Icon-sunvulcanThis article is about an episode in Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan.

The Living Black Ball (生命を持つ黒い玉 Seimei o Motsu Kuroi Tama) is the thirteenth episode of Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan.


Sun Vulcan seize from Black Magma a ball made up of a living mass of super-alloy that starts rampaging against them as they try to discover more of their enemy's secrets.


to be added


Guest Cast[]


  • to be added


  • Viewership: 10.1%

DVD releases[]

  • Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan DVD Volume 2 features episodes 11-20
  • Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan DVD-Collection Volume 1 features episodes 1-25



Icon-sunvulcan List of Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Ep. 1: The Machine Empire of the North PoleEp. 2: The Day Mankind is ExtinguishedEp. 3: The Iron Claw That Challenges JapanEp. 4: The Boy Detective and the SpyEp. 5: The Wicked Sun GodEp. 6: The House Dominated by MachinesEp. 7: The Beastly Batter and the TearsEp. 8: The Handball Song Sung by FatherEp. 9: Papa Became a MonsterEp. 10: Ambush Poison Spider Mansion
Episodes 11-20
Ep. 11: The Mecha Girl of SadnessEp. 12: The Queen Who Eats DiamondsEp. 13: The Living Black BallEp. 14: The Day the Earth SurrendersEp. 15: The Queen's Greed DanceEp. 16: A Demon Runs the SchoolyardEp. 17: Ghost Story! The Valley of GoblinsEp. 18: The Surprising SuperstarsEp. 19: The Dangerous Perfect Score BoyEp. 20: The Machine Wrestler's Trap
Episodes 21-30
Ep. 21: Love Brought by the Sea BreezeEp. 22: Tokyo's Big Panic!Ep. 23: The Female Commander of Galaxy HauntsEp. 24: Lake Hamana's NessieEp. 25: The Cave of the Shocking Sea SerpentEp. 26: Starving Filling CookingEp. 27: A Midsummer Night's Great FearEp. 28: Is Sukehachi Friend or Foe?Ep. 29: Pretty Swordsman, White Rose MaskEp. 30: The Greatly Rampaging Giant Monster of Dreams
Episodes 31-40
Ep. 31: The Great Tokyo Numbing OndoEp. 32: Capture the Face-ThiefEp. 33: The Hateful, Stylish ThiefEp. 34: The Cursed DeadEp. 35: Friends!? La CucarachaEp. 36: The ESPerEp. 37: Himiko!Ep. 38: Asao Hyou's Dad-LordEp. 39: The Tomboy that Falls on Her RearEp. 40: The Best Friend Assassination Angel
Episodes 41-50
Ep. 41: The Quick-Changing Doronpa TanukiEp. 42: The Oversleeping Boy's DaydreamEp. 43: You Can Be a Genius TooEp. 44: The Great Escape - Heli ExplosionEp. 45: The Galaxy's Invincible Electric ManEp. 46: The Female Commander's (Secret) PlanEp. 47: The Machine Empire's RebellionEp. 48: The Stolen Giant CarrierEp. 49: The Queen's Last Apparition ArtFinal Ep.: Shine, North Pole Aurora
Movies & Stage Shows
Movies: Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan: The Movie
Stage Shows: Sun Vulcan Stage Show at Super Hero Korakuen Yuenchi