Icon-prdfThis article is about a/an group of foot soldiers in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.

The Copyguards are customized soldiers of Squid Ink Inc. and stronger versions of the basic Zentinels whom they often lead into battle.

Typically operating in groups of two, Copyguards are bodyguards for Squid Ink Inc. officials, usually accompanying Bajillia Naire, Squillia Naire, or their Monsters.


to be added Tvicon TV STORY-Lightning Strikes

to be added Tvicon TV STORY-Rock Out

to be added Tvicon TV STORY-Take Off

A Copyguard was brought with Squilla and Omwhyzo amongside the Zentinels to take down the Cosmic Fury team. He was later told to enlarge by Squillia's orders to protect the Squidrill from the Zords. Tvicon TV STORY-Operation Seasoning

One set of Copyguards grew giant to protect the Squidrill, while another set accompanied Bajillia Naire when they found the warehouse, with one of them using their clubs to blow down the warehouse's storage door. They were later destroyed by the Cosmic Dragon Megazord's Dragon Mega Blast & and Dragon Mega Lash. Tvicon TV STORY-Switching Sides

to be added Tvicon TV STORY-Master Plan (Cosmic Fury)


The Copyguards are loyal towards Bajillia and Squillia Naire. But unlike the Zentinels, they are rarely seen speaking, as they mostly communicate through grunts.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Enlargement: All Copyguards have the power to enlarge themselves to giant size at will.
    • Armor: Some Copyguards gain armor whenever they enlarge, as seen in Episode 7.
  • Teleportation: The Copyguards can teleport at will.


  • Space Survivability: The Copyguards can survive in outer space.


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  • Twin-Sided Tonfa Clubs: All Copyguards wield large brown twin-sided tonfa clubs to aid them in combat both as a melee and range weapon.
    • Bazookas: The Copyguards' clubs also double as bazookas to fire yellow energy shots, orange energy lasers, or purple energy balls.
  • Electric Whip: The Copyguard who fought the Cosmic Fury Megazord on the Ice Moon had an electric whip for combat.
  • Tricera Blaster: A Copyguard briefly used Ollie Akana's Tricera Blaster to fight the Cosmic Fury Rangers when they invaded the fortress on Eltar, but was easily destroyed and Ollie reacquired his blaster.

Behind the Scenes[]


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See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Icon-prdf
Zayto - Amelia Jones - Ollie Akana - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon - Fern
Other Rangers: Billy Cranston - Heckyl - Mick Kanic
Cosmic Morpher - Master Staff - Ankylo Hammer - Tricera Blaster - Tiger Claw Daggers - Stego Spike - Mosa Razor Blaster - Solono Claw
General Shaw - Solon - Morphin Masters - Lani Akana - Tarrick - Slyther - Mucus
Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Carlos Garcia - Lily - Ed Jones - Rina Garcia
Zords & Megazords
Cosmic Lion Zord - Cosmic Wolf Zord - Cosmic Bull Zord - Cosmic Chameleo Zord - Cosmic Shark Zord - Cosmic Scorpion Zord
TBA - Cosmic Cobra Zord - Cosmic Eagle Zord - Cosmic Grizzly Zord - Cosmic Dragon Zord
Cosmic Fury Megazord - Cosmic Dragon Megazord
Cosmic Fury Ultrazord
Squid Ink Inc.
Leader: Lord Zedd
Generals: Bajillia Naire - Squillia Naire - Inkworth - Scrozzle - Doodrip - Jozotic - Omwhyzo
Monsters: Krymzo - Snoutia - Quaddo - Jadana
Footsoldiers: Zentinels - Copyguards