Icon-abarangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

"I am at your command!"
―Deadwood's first words upon being created by Zeltrax.[src]

"Krista’s tree!"
Conner McKnight reacting to Deadwood.[src]

Deadwood is a tree-themed monster created from Krista's Tree (a.k.a the Tree Of Life) by Zeltrax in Power Rangers Dino Thunder. He serves as the central antagonist of the episode "The Passion of Connor" and the secondary antagonist of the episode "Strange Relations".


Deadwood creation

The creation of Deadwood.

Mesogog sends Elsa after the Tree of Life but Zeltrax gets to it first and uses its energy to become supercharged.

Meanwhile, Reefside High student Krista tries to save it from being demolished by Elsa as Principal Randall in an effort to preserve nature. Zeltrax turns the Tree of Life into Deadwood, who fights the Rangers and is destroyed by the first formation of the Triceramax Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-The Passion of Connor

Deadwood returns when the Jade Gladiator uses his bond with plant life to allow him to be reborn. However, he is again destroyed by the DinoStegazord using the Ankylozord and Parasaurzord. Tvicon TV STORY-Strange Relations


Deadwood is cunning, sinister, and ruthless and determined to destroy the Rangers. But he is also loyal to Zeltrax.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Self-Growth: He can grow on his own without any assistance.
  • Lightning Eye Beams: When he was resurrected by the Jade Gladiator, Deadwood can fire blue lightning beams from his eyes. It is possible he always had that ability.


  • Strength: When he was resurrected by the Jade Gladiator, Deadwood possesses a great deal amount of strength, being able to defeat the Thundersaurus Megazord.


Deadwood is shown to have no weaknesses.


  • Thorn Arms: Deadwood possesses thorn-covered arms which he can use in combat.

Behind the Scenes[]



to be added


to be added



See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Thunder Icon-abaranger
Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Tommy Oliver - Trent Fernandez-Mercer
Dino Gems - Dino Morpher - Brachio Morpher - Drago Morpher - Triassic Morpher - Triassic Battlizer Morpher - Thundermax Saber - Tyranno Staff - Tricera Shield - Ptera Grips - Brachio Staff - Drago Sword - Z-Rex Blaster - Super Dino Mode - Shield of Triumph - Triassic Battlizer - Raptor Riders - Raptor Cycles - Dino ATVs - Hovercraft Cycle - Triceramax Command Center Truck
Hayley Ziktor - Sensei Kanoi Watanabe - S.P.D. Rangers - Cassidy Cornell - Devin Del Valle - Anton Mercer
Ninja Rangers: Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks - Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley - Cameron Watanabe
Zords and Megazords
Tyrannozord - Tricerazord - Pterazord - Brachiozord - Dragozord - Stegozord - Cephalazord - Dimetrozord - Parasaurzord - Ankylozord - Mezodon Rover
Thundersaurus Megazord - DinoStegazord - Mezodon Megazord - Triceramax Megazord - Valkasaurus Megazord
Mesogog - Zeltrax - Elsa - White Ranger Clone - Tyrannodrones - Triptoids
Evil Space Ninjas: Lothor - Izzy & Pupperazi - Zurgane - Kelzaks
Aerial Assault Craft - Birdbrain - Pollinator - Donkeyvac - Demagnetron - Dysotron - Goldenrod - Scorpex - Megalador - Creature - Angor - Rojobot - Insectolite - Fossilador - Termitetron - Ka-Ching - Mad Mackerel - Copyotter - Other World Monster - White Terrorsaurus -Terra Assault Craft - Jupitor - Tutenhawken - Thornox - Deadwood - Horn-Rimmed Monster - Jade Gladiator - Skortch - Squidrose - Croco D'Vile - Rumba Monkey - Rude Elf - Fridgia - Ruby Dragon - Ugly Monster
Zords: Replicantzord - Zelzord