Heatwave Hood
Flame Head
Appeared in the 23rd episode
Appeared in the 34th episode.
Pr-existing Gorma Minion.
Monster created by Lord Zedd from thin air.
Gorma Minion serving Lieutenant Colonel Gara.
Monster serving Lord Zedd, not Rita Repulsa.
Voiced by the male Kazunori Arai.
Voiced by the female Alex Borstein.
Was a male.
Was a male but sounded like a female which led to the other Rangers repeatedly refer to "her" as a "he."
Wielded the Kagerou ("Heatwave") Sword.
Branch like sword was unnamed.
Signature attack was named the Pillars of Fire Blast.
Signature attack was unnamed.
Signature attack involved stabbing his sword into the ground to generate wisps of fire around his enemies.
Signature attack involved stabbing his sword into the ground to cause giant explosions under his enemies.
Goal was to absorb Kujaku into his body and boil her to death as part of Gara's latest attempt to kill her archenemy.
Goal was to deliver an ultimatum to the Power Rangers; unless they submit to Lord Zedd's rule, Flame Head will burn down all of Angel Grove.
Kicked off of his horse by Daigo, not Ryo.
Kicked off of his horse by Tommy, not Adam.
Daigo was unmorphed when he kicked Heatwave Hood off of his horse.
Tommy was morphed when he kicked Flame Head off of his horse.
Heatwave Hood was fought in the countryside outside of Tokyo.
Flame Head was fought in Angel Grove Park.
The Dairangers had a hard time fighting Heatwave Hood because he had absorbed Daigo and Kujaku. Slaying the Gorma Minion would kill their friends as well.
The Power Rangers had trouble fighting Flame Head only because of his sheer power.
Did not fight KibaRanger as he was completely absent from the episode that he appeared in for some reason.
Fought Tommy, the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.
The Dairangers were at one point de-morphed by his Pillars of Fire Blast.
The Power Rangers were not demorphed at any point during the fight against Flame Head.
Undoing came when Daigo started punching his way out of Heatwave Hood's stomach.
Undoing came when Aisha had the idea to direct his fire back at him by the Rangers combining powers.
Initially defeated when Gara beheaded him to try and kill Daigo and Kujaku in his explosion (though they escaped).
Initially defeated when the Power Rangers created an energy barrier that knocked Flame Head's fire breath back at him.
Enlarged through unknown means although it can be presumed that his explosion set off his Growth Bomb.
Enlarged by Lord Zedd with a Growth Bomb.
Did not fight Won Tiger due to KibaRanger not being in his episode.
Did not fight the White Tigerzord because he was not powerful enough to warrant two Megazords to fight him.
Heatwave Hood was attacked by Dairen'Oh's Hidden Mist Illusion.
Flame Head was attacked by mist from the Thunder Megazord.
Crippled by the train generated by the Hidden Mist Illusion ripping through him, allowing Dairen'Oh to finish him off.
Blinded by the Thunder Megazord's mist attack long enough for it to finish him off.
Final words were spoken before exploding at human size.
Final words were spoken when emerging from the Thunder Megazord's mist cloud.
Final words were Heatwave Hood asking Gara why she beheaded him.
Final words were Flame Head screaming that the Power Rangers were going down in flames.
Costume was later painted grey and used as background filler in Ninja Sentai Kakuranger a year later.
Neither Flame Head nor her suit were ever seen again in Power Rangers.