Icon-boukenger This article is about a monster in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.

"Not so fast! First try a little of my tentacle tenderness! (...) And here's a gift from Kamdor!"
―Datum's first lines (aside from laughing and "yah") when infecting the BattleFleet with his virus via his tentacles.[src]

"Oh my circuits! BNARRRRD! AAH!"
―Datum's final words before his destruction.[src]


Datum is an amulet/computer-themed monster and one of Kamdor's creations. He serves as a minor, but vitally important, antagonist of the episode "Things Not Said".


This amulet/new computer monster was created by Kamdor from a computer. Kamdor sent Datum to battle the Power Rangers and ordered him to obtain the information about the Rangers' Zords, their battle costumes, and the decoded location of the Star of Isis. Datum initially had the advantage against the Rangers but they quickly overpowered him with their personal weapons with Rose defeating him with a single blast from her Drive Geyser. Before Mack forced him and Miratrix to retreat, Kamdor enlarged him.

He created a computer virus that infected the BattleFleet Zords, the Rangers' base computers, and Mack. Although Datum was destroyed by the BattleFleet Megazord, his virus extracted the information about the Rangers' Zords and their battle costumes and decoded the location of the Star of Isis right onto Kamdor's computer. Tvicon TV STORY-Things Not Said


Datum is a wacky and goofy monster who likes to toy around with his enemies, but he is loyal to Kamdor.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Strength: As one of the very last monsters deployed by Kamdor, Datum is extremely strong since single punches and kicks from him sent the Rangers flying.
  • Sight: Datum can see despite not having any visible eyes.
  • Speech: Datum can speak despite not having a visible mouth.
  • Extraordinary Leaper: Datum can leap at an incredible distance.


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  • Fists: Datum can fight with amazing ability using just his bare hands.
    • Energy Reflection: Datum can deflect any energy based attacks with the swipe of his hands.
    • Spark Empowerment: Datum can power up his fist with electricity, given them a spark-like effect on contact.
  • Tentacle Tenderness: Datum has white cord-like whips on his left arm which he can fire to wrap his enemies with.
    • Lightning Virus Effect: Datum can charge up his tentacles with blue colored lightning by typing some keys on his computer-like chest to do major harm on the enemy as well as give the Zords a virus.

Behind the Scenes[]



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See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Icon-boukenger
Mack Hartford - Will Aston - Dax Lo - Ronny Robinson - Rose Ortiz - Tyzonn
Sentinel Knight
Overdrive Tracker - Mercury Morpher - Sentinel Morpher - Drive Defender - Double O Zip Shooter - Drive Lance - Drive Slammer - Drive Vortex - Drive Claws - Drive Geyser - Drive Detector - Defender Vest - Drill Blaster - Red Sentinel Ranger - S.H.A.R.C. - Hovertek Cycle - Transtek Armor
Andrew Hartford - Spencer - Vella - Norg - Alpha 6
Retro Rangers: Adam Park - Tori Hanson - Kira Ford - Bridge Carson - Xander Bly
Zords and Megazords
Dump Driver - Speed Driver - Gyro Driver - Dozer Driver - Sub Driver - Drill Driver - Shovel Driver - Cement Driver - Crane Driver - Sonic Streaker - Fire Truck Zord - Rescue Runner 1 - Rescue Runner 2 - BattleFleet Zord 14 - BattleFleet Zord 15 - BattleFleet Zord 16 - BattleFleet Zord 17 - BattleFleet Zord 18
DriveMax Megazord - Super DriveMax Megazord - DriveMax Ultrazord - Flash Point Megazord - BattleFleet Megazord - DualDrive Megazord
Flurious - Chillers
Moltor - Lava Lizards
Miratrix - Kamdor
The Fearcats: Mig - Benglo - Crazar - Cheetar
Others: Thrax
Giant Sea Creature - Atlantis Temple - Ultrog - Weather Machine Monster - Bombardo - Volkan - Big Mouth Monster - Scaletex - Camera Monster - Amplifier Monster - Bullox - Lavadactyls - Top Hat - Blothgaar - Generalissimo - Vulturus - Datum - Garbage Warrior - Golem Warrior - Statue Warrior - Kunoichi Monster - Prince Warrior - Magmador
Robots: Dragonizer - Moltor's Zord - Flurious' Robot - Jet Robot - Commando Robot - Centurion Robot - Cybernetic Rex - Agrios