Logo-supersentaiThis article is about a comparison of characters in the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises.PR2020 logo

This page highlights the differences between Asuna and Amelia Jones.

Ryusoul Pink
Ryusoul Pink Profile
Dino Fury Pink Ranger


Asuna Amelia Jones
Asuna is a 209 year old member of the Ryusoul Tribe. Amelia is a teenage/young adult human journalist.
Asuna isn't a second in command of Ryusoulgers Ameila is a second in command of Dino Fury Rangers
Asuna started training to be a ranger years before the show and becomes a ranger at the very start of the first episode. Amelia became a Ranger at the beginning of her series but started training when she first became a ranger .
Asuna was close childhood friends with Koh and Melto. Ameila didn't know Zayto and Ollie before becoming a Ranger and they were nothing more than a teammate to her.
Asuna was preceded by Master Pink as the current Ryusoul Pink, having trained under the latter's wing. Ameila was preceded by a Rafkonian Pink Ranger and the two never interacted aside from inheriting the latter's powers.
Asuna never used the MeraMeraArmor. Ameila uses the Blazing Battle Armor.