Logo-supersentaiThis article is about a comparison of characters in the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises.PR2020 logo

This page highlights the differences between Master Head and Gosei.

Master Head


Master Head Gosei
Is the leader of Gosei World, the Goseigers' homeworld Is the mentor of the Mega Rangers
Is from Gosei World Is of Earth
Appears as a more stone-like statue

Appears as a metallic tiki

Contacts the Goseigers from Gosei World via Datas Contacts the Mega Rangers from the Command Center via the Gosei Morphers
Did not create Gosei Knight Created Robo Knight
Didn't know about the existence of Gai Ikari. Is somehow connected to Orion.
Sacrificed himself to give the Goseigers Gosei Ultimate Is currently still alive
Has no connection to Barza Is the student of Zordon