yuma and Sayaka arrive, perplexed of the situation. They soon spot Zuune, who flees in escape, the two pursuing her. She quickly turns to them and she attacks, projecting beams from her head of snakes. Moments later, Dragon and the rest arrive to their rescue. The two change, demanding the beast explain its plan. "I'll show you now," it begins to say, emitting an ultrasonic frequency which causes the all of the diamonds placed to explode. "They explode upon excess interference," she baits them in a familiar voice the others immediately recognize. Dragon declares that the beast is really Seama, the brainwashed and obedient beast simply stating its Uchuujuushi name before escaping.
Meanwhile, Super Guiluke explains his agenda before Bazuu. He has Zuune turn ordinary pebbles into diamonds, causing people to viciously scramble for them in their greed. Furthermore, their desire for jewelry is manipulated, resulting in mayhem and petty in-fighting. "The evil gems are made from a woman's deep rooted hatred," Bazuu marvels. "Seama's being made a Space Beast Solider is turning out to be worthwhile." He orders Guiluke to see to more gems being made to spread the conflict.
Zuune prowls the city, turning more stones into gems. Hiryu stops and approaches her, referring to her as Seama and pleading for her to stop. She attacks, fleeing. Hiryu pursues, losing her. The other Changemen approach, Mai telling him that even if the beast is Seama, there's no use in chasing after her. Sho tells him they have no choice but to defeat her. Hiryu fumes, pushing away the others. "I can't do that," he shouts. "You didn't see what she's really like that time" he exclaims, beginning to reminisce about the time Seama lost her memory. "There was a time she was a peaceful princess of Amanga Star...but Bazuu conquered Amanga. Now, Seama fights with the desire to return there...even as a Space Beast Soldier. Knowing what Seama feels, what she still feels even when made a Space Beast Soldier...there's no way I can possibly kill Zuune," he confesses. Yuma then asks how to stop the riots being caused by the jewels, the danger people are putting themselves in. "I know your feelings well," Sho urgently tells him. "But upon the signal, Zuune will cause those gems to explode. What do we do," he demands to know furiously, "when there's more at stake," he finishes. They look to their leader as a silence overcomes them, the sound of Warajii's flute cutting through that quiet.
Zuune stops her actions upon hearing the flute's sound, walking to the sound's source. Nearby, Warajii sits on a rooftop, Zoorii by his side, her arm wrapped around him as they sway to the music. Zuune's demeanor changes, her face becoming innocent and beautiful in sorrow at the music. "Amanga Star," Zuune reminisces. "My home...I want to return...I want to return," she repeats. The others arrive as she calmly walks toward the source of the music, repeating that she wants to return home. Sho prepares to dash out and strike her until Hiryu prevents him, noticing Zuune's change. The events are being shown at the Dengeki Base by monitor, Ibuki watching intently, seemingly distant himself. "Chief, is there something wrong," Suzuki asks. "Chief," he calls harshly, to get his attention, but with no success. "My home, Amanga Star...I am a princess," Zuune begins to remember. Hiryu notices something afoot, jumping towards Warajii and instantly changing to Dragon, just in time to block an attack sent by Super Guiluke. Guiluke curses Dragon for his interference, snapping Zuune out of her daze and ordering her to destroy the flute. She blasts away the others, making her way to the rooftop toward Dragon, who guards Warajii and Zoorii. He pleads for Zuune to stop as he walks through her attack in pain, withstanding it and making his way to her. A result of the close range of the attack, the force pushes each of them away and they vanish, falling on the shore of a beach unconscious.
The other Changemen have returned to the Dengeki Base, along with Warajii and Zoorii for their safety. Warajii is playing his flute as all of the soldiers look on, Ibuki distant in thought as the others explain Zuune's reaction to it. Snapping out of his dazed enchantment and quickly regaining his attention, Ibuki turns to the four. "This is something sung throughout the universe, a song to remember one's home star by," Ibuki informs them. "Since the beginning of Bazuu's invasion, many aliens have been taken from their home planets from which they were born and raised. As a result, many aliens are spread all over space, having lost their homes," the sage concludes. Ibuki is heartbroken as he sees Zoorii cry. "It surely brought back feelings for Seama while Zuune," he finishes.
Meanwhile, Zuune is conscious and stands on the shore, approaching Hiryu. The other Changemen drive quickly in the Change Cruiser towards the shore, along with Zoorii and Warajii, who plays his flute. Zuune nears Hiryu, who jerks awake a moment too late, as she wraps a snake around his neck, strangling him. "Seama, stop," he begs. "I'm not Seama, I'm Zuune," she again growls, sending an attack through the snake. Hiryu writhes in pain, near unconsciousness as Zuune comes to a halt at the faint sound of Warajii's tune. She stands frozen, her demeanor again changing, reminiscing once more about Amanga, the snake vanishing from Hiryu's neck. The others stand nearby with Warajii as Hiryu joins them, Griffin informing him that the music reminds them of their hometown. Furthermore, Griffen gladly informs Tsurugi that he may be able to use it to save her. Just then, Super Guiluke arrives. While Mermaid and Phoenix escort Warajii and his mother to safety, Griffen and Pegasus obstruct Guiluke, telling Tsurugi to escape with Seama. He pulls her along, away from the attacks.
Hiryu finds a calm spot with Zuune, pointing out to the vast waters. "Look at the sea," he tells her. "Doesn't Amanga have a sea," he appeals to her, as Warajii's flute begins once more. "Didn't you tell me that you gathered seashells and played when you were young," he gently reminds her. She begins to remember as Super Guiluke attacks. "You won't turn back to yourself," Guiluke threatens, firing a beam at her as Hidoras arrive to restrain her. She shakes violently in pain, while trying to resist the attack, her demeanor changing back and forth. Guiluke grins sadistically as Zuune keeps saying her real name. As Hiryu calls out for her, the real Seama begins to emerge, separating herself from the beast, collapsing. The beams attempting to transform Seama instead make their way to the Hidora, the Space Beast Soldier absorbing them in Seama's place. Hiryu rejoices, glad for the woman he knows deep down is a good person to be saved. "Your dark powers can't triumph over the feelings in Seama's heart," he calls out to the furious Guiluke. Tsurugi changes to Dragon and leads the battle. Seama watches on, "I am Princess Seama, of the Amanga Star...I will surely defeat Changeman by my own hands and then the day will finally come when I can return home," she ascerts herself. Super Guiluke watches on furiously as Seama retreats. The Changeman soon dispose of Zuune.
The Changemen are at the seaside as Warajii plays his flute. "There are many aliens wandering the universe, lost, as a result of Bazuu taking their homes," Sho notes solemnly. "I hope even Seama will be able to find her way home," Hiryu says. Just then, Yuma remembers that he's kept one of Zuune's diamonds, digging deeply into his pockets and producing only a mere stone. "What the hell is this, Mai asks. "You've seemed to mistake a stone," she adds jestingly, Yuma giving it a toss into the vast sea.
- Hiryu Tsurugi (剣 飛竜 Tsurugi Hiryū): Haruki Hamada (浜田治貴 Hamada Haruki)
- Sho Hayate (疾風 翔 Hayate Shō): Kazuoki Takahashi (高橋 和興 Takahashi Kazuoki)
- Yuma Ozora (大空 勇馬 Ōzora Yūma): Shiro Izumi (和泉 史郎 Izumi Shirō)
- Sayaka Nagisa (渚 さやか Nagisa Sayaka): Hiroko Nishimoto (西本ひろ子 Nishimoto Hiroko)
- Mai Tsubasa (翼 麻衣 Tsubasa Mai): Mai Ooishi (大石麻衣 Ōishi Mai)
- Chief Yui Ibuki (ユイ・イブキ ): Jun Fujimaki (藤巻潤 Fujimaki Jun)
- Officer Suzuki (鈴木隊員 Suzuki Taiin): Genshu Suzuki (鈴木玄秀 Suzuki Genshū)
- Officer Shoji (庄司隊員 Shōji Taiin): Hirokazu Shoji (庄司 浩和 Shōji Hirokazu)
- Officer Watanabe (渡辺隊員 Watanabe Taiin): Minoru Watanabe (渡辺実 Watanabe Minoru)
- Officer Nomoto (野本隊員 Nomoto Taiin): Nahoko Nomoto (野本奈穂子 Nomoto Nahoko)
- Officer Kikuchi (菊池隊員 Kikuchi Taiin): Kaori Kikuchi (菊池香理 Kikuchi Kaori)
- Star King Bazeu (星王バズー Seiō Bazū): Kazuto Kuwahara (桑原一人 Kuwahara Kazuto)
- Star King Bazeu (Voice): Seizo Kato (加藤 精三 Katō Seizō)
- General Giluke (ギルーク司令 Girūku Shirei): Shouhei Yamamoto (山本昌平 Yamamoto Shōhei)
- Queen Ahames (女王アハメス Joō Ahamesu): Fukumi Kuroda (黒田 福美 Kuroda Fukumi)
- Adjutant Booba (副官ブーバ Fukukan Būba): Yoshinori Okamoto (岡本美登 oshinori Okamoto)
- Adjutant Seama (副官シーマ Fukukan Shīma): Kana Fujieda (藤枝かな Fujieda Kana)
- Seama (Voice): Michirou Iida (飯田 道朗 Iida Michirō)
- Gator (ゲーター Gētā, Voice): Hiroshi Masuoka (増岡弘 Masuoka Hiroshi)
- Zoorii (ゾーリー Zōrī, Voice): Makoto Kousaka (高坂真琴 Kōsaka Makoto)
- Waraji (ワラジー Warajī, Voice): Kazuhiko Ohara (大原和彦 Ōhara Kazuhiko)
Guest Cast[]
- Zuune (ズーネ Zūne, Voice): Michirou Iida (飯田 道朗 Iida Michirō)
- Mother: Asako Mori (森 朝子 Mori Asako)
- Girl: Ayaka Oota (太田明香 Ōta Ayaka)
- to be added
- Viewership: 12.1%
DVD releases[]