Icon-magirangerThis article is about a Ranger in Power Rangers Mystic Force.
Crystal Clear UserThis Ranger is also known as the Mystic Titan (Zord), Mystic Garuda
Crystal Clear UserThis ranger is also known as the part of the consciousness of the Zord, Mystic Lion

"Fast as Lightning, Yellow Mystic Ranger!"
―roll call as Yellow Mystic Ranger[src]

"Element of Thunder, Yellow Legend Warrior!"
―roll call as Yellow Legend Warrior[src]

Charlie "Chip" Thorn (b. 1988) is the Yellow Mystic Ranger of the Mystic Force Power Rangers.


Mystic Force[]

Chip is the self-proclaimed "Superhero Expert". Chip is considered a little odd as he loves fairy tales and phases in and out of reality, and repeatedly wore a superhero costume to high school and even to the prom. He was deemed by Madison as "the perfect example of a non-human species".

Chip is a fantastic archer, a member of the chess club at school, and a part of COUNTV - Containment Of Underworld Nocturnal Transylvanian Vampires.

Chip had no problem believing in magic and accepting his destiny as a Mystic Ranger. Chip is always cheerful and eager to learn all he can about magic.

Despite their wildly different personalities, Chip has been close friends with Vida ever since she stuck up for him when they were children. When she was turned into a vampire, he showed a far more serious and intense side in his attempts to save her, including taking on Koragg and Necrolai by himself, thus shows that they share a close bond. Tvicon TV STORY-Stranger Within

Necrolai had cursed Chip with a Soul Specter, which starts to swallow him from the inside. Chip joined Daggeron on a trip to the dreaded Mount Isis to be freed from the spell. They get the Staff of Topaz and reversed the curse. Daggeron decided to train Chip on how to be a knight. Tvicon TV STORY-Soul Specter (episode)

Chip and the Rangers gets trapped in an alternate reality where the Rangers never existed. They go to the Tribunal of Magic for help, and they later undid everything and gained new armor. Tvicon TV STORY-Dark Wish

Mystical Battle[]

During the final battle, Chip aided his fellow Rangers in using their combined magic to destroy the Master. Later, he was last seen telling fictionalized tales of his battles as a Power Ranger to ladies from both realms. Tvicon TV STORY-Mystic Fate


Chip along with the other Mystic Force Rangers and other Ranger teams are seen in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Mega Mission

He and the other Rangers are seen again in another of Troy's dream/vision about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Stranger Ranger

After the apparently death of Vrak, Chip is seen briefly with the other Rangers in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-The Messenger

Super Megaforce[]

When the Mega Rangers receive the new Legendary Morphers, what makes the Mega Rangers access to Legendary Mode, Chip along with other Rangers are seen briefly in another vision/flashback, when Gosei talk about to the Mega Rangers to take the form of the past Rangers using the Legendary Ranger Keys. Tvicon TV STORY-Super Megaforce

PRSM-Mystic Force Rangers

Chip with his fellow Mystic Rangers in the Legendary Battle.

Emperor Mavro was defeated, but the remaining thousands of X Borgs still stand. Tommy gathered all the existing Power Rangers, Chip returned with his fellow Mystic Rangers as part of the army of Legendary Rangers led by Tommy that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, fighting in a huge battle against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. After the demise of the X Borgs, Tommy shook hands with Troy and teleported off along with Chip and the Legendary Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Legendary Battle

Super Ninja Steel[]


Chip mentioned in the book.

When Preston Tien read The Encyclopedia Of Magic & Spells given to him by Mick Kanic, the book contains a small bio on Chip Thorn and the Mystic Force Rangers. Chip is mentioned by book as one of the magicians who defeated Octomus the Master. Tvicon TV STORY-Tough Love

Beast Morphers[]

Mystic Force Rangers in beast morphers

Chip in Scrozzle's database.

When Scrozzle chooses a perfect candidate for the use of the Reanimizer and he choose to bring back Koragg, The Knight Wolf. Scrozzle deems that Koragg is the perfect candidate for the Reanimizer but Robo-Roxy is not so sure and she recalls that Koragg turned good.

Chip is seen along with his fellow Mystic Rangers in archive footage, presenting the moment when Leanbow is freeing himself from Octomus the Master's control. The next footage of him and his fellow Mystic Rangers witness seeing Leanbow became the Wolf Warrior, destroyed Gekkor one of the Ten Terrors and Scrozzle's frustrated. After seeing the footage, Evox warns everybody to think carefully of who they choose and demands that they solve it. Tvicon TV STORY-Making Bad

Dino Fury[]

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers including Chip and the other Mystic Rangers coming to the aid of the Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Tvicon TV STORY-Morphin Master


Chip is always cheerful and very friendly and optimistic individual and is exuberant teen. He is always bouncing around, pretending to be one amazing character after another. It seems like nothing can ever bring him down. For instance, when he and his friends get trapped in a magical forest, Chip says, "Ten seconds into the forest and we're already lost. YEAH!" But don't take Chip for an idiot. Chip is actually Pretty knowledgeable when comes to Superheros and Fairy tales which has helped out the Rangers in most of their missions He may be super-hyperly excited to finally be a super hero when he becomes the Mystic Force Yellow Ranger, but he takes his job seriously. Even if he's scared, he'll stop at nothing to protect his friends, and make sure they're safe.

Yellow Mystic Ranger[]

As the Yellow Mystic Ranger, Chip wields the power of lightning. His main weapon is the Magi Staff Crossbow. He owns a Mystic Racer and his Titan Form is the Mystic Garuda, which becomes the wings for both the Mystic Dragon and Titan Megazord. With his Legend powers, he can merge with Xander, Vida, and Madison to form the Mystic Lion.


Yellow Mystic Ranger

"Galywit Mysto Ranger!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Mystic Morpher: The device that allows Chip to morph into his Ranger form.
  • Magi Staff - Crossbow Mode: Yellow Mystic Ranger primary weapons, using the Crossbow mode that the Yellow Ranger uses, crossbow Mode It is capable of fire bolts of electricity.
  • Mystic Force Fighters: Secondary weapon.
  • Mystic Racer: Personal vehicle

Appearances: MF Episodes 2-18, 20-30, 32; SM Episodes 20 & LBEV


Yellow Legend Warrior

"Galwit Mysto Neramax!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Lightning Bolt: Dialing code one, Chip creates a yellow portal with the Mystic Lion Staff that releases thunder that shocks the opponents
  • Legend Warriors United Formation: Dialing code two, the Mystic Legend Warriors create a star-like pose with their Mystic Lion Staffs that shoots out a powerful energy beam at the opponent.


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  • Mystic Legend Armor: The Legend Armor increases the Ranger's Magical Powers, as well as supplying them with powerful battle armor.
    • Mystic Lion Staff - Crossbow Staff: Yellow Legend Warrior main weapon, Chip was shown turning his Lion Staff into a crossbow mode, similar to his Magi Staff.

Appearances: MF Episodes 20-22, 24, 26-32

Yellow Thunder Dragon Ranger

Yellow Thunder Dragon Ranger

Yellow Thunder Dragon ,Dragon Form

Yellow Thunder Dragon Ranger (Dragon mode)

Dark Fury Dragon is a form exclusive to the Power Rangers Mystic Force toyline.

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Silver Crossbow: primary weapon

The Mystic Garuda is the bird-like Mystic Titan form of the Yellow Ranger. Forms the wings of the Titan Megazord and the dragon. Has enormous wings in place of arms.

Additional Combinations

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Flight: Being a bird-type Titan, the Mystic Garuda can fly at high speeds.
  • Lightning Vision: The Mystic Garuda can fire lightning bolts from his eyes.

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Appearances: MF Episodes 3-9, 12, 13, 16-18, 20, 23, 26-28, 30

A Zord created when the Green, Pink, Yellow, and Blue Mystic Rangers combine into one being. This massive White Lion Zord forms the majority of the Manticore Megazord.

Additional Combinations

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: MF Episodes 20, 21, 24, 26-29, 31, 32







Villain Groups[]



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Behind the Scenes[]



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  • Charlie is a diminutive of Charles (masculine) or Charlotte (feminine).
    • As this Ranger is male, the given name Charles is assumed. Charles is of French, Germanic, and Old English origin meaning "free man".
    • Chip is another diminutive of Charles, its origins as a name unknown.

Ranger Key[]

MagiYellow Ranger Key

The Yellow Mystic Ranger Key.

The Yellow Mystic Ranger Key is Chip's personal Ranger Key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Gia Moran (Super Megaforce Yellow) who uses it to fight as the Yellow Mystic Ranger.




Power Rangers Key Scanner[]

Yellow Mystic Ranger Scanner App Assets

Yellow Mystic Ranger in Power Rangers Key Scanner

Chip as Yellow Mystic Ranger, appears in the app videogame Power Rangers Key Scanner, among various other Ranger teams.

Power Rangers Dash[]

Yellow Mystic Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

Yellow Mystic Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

Chip along with the other Mystic Rangers are among all the Ranger teams which appear in the Korean-developed mobile game Power Rangers Dash.

Power Rangers Action Card Game[]

Chip as Yellow Mystic Ranger and Yellow Legend Warrior, appears in the American trading card game Power Rangers Action Card Game, among various other Rangers.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Mystic Force Icon-magiranger
Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Daggeron - Udonna - Leanbow
Mystic Morphers - Snow Staff - Solar Cell Morpher - Wolf Morpher - Fierce Dragon Morpher - Magi Staffs - Mystic Force Fighters - Laser Lamp - Mystic Muscles - Mystic Legend Armor - Mystic Lion Staff - Red Dragon Fire Ranger - Ancient Mystic Mode - Knight Saber - Wolf Shield - Xenotome - Mystic Racers - Mystic Speeder - Mystic Carpet
Clare - Toby Slambrook - Phineas - Jenji - Leelee Pimvare - Fire Heart - Tribunal of Magic - Snow Prince - Mystic Mother
Zords and Megazords
Mystic Phoenix - Mystic Garuda - Mystic Mermaid - Mystic Sprite - Mystic Minotaur - Solar Streak - Catastros - Mystic Firebird - Mystic Lion - Brightstar
Mystic Titans: Dragon Formation - Titan Megazord - Centaurus Wolf Megazord - Centaurus Phoenix Megazord - Solar Streak Megazord - Manticore Megazord - Phoenix Unizord
The Master
Morticon - Necrolai - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - Imperious - Hidiacs - Styxoids
Ten Terrors: Sculpin - Magma - Oculous - Serpentina - Megahorn - Hekatoid - Gekkor - Matoombo - Itassis - Black Lance
Dark Troll - Mucor - Hydra Worm - Clawbster - Rock Troll - Taxi Cab Monster - Giant Spider - Flytrap - Boney - Skullington - Gargoyle of the Gates - Jester the Pester - Behemoth - Gnatu - Spydex - Screamer - Barbarian Beasts (Warmax - Shrieker - 50 Below - Fightoe) - Ursus - Chimera
Yellow Rangers
Trini KwanAisha CampbellTideusTanya SloanAshley HammondMayaKelsey WinslowKatie WalkerTaylor EarhardtDustin BrooksKira FordZ DelgadoChip ThornRonny RobinsonLily ChilmanSummer LandsdownEmilyGia MoranCalvin MaxwellZoey Reeves
Aisha Campbell/MovieTrini Kwan/2017 movieJack ThomasTeronaMinh Kwan
Secondary Rangers
Trini PuttyPuttyTinaMiss AliciaNelida ValensisYellow Shadow RangerRobo AshleyYellow CreepPsycho YellowYellow Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force YellowEagle Shadow RangerEvil DustinA-Squad YellowEvil Yellow Mystic RangerEvil Yellow Overdrive RangerRobo Megaforce YellowRoxy
Power Sets
Yellow RangerYellow Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger II YellowYellow Turbo RangerYellow Space RangerGalaxy YellowYellow Lightspeed RangerTime Force YellowYellow Wild Force RangerYellow Wind RangerYellow Dino RangerS.P.D. Yellow RangerYellow Mystic RangerYellow Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Yellow RangerRanger Operator Series YellowYellow Samurai RangerMegaforce YellowSuper Megaforce YellowNinja Steel YellowGrid Battleforce Yellow Ranger
Yellow Ranger (1995 movie)Yellow Ranger (2017 movie)