Icon-dynamanThis article is about a monster in Kagaku Sentai Dynaman.

Cicada Evo (セミシンカ Semishinka, 27) is the cicada-theme Evolution Beast of the Tailed-People Clan Jashinka Empire


Cicada Evo emerged as part of a multi-part scheme: while proving its destructive capabilities on its own, it was actually working with Princess Chimera to create a large massive brood of Cicada Evo created and hibernating underground to emerge and cause massive wide-scale destruction when they awaken. The Dynaman happen upon the scheme when an insect-collecting boy discovers Cicada Evo and tries to catch him believing him a special species of cicada. The Dynaman initially discover the cave where the cicada brood rested, but Cicada Evo used its chirps combined with a relay of parabolas set up around the cave to prevent the Dynaman from getting any further while the boy becomes hurt by the creature.

While tending to the boy to make sure he gets better, the Dynaman discover one of the parabola broken off during the battle and decide to use their discovery to their advantage. The next time they assault the cave, they are able to sneak in and destroy the hibernating cicada brood; when Cicada Evo faces them, they use a combination of five parabolas when it starts chirping to negate and harm it with its own power before weakening it with Super Dynamite. Once it undergoes Big Bang Process, it attacks the Dynaman who end up weakening it by knocking it out with Beat Hammer before destroying it with Lightning Gravity Fall.


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Powers and Abilities[]


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Cicada Evo possessed a powerful supersonic wave from its chirping, allowing for it to destroy buildings and objects with its sonic blasts, and can change its size.

Behind the Scenes[]


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Concept Art[]


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Icon-dynaman Kagaku Sentai Dynaman
Hokuto Dan - Ryu Hoshikawa - Yousuke Shima - Kousaku Nangou - Rei Tachibana
Dyna Brace - Dyna Rod - Dyna Swords - Cross Cutter - Battle Tector - Blue Frisbees - Rose Saber - Flower Shield - Chain Crushers - Surf Jet - Attack Board - Dyna Falcon - Dyna Machine
Dr. Kyuutarou Yumeno - Kendo Robo - Turboranger - Gokaiger
Mecha and Robo
DyJupiter - Dyna Mach - Dyna Mobile - Dyna Garry
Dyna Robo
Jashinka Empire
Emperor Aton - General Kar - General Zenobia - Prince Megiddo/Dark Knight - Princess Chimera - Tail Soldiers (Gira and Keel - Bilgis)
Evolution Beasts
Crab Evo - Rhino Evo - Bat Evo - Trilobite Evo - Tapir Evo - Spider Evo - Snake Evo - Sponge Evo - Butterfly Evo - Scorpion Evo - Octopus Evo - Dolphin Evo - Flea Evo - Frog Evo - Diving Beetle Evo - Gecko Evo - Archaeopteryx Evo - Dinosaur Evo - Stingray Evo - Porcupine Evo - Squid Evo - Crocodile Evo - Cat Evo - Slug Evo - Fox Evo - Bee Evo - Starfish Evo - Cicada Evo - Striped Mosquito Evo - Cactus Evo - Thorn Ant Evo - Mantis Evo - Mammoth Evo
Mechavolution Beasts
Missile Crayfish - Guillotine Lizard - Machinegun Jaguar - Electric Eel - Armor Rose - Laser Hawk - Word Processor Armadillo - Drill Horse - Axe Bear - Rocket Tiger - Shovel Kong - Rainbow Chameleon - Jet Flying Squirrel - Poison Gas Weasel - Boomerang Jackal - Computer Dragon - Fire Sphinx