Logo-supersentaiThis article is about a comparison of characters in the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises.PR2020 logo

This page highlights the differences between Seamen Yartots and Stingwingers.

Seamen Yartots


Seamen Yartots Stingwingers
They are Pirate-Themed Foot soldiers in the employ of the Space Pirates Balban. They are the Insectoid Foot soldiers of Scorpius and Trakeena's Army.
They are armed with cutlasses. They are armed with stingers on their arms.
While they only yell their own name the majority of the time, the Yartots are able to talk. The Stingwingers aren't able to talk. They only communicate through buzzing noises.talk normally.
The Yartots are the only set of foot soldiers appearing in Gingaman Are one of two sets of foot soldiers appearing in Lost Galaxy, with the others being the Swabbies