Icon-maskmanThis article is about an episode in Hikari Sentai Maskman.

The Winds and Clouds of an Aura Storm! (風雲オーラの嵐! Fūun Ōra no Arashi!) is the twenty-second episode of Hikari Sentai Maskman. It is the conclusion of the three-part story introducing Galaxy Robo.


With Galaxy Robo in their hands, the Maskman head forth to save Great Five, unknowing of the difficulties of doing so and an unknown key to fully activate their new mecha.


to be added


Guest Cast[]


  • to be added


  • Viewership: 8.4%
  • The Galaxy Robo's transformation and his finishing move are based on the robot Daimos from the classic anime series of the same name.

DVD releases[]

Maskman DVD Vol 3

Maskman Volume 3, DVD cover

Hikari Sentai Maskman Volume 3 features episodes 21-30. [1]



Icon-maskman List of Hikari Sentai Maskman Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: The Mysterious, Beautiful RunawayEp. 2: Strange! The Dark Underground CastleEp. 3: The First Step into the UnknownEp. 4: Burn! F1 Spirits!Ep. 5: The Small Swordsman, BlueEp. 6: The God Hand of DreamsEp. 7: Explode! Kenta's LoveEp. 8: Burn! The Flower's SwordEp. 9: Combine! Aura of LifeEp. 10: Igum vs. Takeru
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: The Refugee From UndergroundEp. 12: A Challenge! The Pride of a ShinobiEp. 13: Chase the Idol!Ep. 14: The Great Escape to the Blue Sky!Ep. 15: Farewell, Dear Flower!Ep. 16: Deadly! Blazing BarabaEp. 17: Smash it! The Maze of HellEp. 18: The Dear Bloodsucking Doll!Ep. 19: Phantom Magic! AnagumasEp. 20: A Trap! The Sinking Giant Robot
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: The Black Shadow of the Misty ValleyEp. 22: The Winds and Clouds of an Aura Storm!Ep. 23: Mio Who Has Become a DemonEp. 24: The Grotto of the Young MonsterEp. 25: Akira's Lover!?Ep. 26: A Life That Disappeared on the Hot Sand!Ep. 27: Thief Knight Kiros!Ep. 28: Mio is Princess Iaul!?Ep. 29: The New Lethal Weapon of FriendshipEp. 30: Mama!! Baraba's Scream!
Episodes 31-40
Ep. 31: It Appears! The Guardian Deity Igum DragonEp. 32: Oyoboo's Lethal DashEp. 33: Takeru!! Cut Through Love!Ep. 34: Blues of Love and Murderous IntentEp. 35: The Mystery of Zeba! The Forbidden TombEp. 36: Elimination! The Destructive Twin GirlsEp. 37: Soldiers Who Bet on Their DreamsEp. 38: The Time to Erase TakeruEp. 39: Revival! The Mysterious X1 MaskEp. 40: Resurrect! The Melody of Love
Episodes 41-51
Ep. 41: Female Thieves Haruka & MomokoEp. 42: Fly! The Poem of a Timid BoyEp. 43: Akira Loses His Eyesight! The Mysterious SpellEp. 44: Transform! Underground Empire Swordsman AkiraEp. 45: Prince Igum! You're a Woman!Ep. 46: Counterattack! The Secret of the Demon PondEp. 47: The Night Prior to the Attack! The Dance of DeathEp. 48: Baraba! Death for TreasonEp. 49: The Revived Princess IaulEp. 50: Zeba! His Hair-Raising Secret IdentityFinal Ep.: Great Destruction of Underground Empire Castle!
Movies & Stage Shows
Movies: Hikari Sentai Maskman: The Movie
Stage Shows: Maskman Stage Show at 5 Heroes Korakuen YuenchiMaskman Stage Show at Super Hero Korakuen Yuenchi