Icon-changemanThis article is about a monster in Dengeki Sentai Changeman.

Dokyura (ドキュラ) is a bat-themed Space Beast of the Great Star League Gozma.


A vampire/bat-like Space Beast from the planet of vampires. Has the ability to fly and fight with sharp teeth and claws. His special technique is to "bite" people using a tube that emerges from his mouth; the bite infects anyone hit by it that he chooses with a virus that turns them into a pale-skinned bloodsucker similar to the legends of vampires. The people infected can turn back to normal, but will become vampires again when Dokyura emits an ultrasonic wave that awakens the effect of the virus. Although initially protecting himself with an army of young females he created on Earth prior to meeting with the Gozma, the Changeman are able to seize most of the infected girls and place them in a room where his ultrasonic shriek would not reach them; while Oozora uses a girl he befriended infected by the alien bloodsucker to draw him out and defeat him in an aerial battle before destroying him with the Power Bazooka, then Change Robo.Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 8: The Young Lady is a Vampire

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Ultrasonic Scream: Dokyura emits an ultrasonic wave that awakens the effect of the Vampire Virus.
  • Lightning Blast: Dokyura emits lightning from his mouth.


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  • Sharp Teeth: Dokyura has a sharp teeth.
    • Vampire Virus: Dokyura can turn victims into vampires using a tube that emerges from his mouth. Once infected, the victims could also turn other victims they bite into vampires. However, the victim can temporarily turn back to normal until Dokyura emits an ultrasonic wave.
  • Claws: Dokyura has claws in combat.

Behind the Scenes[]


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Concept Art[]


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Icon-changeman Dengeki Sentai Changeman
Hiryu Tsurugi - Sho Hayate - Yuma Ozora - Sayaka Nagisa - Mai Tsubasa
Change Brace - Change Sword - Power Bazooka - Auto Changers - Change Cruiser
Yui Ibuki - Blitzkrieg Squadron - Nana - Sakura - Zoorii - Waraji - Turboranger - Gokaigers
Mecha and Robo
Shuttlbase - JetChanger-1 - HeliChanger-2 - LandChanger-3
Change Robo
Great Star League Gozma
Star King Bazeu - General Giluke - Queen Ahames - Adjutant Booba - Adjutant Seama - Navigator Gator - Gyodai - Jangeran - Hidrer Soldiers
Space Beast Warriors
Gabu - Gomu - Zobi - Uba - Picara - Kamira - Marzo - Taro/Demost - Dokyura - Ooz - Haust - Ghost - Bamba - Ballas - Rogan - Gaubar - Gilba - Jeeg - Seala - Volta - Miralca - Zela - Dodon - Kiga - Zonos - Hougul - Gilom - Pain - Gigara - Derical - Zolbas - Gizan - Jella - Davon - Baruruka - Doron - Damus - Zolte - Bola - Kaage - Gouda - Zados - Daros - Galga - Jigura - Bubuka - Zuune - Jan - Geran - Daryl - Maze - Girath