Icon-changemanThis article is about an episode in Dengeki Sentai Changeman.

Beautiful Seama! (美しきシーマ! Utsukushiki Shīma) is the forty-sixth episode of Dengeki Sentai Changeman. This episode further reveals the true nature of Adjutant Seama compared to the cold warrior she appeared to be to the Changeman.


Hiryu protects a much kinder Seama after a memory loss reveals a much different personality within her.


It's late in the evening and Seama looks to the moon, waiting suspiciously in an abandoned lot. Suddenly, Super Guiluke approaches confidently, asking what she called him for. Suddenly, from behind, Space Beast Soldier Garuga appears and fires several beams at him, Seama joining in. He groans, placing the blame entirely on orders from Ahames. Seama cackles, coldly telling him to "go back to space's graveyard." He withstands the attack, egotistically stating his name before flexing, sending the attack back to Seama and her beast, which stumbles backwards. He further fires upon Seama, the force of the attack sending her soaring through the night.

During the daytime, Seama wanders city streets, in a daze, wearing regular clothing. She leans down to a roadside, observing flowers. Nearby, Sho comes to a complete stop on his motorcycle, squinting his eyes in recognition. The Changemen stop in question at his complete halting. "That's Seama," he says, pointing to the woman. Yuma asks in doubt, as they get off in pursuit. The five eventually follow her to a park, watching on from a distance. They're surprised at the sight of Seama helping a fallen child, returning the ball he was playing with in kind words. Suddenly, Buuba appears before her. "Seama," he excitedly calls, "are you safe? I've been searching for you," he states, sending her stumbling backwards in fright. He quickly dashes to her, sending the woman running in terror, calling for help. She takes notice of and runs behind Hiryu, asking him for help. By now, the Hidora have joined Buuba, and in the midst of confusion, the others join Hiryu in taking a fighting stance to protect her. They change, battling the Hidora. As Dragon battle Buuba, he dodges an attack, which hits Seama, who was concealing herself behind a shrub, doubling over. Just then, both Dragon and Seama receive the attack of Garuga and she falls unconscious. Once the villains retreat, they take her to the hospital for examination. There, the doctor concludes she's suffering from amnesia, that she in fact doesn't remember anything, from her name to the time she was born.

The five watch Seama as she innocently plays with a dog in the grounds of the hospital. They marvel at her different face. "With her memory lost, Seama is no longer an adjutant for the Gozma Earth Invasion Army...she's a free woman," Hiryu observes. "Not only that, but she's a kind woman. Is she really a kind woman," Sayaka asks. "She became an invader following Bazuu's orders to revive her mother planet...truly a sorrowful alien," Hiryu further states. "So could today's Seama be the real one," Mai again asks in wonder. "That's being naive," Sho bluntly states. "Seama is ruthless, heartless. Perhaps this loss of memory is an act and it's a trap of Bazuu's," he continues. "I informed the chief a while ago asking about this and he's ordered to bring her in," Sho finishes, his words bringing Tsurugi silent in anger. Sayaka looks to Hiryu, asking what he thinks should be done. "This Seama, now, has no connection to the Earth invasion or Gozma," he says enraged, making his way over to Seama. Sho dashes to Hiryu, grabbing his arm. "What are you planning on doing, Hiryu," Sho gruffly asks. "Shou...sorry," Hiryu says low, already regretting his next action -- punching Sho with a hard hook, the force which causes his comrade to fall backwards. Hiryu takes Seama and escapes, the others baffled by their leader's actions.

Hiryu drives with Seama in his car. "Execution, exile, or demotion. Who enjoys fighting? Who enjoys becoming an invader? If Seama has regained her kind heart as a result of losing her memory, I'll trust and defend her," Hiryu thinks to himself, looking at her solemn face. Seama looks back at him as he tells her that everything's all right and to not worry. Sometime later, Hiryu is seen by monitor reporting to Ibuki. Meanwhile, the other Changmen returned to the Dengeki Base command center. "I persuade the Earth Defense Force Headquarters," Ibuki reminds them, Sho stunned speechless. "Chief, pretend that her memory loss is real, what do you think will happen when it comes back," Sho asks his superior furiously. "The only one in danger wouldn't be just Hiryu, it would be all of us Changeman. No, it would affect all of Earth," he fumes. "Really, what could he be thinking," Sho finishes to himself. "It certainly is dangerous," Ibuki concurs. "However, Hiryu has chosen the method himself. Why not cooperate with one another, and cover any danger, if you recognize yourselves and Hiryu as partners," he asks, settling the matter to the other Changemen.

Hiryu and Seama are at a seaside. Joyfully, she leans to the banks, picking up a seashell and placing it to her ear. Its sounds take her back to times of youth, thoughts of gathering shells in her youth with Uuba. She thinks of the day spent with Hiryu, picking flowers in the park, smelling the flowers, flashing back to doing the same with Uuba. Thoughts of playing a game with children while Hiryu is blindfolded, again thoughts of doing the same with Uuba in her youth. She stands, looking over to Hiryu, telling him that she's "remembered a little." He repeats, anxious in curiosity. "Yes...things long forgotten from the time I was a child. Gathering shells, picking flowers, playing tag with everyone...happy times," she beams. She happily hands the shell to Hiryu. "Shima...I feel sad that you've lost your memory," Hiryu confesses in his mind, as he playfully chases her on the beach. "But I would want you to forever lose your memory if it meant never having to worry about you being a member of the Daiseidan Gozma," he finishes. Suddenly, the other Changemen approach. Sayaka and Mai take Seama away, happily saying that they'll play with her, kneeling for seashells as the others walks off, unaware that Buuba looks on from a distance.

Buuba eventually reports to Ahames of Seama's current state. Bazuu arrives, telling Ahames that it's the perfect chance, that they should manipulate Seama with Garuga into killing Hiryu while he has his guard completely down. Sometime later, Hiryu is enjoying a drive with Seama while the others follow in their own vehicles. Garuga flies overhead, projecting a beam to Seama, taking her over. Now possessed, she reaches over, strangling Hiryu, causing the car to swerve madly to the worry of the others. The car comes to a crash, throwing the two from the impact. She continues to strangle Hiryu as Sho hops off his motorcycle, furiously calling out to Seama. She doesn't budge as Garuga fires upon her more, causing her to become even more vicious. It's then that Sayaka takes notice of Garuga standing on the top of a nearby mountain, projecting the beam. Obviously knowing the source of Seama's sudden change in behavior, they fire at the beast with Brace Laser and she's let loose, snapping from the possession. She collapses, Hiryu reaching down, calling for her, glad to see her alert. As Hidora and Buuba arrive, he turns his attention to them, changing into Dragon and jumping into battle.

Dragon spends most of the battle guarding Seama, being greeted by an attack from above by Ahames, stopping him in his tracks. Garuga joins, attempting to fires his beam to Seama, Dragon jumping before her in attempt to take the hit, only he's unable to bear it, eventually collapsing. Seeing Ahames prepare to attack, Seama shoves Dragon aside in protection, the violent attack pushing the two apart harshly. Seama falls unconscious, the force transforming her into her usual appearance. Despite that, Dragon still attempts to see to her safety, her response a backhand. Ahames celebrates Seama's "returned" memory. Seama again fires at Dragon, who sadly pleads with her to remember her kind heart. "Kind heart," Seama asks with a sneer. "I abandoned that a long time ago for the sake of reviving Amanga Star," she spits. Ahames orders for Garuga to attack, Dragon dodging in order to strike a major blow to the beast.

Afterwards, in the evening, Seama stands alone in the Gozmard. "Dream...I felt as if I had a splendid dream of seeing Earth in happiness. Almost as if childhood..." she says to herself. At the same time, Hiryu looks up to the starlit heavens, clutching the seashell she treasured earlier, his thoughts filled with the lovely time the two spent.


Guest Cast[]


  • to be added


  • Viewership: 11.7%
  • When displaying her true form, Seama is voiced by Kana Fujieda, her actual actress.

DVD releases[]

  • Dengeki Sentai Changeman DVD Volume 5 features episodes 45-55



Icon-changeman List of Dengeki Sentai Changeman Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: Arrival! Secret Power!Ep. 2: The Wrath of Star King BazeuEp. 3: Scram! Soldier TeamEp. 4: A Kiss After the FightEp. 5: Pegasus Arrest OrdersEp. 6: The Targeted High School GirlsEp. 7: The Sad Space Beast Warrior!Ep. 8: The Young Lady is a VampireEp. 9: Shine! The Special Miracle BallEp. 10: The Dreadful Driverless Car Army
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: SOS Koko and KikiEp. 12: Mama is MermaidEp. 13: Papa Sells the EarthEp. 14: Attack! Giant LizardsEp. 15: Reckless Rider MaiEp. 16: The Girl Who Had Wings!Ep. 17: Nagasaki's Mysterious Ghost ShipEp. 18: Ahames' Challenge!Ep. 19: Bet on Sayaka!Ep. 20: Grand Counterattack! Giluke
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: Gozma's Big StarEp. 22: The Soldier Who Disappeared into a MirrorEp. 23: The Boy Who Rides DolphinsEp. 24: Runaway GyodaiEp. 25: Sing! With a Great VoiceEp. 26: Mai's 20-year-old First LoveEp. 27: Gator's Dream of Parent and ChildEp. 28: The Cursed CrayonsEp. 29: Protect the Flowers! Phantom ButterflyEp. 30: Run! Pegasus!
Episodes 31-40
Ep. 31: Reveal It! The Mystery of BazeuEp. 32: Nana! Dangerous ReunionEp. 33: The End of Giluke!?Ep. 34: Ahames the TerribleEp. 35: Earth!! Help Us!Ep. 36: Behold! Our PowerEp. 37: The Disappearing Dragon!Ep. 38: Ghost BaseballEp. 39: Dreadful Hide-and-SeekEp. 40: Strange Sweets
Episodes 41-50
Ep. 41: The Prince of the Lost World!Ep. 42: The Sailor-Suited NanaEp. 43: Super GilukeEp. 44: Leave it to Mai!Ep. 45: The Rainbow-Colored Girl IraEp. 46: Beautiful Seama!Ep. 47: Gator's Tears of Parent and ChildEp. 48: The Pirate Booba's Storm of LoveEp. 49: The Sad Seama Beast SoldierEp. 50: The Day Gozma Trembled
Episodes 51-55
Ep. 51: Nana!! Tell Him!Ep. 52: Booba Dies on EarthEp. 53: Fiery Ahames!Ep. 54: Giluke Grand Explosion! v Final Ep.: Farewell, Friends of Space!
Movies & Stage Shows
Movies: Dengeki Sentai Changeman: The MovieDengeki Sentai Changeman: Shuttlbase! The Critical Moment!
Stage Shows: Changeman Stage Show at Super Hero Korakuen YuenchiChangeman Stage Show at 3 Heroes Korakuen Yuenchi