Icon-flashmanThis article is about an episode in Choshinsei Flashman.

Big Turnaround! The Transforming Robo (大逆転! 変身ロボ Dai Gyakuten! Henshin Robo) is the eighteenth episode of Choshinsei Flashman. This episode is the fourth of the initial encounter with Sir Kauler and reveals the history of Leh Baraki and his connection both with the Flash and with the villains of Mess, as well as introducing the two combat forms of Flash Titan: Titan Boy and Great Titan.

This was also the last of four episodes that was made into the movie Choshinsei Flashman: Big Rally! Titan Boy!.


Ley Baraki's past and mission is revealed to the Flashman as Lee Keflen sends down Kauler to eliminate a mistake of Mess' past.


to be added


Guest Cast[]


  • to be added


  • Viewership: 11.3%

DVD releases[]

  • Choshinsei Flashman DVD Volume 2 features episodes 11-20



Icon-flashman List of Choshinsei Flashman Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: Hurry! Save the EarthEp. 2: Behold! The Giant RoboEp. 3: An Old Enemy? Hunter!Ep. 4: Mag is a Genius Robo?!Ep. 5: In the Care of the Female Warriors!Ep. 6: Roar! MachineEp. 7: Balloon! Become a WeaponEp. 8: Father!! Mother!! Little Sisters!Ep. 9: The Doctor Who Travels Through TimeEp. 10: Attack! The Flower Girl's Trap
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: Lou is the Beast Warrior's MotherEp. 12: Super Power! WandaEp. 13: Intense Battle! Danger, JinEp. 14: Love!? Bun and the Female GangsterEp. 15: The Giant Robo is Worn OutEp. 16: The Human Minimini PlanEp. 17: The Mysterious Giant Reckless Vehicle!Ep. 18: Big Turnaround! The Transforming RoboEp. 19: Baraki's Dying WarningEp. 20: Revival! Giant Robo!
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: Sorrowful SaraEp. 22: SOS! Phoenix!Ep. 23: Heart-Throbbing Wishes!Ep. 24: The Occult Summer VacationEp. 25: Hurry, Jin, Fusion is ImpossibleEp. 26: Space Pumpkin CookingEp. 27: Dai's Punch of FriendshipEp. 28: Sublime! Fiery GalsEp. 29: Monstrous Warrior WandarlaEp. 30: Bizarre Näfelura
Episodes 31-40
Ep. 31: It Vanished! The Power of the 5Ep. 32: We Like You, We Like You, Mag, We Like YouEp. 33: Papa Won't Lose!Ep. 34: Bun Disappeared in the RapidsEp. 35: The Starry Sky's DuetEp. 36: The Shocking Wonder SlugEp. 37: A Ghost's First LoveEp. 38: The Day Jin Dies?!Ep. 39: Burn, Angry SaraEp. 40: Execution City, Operation XX
Episodes 41-50
Ep. 41: Dai Becomes a ChildEp. 42: Don't Cry! Female WarriorsEp. 43: Kauler's Treachery!Ep. 44: Deus Beast Warriors AppearEp. 45: Warriors! Leave the EarthEp. 46: Only 20 Days to Live!!Ep. 47: Wanda! Death CryEp. 48: The End of Kauler!!Ep. 49: Counterattack, Lah DeusFinal Ep.: Farewell! Our Home Planet
Movies & Stage Shows
Movies: Choshinsei Flashman: The MovieChoshinsei Flashman: Big Rally! Titan Boy!
Stage Shows: Flashman Stage Show at Super Hero NostalgiaFlashman Stage Show at Double Hero Korakuen YuenchiFlashman Stage Show at Super Hero Korakuen Yuenchi