Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a/an Morpher/weapon in Power Rangers Dino Charge.

"It's Morphin' Time! Dino Charger, Ready! Energize! Unleash the Power!"
―Transformation call[src]

"(Dino Charger name) Engage!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"These heels are killing me. We've gotta morph!"
―Shelby Watkins[src]

"Anybody know what time it is? It's Morphin' Time!"
―Brody and the Legendary Rangers[src]

The Dino Charge Morpher is the Dino Charge Rangers' transformation device and main gun weapon.

The voice for the Morpher is provided by Campbell Cooley.



Power Rangers Dino Charge - Power Rangers First Team Morph

To transform by shouting "It's Morphin Time! Dino Charger, Ready!", the Ranger inserts the activated Dino Charger into one of the holes in the mouth of the Morpher. Once the mouth is pressed down, the user spins the barrel by shouting "Energize!", energizing the charger and raising the morpher up. The user pulls the trigger by shouting "Unleash the Power!" and shoots into the air, forming a construct of their Dino Charge Zord's head, which flies around the Dino Charge Ranger unleashing the power, then stops behind them and "chomps" once, forming the suit, with a second one to form the helmet. The Dino Charge Ranger needs to eject/remove his/her used Dino Charger from the morpher if he/she wants to cancel the transformation.









Other Uses[]

When the cylinder is spun again after transforming, the Ranger shouts "Energize!", allowing himself/herself to fire the "Dino Morpher Blast" attack while the Charger is inside. If a second Dino Charger is inserted into the Dino Charge Morpher allowing the Ranger himself/herself to fire a stronger version of the Dino Morpher Blast called the Dino Morpher Blast Final Strike.

After a second Dino Charger is inserted after pulling on the Dino Charge Morpher's hammer to make the "mouth" open and close, the Dino Charge Rangers can enter their Dino Steel Armor by spinning the Dino Charge Morpher's cylinder along their right arms with the announcement "Dino Steel, Armor On!", where they are given silver spiked armor on that arm, as well as their personal weapons.

The Dino Charge Morphers can also be inserted into Dino Charge Megazord that serves as joystick to control the Megazord.


  • This is the first gun Morpher used by the core team.
  • The second half of the morphing sequence (for the core five Rangers and Purple) is carried over from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger.
  • The Kyoryugers removed their Zyudenchi from their guns to return to human form. While the Dino Charge Morpher has been shown to work identical to the "Gaburivolver", the Dino Charge Rangers are never seen de-morphing using this method.


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Icon-kyoryuger
Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Koda - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - James Navarro - Prince Phillip III - Kendall Morgan - Zenowing
Energems - Dino Charge Morpher - Gold Ptera Morpher - T-Rex Super Charge Morpher - Titano Charge Morpher - Dino Com - Dino Saber - Dino Blade Blaster - Dino Chargers - T-Rex Smasher - Para Chopper - Stego Shield - Raptor Claw - Tricera Drill - Dino Spike - T-Rex Chopper - Triple Spike - Gold Ptera Saber - Royal Dino Punch - Dino Steel - Dino Armor X - Dino Super Drive Saber - Dino Cycle
Keeper - Albert Smith - Heckyl
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Zord - Para Zord - Stego Zord - Raptor Zord - Tricera Zord - Ptera Zord - Ankylo Zord - Pachy Zord - Plesio Zord - Titano Zord - Spino Zord
Toy-Exclusive Zords
Deinosuchus Zord - Oviraptor Zord - Ammonite Zord - Archelon Zord
Dino Charge Megazord - Ptera Charge Megazord - Plesio Charge Megazord - Titano Charge Megazord - Dino Charge Ultrazord - Spino Charge Megazord
Sledge & Snide's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Wrench - Poisandra - Fury - Curio - Vivix - Vivizords - Spikeballs
Lord Arcanon's Crew
Lord Arcanon - Singe - Doomwing
Iceage - Scrapper - Slammer - Spellbinder - Cavity - Stingrage - Duplicon - Puzzler - Bones - Smokescreen - Gold Digger - G-BO - Memorella - Shearfear - Meteor - Wish Star - Greenzilla
Cloaked Alien - Nightmare - Ninja - Hunter - Game Face - Spell Digger - Half-Bake - Hookbeard - Beauticruel - Scumlaw - Leisure - Loafer - Fortress - Screech - Conductro - Professor Strickler - Badussa - Heximas