Icon-gogofiveThis article is about a Ranger in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.

"Pink Ranger, Rescue ready!"
―Roll call.[src]

Dana Mitchell is the daughter of Captain Mitchell and the younger sister of Ryan Mitchell. She is the Pink Lightspeed Ranger, as well as a paramedic. She is a member of the Lightspeed Rangers.

She is also referred to as Pink Lightspeed Rescue Ranger or Lightspeed Rescue Pink Ranger, though these are more in reference to the show than proper labels.


Lightspeed Rescue[]

Dana is serious, intellectual, caring and level-headed. She gathers the team together from all over Mariner Bay, and is a valuable asset to the team as one of the Rangers. Dana has a very brief stint as a model, but she resigns when it starts to interfere in her Ranger duties. Tvicon TV STORY-In The Limelight

She is later reconciled with her long-lost older brother, who joins them as the Titanium Ranger.

Time Force[]

Dana living her new carrears as a doctor

Dana living her life as a Doctor.

Following the defeat of Queen Bansheera, Dana fulfilled her dream of becoming a doctor and practices as a pediatrician, she like the other Lightspeed Rangers receive a call from Carter learning of the return of Vypra and the appearance of new demons in Silver Hills. When Vypra came back to life, she summoned the Super Demon Quarganon, Dana along with Chad Lee, Joel and Kelsey saved the Time Force Rangers and Carter from Ransik, Nadira, Vypra, Quarganon and the five Demon Warriors. Eric Myers the Quantum Ranger and her brother Ryan appears to help.

Dana and Jen Team up against the Demons Warriors

Dana and Jen team up against a Demon Warrior.

All the Rangers morph into their Ranger forms and fight against the Demon Warriors. During the battle Dana is seen teaming up with Jen Scotts, Time Force Pink and her Pink Ranger successor. Later when Chad and Joel are using their Mega Battles, the four Lightspeed Rangers destroyed a Demon Warrior, after the other Rangers turned into their Battlizers against and destroyed Vypra and Quarganon.

The Time Force Rangers show the Lightspeed Rangers their base and give them their jackets after the Time Force Rangers give their Time Force uniforms. They then offer to transport the Lightspeed Rangers back to Mariner Bay. Tvicon TV STORY-Time for Lightspeed

Dino Thunder[]

The Lightspeed Rangers were featured in a chronicle of Power Ranger history compiled by Tommy Oliver shortly after he formed the Dino Rangers, which was found by the nascent Ranger team in the Dino Lab. Tvicon TV STORY-Legacy of Power


Dana along with her fellow Lightspeed Rangers and other Ranger teams are seen in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Mega Mission

She and the other Rangers are seen again in another of Troy's dream/vision about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Stranger Ranger

Super Megaforce[]

Dana and Carter were helping the residents of Harwood County after Emperor Mavro's Armada invasion attack.

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Dana with Carter and Ryan greeting the Mega Rangers.

Emperor Mavro was defeated, but the remaining thousands of X Borgs still stand. Dana returned with her fellow Lightspeed Rangers and existing Power Rangers, as part of the army of Legendary Rangers led by Tommy as the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, fighting in a huge battle against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. After the demise of the X Borgs, Tommy shook hands with Troy and teleported off along with Dana and the Legendary Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Legendary Battle

Dino Fury[]

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers including Dana and the other Lightspeed Rangers coming to the aid of the Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Tvicon TV STORY-Morphin Master


Dana is a sweet and kind hearted person. If anyone is hurt she will help them. She is serious and strong.


Pink Lightspeed Ranger[]


Ranger Costume

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: LR Episodes 1-40; TF Episode 33; SM Episodes 20 & LBEV








Scorpius/Trakeena's Army[]


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Behind the Scenes[]



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Ranger Key[]

GoPink Ranger Key

The Pink Lightspeed Ranger Key.

The Pink Lightspeed Ranger Key is Dana’s personal Ranger Key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Emma (Super Megaforce Pink) who uses it to fight as the Pink Lightspeed Ranger. Although it has not been used, it has been seen in the Scanner App.


  • Although never referred to as it in the show, Dana's Ranger file for Lightspeed Rescue lists her Ranger designation as "Pink 5."
  • To become a pediatrician, one must first finish four years of medical school and then three years residency. Before residency hours were lowered in July 2007, medical students often worked 100+ hours a week and rarely had time for another job in the 68 remaining hours of the week. Therefore, Dana becoming a pediatrician in one year is inconsistent with the requirements as it is unlikely she could have done pediatric residency while at the same time being the Lightspeed Pink Ranger.
  • Dana is the first Pink Ranger to not have her name begin with the letter "K" (or the letter "K" sound, in Cassie's case).
  • In 2020, Amy Adams revealed that she was offered for the role as Dana, but she was forced to turned it down because her agents told her it would ruin her career.


Power Rangers Key Scanner[]

Pink Lightspeed Ranger Scanner App Assets

Pink Lightspeed Ranger in Power Rangers Key Scanner

Danna as Pink Lightspeed Ranger, appears in the app videogame Power Rangers Key Scanner, among various other Ranger teams.

Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

Legacy Wars Pink Lightspeed Ranger

Pink Lightspeed Ranger as seen in Power Legacy Wars.

Dana as Pink Lightspeed Ranger is among the Rangers who feature in Power Rangers Legacy Wars. She is an Epic (Leader), Epic (Assist) character, and represents the Lightspeed Rangers along with Carter Grayson and Ryan Mitchell.

Power Rangers Action Card Game[]

Power Rangers Action Card Game Pink Lightspeed Ranger

Pink Lightspeed Ranger in Power Rangers Action Card Game.

Danna as Pink Lightspeed Ranger, appears in the American trading card game Power Rangers Action Card Game, among various other Rangers.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Icon-gogofive
Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell
Rescue Morpher - Titanium Morpher - Rescue Blaster - Rescue Bird - Battle Boosters - V-Lancer - Titanium Laser - Lightspeed Cycles - Rescue Rover - Trans Armor Cycle
Captain William Mitchell - Angela Fairweather - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Kendrix Morgan - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans
Zords and Megazords
Rail Rescue 1 - Rail Rescue 2 - Rail Rescue 3 - Rail Rescue 4 - Rail Rescue 5 - Pyro Rescue 1 - Aqua Rescue 2 - Aero Rescue 3 - Haz Rescue 4 - Med Rescue 5 - Max Solarzord - Omegazord 1 - Omegazord 2 - Omegazord 3 - Omegazord 4 - Omegazord 5
Lightspeed Megazord - Supertrain Megazord - Lightspeed Solarzord - Omega Megazord - Lifeforce Megazord
Queen Bansheera - Prince Olympius - Diabolico - Loki - Vypra - Jinxer - Batlings
Ghouligan - Magmavore - Quakemon - Whirlin - Fireor - Gold Beaked Monster - Elestomp - Strikning - Cyborg Rangers - Smogger - Trifire - Liztwin - Demonite - Thunderon - Falkar - Troika - Cobra Incarnate - Thunderclaw - Shockatron - Spellbinder - Moleman - Cyclopter - Mantevil - Vilevine - Freezard - Infinitor - Birdbane - Memorase - The Gatekeeper - Furnace Monster - Ghoular - Flowar - Mermatron - Fire Wasp - Aquafiend - Arachnor - Treevil
Triskull - Ghouls
Power nav iconPower Rangers Time Force Icon-timeranger
Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers
Chrono Morpher - Quantum Morpher - Time Force Badge - Visual Scanners - Chrono Blasters - Chrono Sabers - Vector Weapons - Electro Booster - Quantum Defender - Time Ship - Vector Cycles - TF Eagle - Strata Cycle - Quantum Mega Battle Armor - Red Battle Warrior
Alex - Circuit - Captain Logan - Mr. Collins - Silver Guardians - Dr. Michael Zaskin - White Knight - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Zords and Megazords
Time Jet - Time Flyer 1 - Time Flyer 2 - Time Flyer 3 - Time Flyer 4 - Time Flyer 5 - Shadow Winger - Quantasaurus Rex
Time Force Megazord - Time Shadow Megazord - Shadow Force Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Transwarp Megazord
Ransik - Nadira - Frax - Gluto - Cyclobots
Demons: Vypra - Quarganon - Demon Warriors
Other: Black Knight - Dragon
Flamecon - Jetara - Fearog - Mantamobile - Tentaclaw - Rabbitcon - Medicon - Fatcatfish - Izout - Vexicon - Redeye - Electropede - Univolt - Brickneck - Commandocon - Klawlox - Cruel Senturicon - Turtlecon - Notacon - Conwing - Contemptra - Dash - Ironspike - Artillicon - Cinecon - Steelix - Venomark - Severax - Mr. Mechanau - Miracon - Angelcon - Chameliacon - Serpicon
Others: Samurhive - Chef Bug - Eyeacon -
Frax's Robots: Tronicon - Dragontron - Max Axe - Doomtron
Power nav icon Icon-goseiger Power Rangers Megaforce & Power Rangers Super Megaforce Icon-gokaiger
Troy Burrows - Noah Carver - Jake Holling - Gia Moran - Emma Goodall - Robo Knight - Orion
Gosei Morpher - Robo Morpher - Legendary Morpher - Legendary Silver Morpher - Power Cards - Legendary Ranger Keys - Mega Blaster - Super Mega Blaster - Super Mega Saber - Dragon Sword - Phoenix Shot - Snake Axe - Tiger Claw - Shark Bowgun - Megaforce Blaster - Robo Blaster - Super Silver Spear - Ultra Mode - Ultra Sword - Super Mega Mode - Super Mega Cannon - Legendary Ranger Modes
Gosei - Tensou - Mr. Burley - Ernie
Legendary Rangers: Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Cassie Chan - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Karone - Carter Grayson - Dana Mitchell - Wesley Collins - Casey Rhodes - Jayden Shiba - Mike - Emily
Zords and Megazords
Gosei Dragon Mechazord - Gosei Phoenix Mechazord - Gosei Snake Mechazord - Gosei Tiger Mechazord - Gosei Shark Mechazord - Lion Mechazord
Sea Brothers Zords - Land Brothers Zords - Sky Brothers Zords - Ultra Change Zord - Knight Brothers Zords - Gosei Ultimate Command Ship - Gosei Jet
Super Megaforce
Super Mega Skyship Zord - Super Mega Jet Zord - Super Mega Wheeler Zord - Super Mega Racer Zord - Super Mega Sub Zord - Q-Rex Drill/Dinozord
Delta Runner Zord - Mystic Dragon - Red Lion Wildzord - Ninja Zord - Turbo Falcon Zord
Gosei Great Megazord - Sea Megazord - Land Megazord - Sky Megazord - Ultra Gosei Great Megazord - Gosei Grand Megazord - Gosei Great Grand Megazord - Gosei Ultimate Megazord - Gosei Jet Megazord
Super Megaforce
Legendary Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary S.P.D. Megazord - Legendary Mystic Force Megazord - Legendary Wild Force Megazord - Legendary Samurai Megazord - Legendary Q-Rex Megazord - Legendary Ninja Megazord - Legendary RPM Megazord - Ultimate Legendary Megazord
Warstar Aliens: Vrak - Admiral Malkor - Creepox - Loogies - Zombats
Toxic Beasts: Bigs - Bluefur
The Robots: Metal Alice
The Armada: Prince Vekar - The Messenger - Damaras - Argus - Levira - Emperor Mavro - Redker - X Borgs - Bruisers - Royal Guards
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Warstar Aliens: Scaraba - Yuffo - Virox - Dragonflay - Beezara - Dizchord
Toxic Beasts: Hisser - Psychotick - Shadow Serpent - Distractor - Mummy - Kesaran - Gremlin - Skyfish - Nojoke - Dream Snatcher - Glytcher
The Robots: Rotox - Rotox DX - Rico the Robot - Water Rotox Army
The Armada: Headridge - Tentacus - Cybax - Skatana - General Peluso - Matacore - Pacha Chamak - Gorgax - Osogain - Skeltox - Sirjinkor - Invidious - Desolar - Turtlelini - Tranceferer - Armada Megazord - Tresnag - Drill Horn - Yellzor - Levira Megazord
Pink Rangers
Kimberly Ann HartKatherine HillardCassie ChanKendrix MorganKaroneDana MitchellJen ScottsSyd DrewVida RoccaRose OrtizMia WatanabeEmma GoodallShelby WatkinsSarah ThompsonAmelia Jones
Kimberly Ann Hart (1995 movie)Kimberly Hart (2017 movie)Chloe AshfordDaniel O'HalloranCasey JonesSamantha LaRusso
Secondary Rangers
Kimberly PuttyPuttyKristenMarie-Claire le MondePink Shadow RangerRobo CassiePink Creep
Psycho PinkPink Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force PinkA-Squad PinkEvil Pink Mystic RangerEvil Pink Overdrive Ranger
Power Sets
Pink RangerZeo Ranger I PinkPink Turbo RangerPink Space RangerGalaxy PinkPink Lightspeed RangerTime Force PinkS.P.D. Pink RangerPink Mystic RangerPink Overdrive RangerPink Samurai RangerMegaforce PinkSuper Megaforce PinkDino Charge Pink RangerNinja Steel Pink - Dino Fury Pink Ranger
Pink Ranger (1995 movie)Pink Ranger (2017 movie)