Logo-supersentaiThis article is about a comparison of characters in the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises.PR2020 logo

This page highlights the differences between Spear Six, Satarakura  and Shimazu.



Satarakura Shimazu
A Space Ninja. Once a human warlord from ancient times; spirit bound to a mask placed on a statue in his likeness; the statue is accidentally reanimated by Motodrone, resurrecting him.
A servant of Tau Zant prior to the attack on Earth. Allied himself with Lothor after he was set free.
Explicitly led his own group of monsters; the Masked Ninja Corps. Held no explicit leadership over any group of monsters but the Wolfblades as the monsters of Ninja Storm weren't split into multiple groups, but was still higher in the hierarchy than them.
Is a comedic character. Is a serious and deceptive character, without any comical qualities.
Replaces his predecessor, Second Spear, Chuuzubo, as the leader of the five remaining spears, until his, yet, more competent and powerful successor, Seventh Spear, Sandaaru, takes over, making him the second most powerful of the seven spears, and the third most powerful villain overall, in Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger. Shimazu is, alongside Zurgane and Vexacus, one of the three main generals in Power Rangers Ninja Storm, but did not take Zurgane's place as Lothor's second-in-command general, nor does he have any connections to Choobo, other than sitting across from him in General Deception, during a meeting between him, Zurgane, and Vexacus, the role as the replacement for Zurgane, was given to Vexacus, after he killed him, despite this, Shimazu is the second strongest, and most powerful general in Lothor's Army (with the strongest general, being Vexacus), and the third strongest, and most powerful villain overall, in Power Rangers Ninja Storm.
Pies Furabiijo, Wendinu, and Sargain, in the face on screen, in order to get their attention. Defeats Marah, Kapri, and Motodrone off screen, after he was reanimated by Motodrone.
Ultimately destroyed along with Tenkuujin after being betrayed by Tau Zant. Destroyed by Marah and Kapri, then returned from the Abyss of Evil and destroyed by Red Wind Ranger.
Has an identical looking son named Satarakura Jr. fought and was defeated by a collaboration between the Hurricanegers and the Gokaigers. Has no known family members and nor he does not return in Super Megaforce along with Vexacus to fight against Mega Rangers.