Logo-supersentaiThis article is about a comparison of characters in the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises.PR2020 logo

This page highlights the differences between Dora Narcissus and Octoplant.

Dora Narcissus


Dora Narcissus Octoplant
Dora Narcissus was a male monster. Octoplant was the only female monster created by Rita outside Madame Woe.
Dora Narcissus was left by Bandora on Earth for its destruction. Octoplant was left by Squatt for Rita to use accordingly for Earth's destruction.
Dora Narcissus used his tendrils in his immobile state to absorb people to grow and transform. Octoplant used her tendrils in her immobile state to attack people. Required Rita's magic in order to grow.
Dora Narcissus has the ability to take and give life, as offered by Bandora to be used to save Burai for Geki. Octoplant only has the ability to destroy.
Dora Narcissus uses his second form to cause chaos prior to evolving to his final giant state. Octoplant barely reaches second form before Rita grows her with her wand.
Dora Narcissus has a narcissistic, vain personality that shows throughout, even through his downfall. Octoplant only shows narcissism as a giant leading to the Megazord to destroy her.