This page highlights the differences between the Hurricanegers and the Ninja Storm Rangers.
Ninja Storm Rangers
Ninja Storm Rangers
Teamed up with Gaorangers in Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger.
Didn't team up with the Wild Force Rangers, possibly because it was never adapted directly from the movie.
Kota / HurricaneYellow has the ability to multiply 5 more of himself.
Dustin / Yellow Wind Ranger has the ability to duplicate himself.
Oboro is a woman and she is the daughter of Mugensai, and Asuka is a mysterious foreigner.
Cam is a man and he is the son of Sensei Kanoi.
Oboro was never Ranger.
Cam became a Power Ranger thanks to time travel.
Shurikenger has weapons Shuriken's Bat and several balls.
Cam's arsenal makes no references to baseball
Asuka was killed by Sandaaru and Satarakura before revealed he was actually survive during the team up with Abarangers.
Cam never dies, but loses the samurai amulet by Lothor, only being able to use it one last time alongside the Dino Thunder Rangers
Teamed up with Ryuki & Knight
Never allied with Dragon Knight & Wing Knight
Ikkou Kasumi remains the second-in-command of the team, even after Shurikenger joins.
Hunter Bradley is demoted from second-in-command and Cam is promoted to his position.
HurricaneYellow was named the temporary leader for an episode before Yosuke is named the actual leader of the team.
Dustin was never named the leader of the team.
HurricaneRed has no Battlizer.
Shane Clarke owns one.
The Hurricanegers teamed up with the Gokaigers to fight both Satarakura Jr. and Sandaaru Jr..
The Ninja Storm Rangers only teamed up with the Mega Rangers in the Legendary Battle.
The Hurricanegers teamed up with the core Abarangers and AbareBlack. AbareKiller was evil at the time they teamed up.
The Ninja Storm Rangers teamed up with all of the Dino Thunder Rangers and Trent was good.
Yosuke, along with Sasuke returns in Shuriken Sentai Ninninger to teach the Ninningers.
Shane has never teamed up with the Ninja Rangers (Ninja Steel).
HurricaneBlue has seen and met AkaRed in GoGo Sentai Boukenger vs. Super Sentai.
Tori Hanson has never seen or met the Emissaries Three.
A representative of the Hurricanegers teamed up with AbareBlack, DekaBreak, MagiYellow, and MagiShine to help Bouken Silver rescue the Boukengers.
Tori Hanson teamed up with Adam Park, Kira Ford, Xander Bly, and Bridge Carson to defend the Earth due to the Overdrive Rangers losing their powers.