Icon-abarangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

"What are you looking at? How about a little vacation? See ya! Your in an ICY disposition."
―Dysotron's first lines to the Rangers when he was confronted by the Thundersaurus Megazord before he transported them.[src]

―Dysotron after which being shot by one of the Thundersaurs Megazord's fireballs and his final words before his destruction.[src]

Dysotron is a dice-themed monster who served as a very minor antagonist in the episode "Golden Boy."


Dysotron attacked Reefside and was first seen when the Dino Thunder Rangers spied him blasting lighting beams the city after cresting a hill.

They then summoned the Thundersaurus Megazord but Dysotron used his power to transport the Rangers into the Arctic. Luckily, they outsmarted him and stunned him with a spin of cold air before attacking him with their Ptera Rang, returning them to the city.

The Rangers then used their Tricera Fist and Tyranno Tail to knock him back and prevent him from sending them somewhere else.

They then shot him with a massive fireball and then powered up the Tyranno Drill to destroy Dysotron. He tried to teleport but this apparently failed and Dysotron was destroyed for good.


Dysotron is quite cunning and unpredictable. He is very intelligent as he managed to transport rangers into the Arctic. It is shown that he takes pleasure from his mission to attack Reefside and fight the Rangers. He is also very bratty in a similar way to Bratboy, as evidenced by his final words.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Lightning Vision: When the Rangers arrived over the crest of a hill to battle him, he can be seen blasting the city with red lightning from his eyes.
  • Teleportation: Dysotron can teleport himself to another location at will.
    • Teleportation Beam Spread Vision: Dysotron can fire light blue energy beams from his eyes that spread and can teleport things to different places as shown when he teleported the Rangers and their Thundersaurus Megazord to the Arctic.
  • Ice Breath: Dysotron can spew out cold winds at his enemies with a single puff of his mouth.


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  • Dice: Dysotron can equip himself with a dice although what it can do is unclear.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • Dysotron's deign is that of a dice.


  • Dysotron's name is a combanation of the play on the word "Dice", and "Tron".


  • It is unknown who created Dysotron as he was first seen destroying the city immediately after the opening credits.
  • Dysotron is the first monster in Power Rangers Dino Thunder who appeared only in the beginning of the episode.
  • The reason that Dysotron never uses his dice in combat is because it had Japanese writing all over it in Abaranger.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Thunder Icon-abaranger
Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Tommy Oliver - Trent Fernandez-Mercer
Dino Gems - Dino Morpher - Brachio Morpher - Drago Morpher - Triassic Morpher - Triassic Battlizer Morpher - Thundermax Saber - Tyranno Staff - Tricera Shield - Ptera Grips - Brachio Staff - Drago Sword - Z-Rex Blaster - Super Dino Mode - Shield of Triumph - Triassic Battlizer - Raptor Riders - Raptor Cycles - Dino ATVs - Hovercraft Cycle - Triceramax Command Center Truck
Hayley Ziktor - Sensei Kanoi Watanabe - S.P.D. Rangers - Cassidy Cornell - Devin Del Valle - Anton Mercer
Ninja Rangers: Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks - Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley - Cameron Watanabe
Zords and Megazords
Tyrannozord - Tricerazord - Pterazord - Brachiozord - Dragozord - Stegozord - Cephalazord - Dimetrozord - Parasaurzord - Ankylozord - Mezodon Rover
Thundersaurus Megazord - DinoStegazord - Mezodon Megazord - Triceramax Megazord - Valkasaurus Megazord
Mesogog - Zeltrax - Elsa - White Ranger Clone - Tyrannodrones - Triptoids
Evil Space Ninjas: Lothor - Izzy & Pupperazi - Zurgane - Kelzaks
Aerial Assault Craft - Birdbrain - Pollinator - Donkeyvac - Demagnetron - Dysotron - Goldenrod - Scorpex - Megalador - Creature - Angor - Rojobot - Insectolite - Fossilador - Termitetron - Ka-Ching - Mad Mackerel - Copyotter - Other World Monster - White Terrorsaurus -Terra Assault Craft - Jupitor - Tutenhawken - Thornox - Deadwood - Horn-Rimmed Monster - Jade Gladiator - Skortch - Squidrose - Croco D'Vile - Rumba Monkey - Rude Elf - Fridgia - Ruby Dragon - Ugly Monster
Zords: Replicantzord - Zelzord