Icon-zyurangerThis article is about an episode in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.

Swordsman! Japan's Best (女剣士! 日本一 Onna Kenshi! Nihon'ichi) is the forty-fourth episode of Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.


Goushi protects the best swordswoman in Japan from Bandora's newest Dora Monster, who absorbs and multiplies the talents of the best people for itself.


A concert by idol Kaori Hayasaka is interupted when she's suddenly abducted in a red tornado. The same fate befalls Nishizawa, a young baseball player, and a popular soccer player named with Sugimoto. The culprit is Bandora's latest monster, Dora Chimera. The witch has decided to abduct the children of the world's idols in order to rob them of hope.

Elsewhere an older woman nearly falls over on a crowded bus but is caught by a young woman named Sayaka Yamazaki. Sayaka expects that one of the passangers with a seat will offer it to the woman, but the man in front of her pretends to be sleep to avoid responsibility, earning him a swift rebuke and a trip to the back of the bus from Sayaka. Already disgusted with the state of men in the world, Sayaka is eager to take out her agression when the mysterious tornado appears around her and draws a kendo bokuto. Swatting the hidden monster on the head, Sayaka says that she wasn't fooled because she is the best swordsman in Japan! The swordswoman attacks Dora Chimera and holds her own, but eventually she's pushed into a corner. Before the beast can make a move, Goushi appears and defends her. During the fight, Dora Chimera reveals that he absorbs the skills of every person he abducts. When Chimaera gains the advantage, injuring Sayaka's hand in the process, Goushi hurries Sayaka into his Side-Zaurer to escape as Dora Chimera threatens that her swordsmanship will be his.

In another section of the park, Goushi apologizes for Sayaka's injury and offers to look at it, but the swordswoman states it's just a scratch and she could have defeated it on her own, telling him to not interfere before running off.

An impressed Goushi follows Sayaka to her kendo dojo, but before long it begins to rain. Inside, the students ask their sensei if she will disappear like their other idols. Sayaka assures them that the dojo is important to her and that she loves all her students so she won't vanish. She then closes up and leaves, only to discover that Goushi has waited the entire time for her. He states he wants to protect her, stating that she is Dora Chimera's next target. Sayaka is unconvinced and challenges Goushi to a kendo match, stating that, if he wants to protect her, he has to be stronger than her. She promises to meet Goushi in the park the next day.

On the Moon, Lamy asks Bandora why she's making Dora Chimera wait to attack Sayaka, but the witch tells her that she has a plan.

That night, as Sayaka wonders why Goushi wants to protect her, she hears a strange chanting.

The next day, Goushi and Sayaka square up with bokuto in the park. Sayaka strikes first and Goushi is shocked when her bokuto slices through his vest. Some dark magic is allowing the bamboo training sword to cut like a real one and, at times, it even appears as a steel blade. Goushi struggles and attacks Sayaka from below but she kicks him just like the soccer player, Sugimoto. Goushi realizes that Sayaka has somehow been taken over by Dora Chimera! Goushi pleads with Sayaka to come back to herself but the real Sayaka is trapped, unable to save Goushi even when he appeals to her love of her students. The Dora Monster disarms Goushi and raises a killing blow, but Goushi catches the blade with his hands. As Goushi promises to protect her no matter what, Sayaka's admiration for the knight frees her from Dora Chimera's control. Goushi attempts to fight Chimera off, but his hands are badly injured and he nearly collapses from the pain. Luckily the other Zyurangers arrive to join in the battle and Chimera calls in a squad of Golem Soldiers. Defeating the Golems, the four Zyurangers pursue Dora Chimera.

As Goushi rests his bleeding hands Sayaka pulls out a handkerchief which she rips up to bandage his wounds. Goushi is humbled and resolves to join the fight against Dora Chimera but Sayaka insists that he can't fight in his condition. Hugging Goushi from behind and breaking into tears, Sayaka begs him not to put himself in danger, but Goushi only gives her a regretful thank you, quietly comparing her scar to his own as he turns into MammothRanger and runs off to join his teammates. Sayaka is left alone, Goushi's duty must come first.

Elsewhere, the Zyurangers continue to fight Dora Chimera; Mei tries to attack it with her arrows but the Dora Monster uses the skills of an archer named Yabuki to best her and calling upon Nishizawa's swing to brutalize the other Zyurangers with a pillar. Summoning his tornado, Chimera begins to absorb the Zyurangers as well, but is halted by a blast from the distance. Goushi transforms Mothbreaker back to its axe formation and promises to kill Dora Chimera in a single stroke, inspired by the starkness of Sayaka's white scarf. MammothRanger leaps from the cliff and makes good on his promise, leaving a frustrated Bandora to revive the beast and enlarge it with her staff.

Snow begins to fall as the Rangers summon Daizyuzin and the two battle. Dora Chimera reveals a new power, freezing Daizyuzin solid with a gust from the goat mouth on its chest. Pulling out a hockey stick he promises he will finish them with a powerful ice hockey dash. Taking command despite his injuries, Goushi orders Daizyuzin to spin, dizzying Dora Chimera and thawing the ice before he summoning Godhorn and the team finishes it with the Legendary Thunderslash.

At a cafe later, Goushi drinks coffee while admiring the falling snow, sadly contemplating how things resolved. The rest of the Zyurangers join him to cheer him up, but the moment is bittersweet. Far away, Sayaka continues to train her students at her dojo as the same snow falls near her.


Guest Cast[]

  • Dora Chimera (ドーラキマイラ Dōra Kimaira, Voice): Yoshio Kawai (河合義雄 Kawai Yoshio)
  • Sayaka Yamazaki (山崎さやか Yamazaki Sayaka): Momo Mizushima (水嶋もも Mizushima Momo)
  • Kaori Hayasaka (早坂 香 Hayasaka Kaori): Rie Matsubara (松原理恵 Matsubara Rie)
  • Nishizawa: Kozo Arai (荒井幸三 Arai Kōzō)


  • Dora Chimera sends Geki and Dan flying in a completely different direction with a hit from his log yet all four still landed on the same beach.
  • During a shot of the Rangers' feet when they were in the tornado, the tornado was suddenly gone.
  • Mei vanishes after she is shot by Dora Chimera's arrow and does not reappear until she goes flying with Boi from an apparent log swing.


  • Viewership: 6.8%
  • The name of the idol whose abilities are stolen by Dora Chimera at the start of the episode is Kaori Hayasaka, which is a fusion of the names of two Rangers of the previous series, Chojin Sentai Jetman (Kaori Rokumeikan and Ako Hayasaka).

DVD Releases[]

Zyuranger DVD Vol 5

Zyuranger Volume 5, DVD cover

  • Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger Volume 5 features episodes 41-50.[1]
File:At Long last...A DVD!.jpg

Zyuranger: The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)

  • The complete Zyuranger series was released in North America by Shout! Factory in 2015.

See Also[]



Icon-zyuranger List of Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: The BirthEp. 2: The RevivalEp. 3: Fight in the Land of DespairEp. 4: Reawaken, Legendary WeaponsEp. 5: Scary RiddlesEp. 6: Arise! DaizyuzinEp. 7: I Can See! I Can See!Ep. 8: Terror! Eaten In An InstantEp. 9: Run! Prince of The EggsEp. 10: Monkeys No More!
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: My Master!Ep. 12: Papa's a Vampire!?Ep. 13: Fire! The Golden ArrowEp. 14: Become Small!Ep. 15: Destroy! The Dark Super SwordEp. 16: The Great Sneeze PlotEp. 17: The Sixth HeroEp. 18: The Hate-Filled Brother's SwordEp. 19: Female Warrior Scorpion!Ep. 20: Daizyuzin's Last Day
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: The Guardian Beast's Great RiotEp. 22: Combine! GouryuzinEp. 23: The Knuckleball of InfatuationEp. 24: Hope Springs A-TurtleEp. 25: The Park Where Demons DwellEp. 26: Be Careful of Shaved IceEp. 27: Mei On A Silver PlatterEp. 28: Clay Monsters, New And ImprovedEp. 29: A Mystery!? The Attacking Beast Knight GodEp. 30: Satan Comes!!
Episodes 31-40
Ep. 31: Reborn! The Ultimate GodEp. 32: Geki! Slash Your TearsEp. 33: Teach Me! The Jewel of BraveryEp. 34: Live, Burai!Ep. 35: Ninja Warrior, BoiEp. 36: Smash It! The Mirror of DeathEp. 37: A Dinosaur is BornEp. 38: Princess Mei's Seven MetamorphosesEp. 39: A Subterranean Beast's TearsEp. 40: Burai's Departure of Death
Episodes 41-50
Ep. 41: Blaze, Burai!!Ep. 42: Burai Dies...Ep. 43: Live Again! ZyusoukenEp. 44: Swordswoman! Japan's BestEp. 45: The Foolish BoyEp. 46: Presenting! The Vicious SentaiEp. 47: Break in! The Final Deciding BattleEp. 48: The Son from the DarknessEp. 49: The Gods Lost!!Final Ep.: Viva Dinosaurs
Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger: Dino Video