Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a/an Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Super Charge.

"Parasaur, Power Ranger Black!"
―roll call[src]

"Chase, Power Ranger Black!"
―alternate roll call[src]

"Why don't we just cut to the "chase" and go check out a movie?"
―Chase's unusual pick-up line[src]

Chase Randall is the Dino Charge Black Ranger of the Dino Charge Rangers. He is also referred to as Black Ranger and, in roll calls, as Parasaur Power Ranger Black.

Upon being given the Black Energem by a Maori fortune-teller named Moana, he was the first to be found and become a Dino Charge Ranger followed by Koda soon after.

During the episode Freaky Fightday, Chase temporary body swapped with Koda, becoming the Dino Charge Blue Ranger during this time. He is also referred to as the Blue Ranger and, in roll calls, as Stegosaurus Power Ranger Blue.

Briefly, Chase body swapped with Ivan, who he was body swaped with Riley, becoming into the Dino Charge Green Ranger. He is also referred to as Green Ranger and in roll calls as Velociraptor Power Ranger Green.

During the events of Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2, Chase and the other Dino Charge Rangers return to help the Grid Battleforce Rangers rescue Keeper from Evox and his evil Army. Later lead by Jason Lee Scott the original Red Ranger, Chase forms part of the Legendary Dino Rangers against Goldar Maximus and his Army of Foot Soldiers.


Dino Charge[]

New Zealand-born Chase Randall works at the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum as a custodian/runner of sorts and assists Kendall Morgan in paleontological digs.

Some time after Kendall met Keeper, they tracked down Chase who had found the Black Energem and bonded with the spirit of the Parasaurolophus as the first ever Dino Charge Ranger. Tvicon TV STORY-Past, Present and Fusion It is later revealed that he was given the Black Energem by a fortune teller/curio shop owner from New Zealand as a reward for his bravery in rescuing her cat. Tvicon TV STORY-Breaking Black

After the final battle against Sledge, Chase decides to travel back home to New Zealand, open for visitation from the other Rangers if they wanted to Tvicon TV STORY-One More Energem but returned later on to fight Snide after the Rangers disband and then reunite.

Beast Morphers[]

The Evox Snare[]

In the Grid Battleforce base, when Devon Daniels ask for help from Doctor K to try to search a form of device to separate Mayor Daniels from Evox, she reveals one. A few years ago, Doctor K read about how the Dino Charge Rangers including Chase were able to rescue Zenowing from being inside Doomwing thanks to the Split Emitters and that peaks Devon’s interest. Tvicon TV STORY-The Evox Snare

Rescuing Keeper[]

"It's been great to fight alongside you."
―Chase greeting the Beast Morphers Rangers.[src]
The dino charge Rangers in the main dimension

Chase and his fellow Dino Charge Rangers in the main dimension.

Chase, alongside some other members of his team, traveled to the main dimension in order to find Keeper, there they fought some foot soldiers and met the Grid Battleforce Rangers.

After Keeper got kidnaped by Evox's Army, the Dino Charge Rangers went to Grid Battleforce and explained the situation to the current team, and both teams agreed to work together and rescue Keeper.

They soon accepted a bargain with Evox and went to an abandoned warehouse to trade Ryjack's collection for Keeper, but when Snide didn't follow up on the agreement both teams morphed and got ready to fight.


The Dino Charge Rangers alongside the Grid Battleforce Rangers.

When the Grid Battleforce Rangers left to fight a Gigadrone, Tyler called Shelby and Riley to fight Snide. Just when the team defeated Snide, the newly revived Sledge and his crew appeared. Chase fought against Curio, but was defeated, and almost destroyed alongside his teammates if it weren't for the Grid Battleforce Rangers appearing at the last second, blasting Sledge's crew and managing to get away after rescuing Keeper. After making sure Keeper was safe and thank the current team, the Dino Charge Rangers departed to their home universe until the next time they meet. Tvicon TV STORY-Finders Keepers

Teaming up against Evox's Army[]

The Dino charge Rangers and Grid battleforce finding out evox evil plans

Chase and the other Rangers finding out about Evox's evil plans.

Days after their previous adventure, Goldar Maximus and Snide were attacking the Dino Charge Rangers in their dimension and were after their Energems. Four of the Grid Battleforce Rangers arrived, but the villains still managed to steal four of the Energems, including the Black Energem, and defeat both teams of Rangers.

While both teams were hiding and discussing the villains' plans of making an evil Zord, Jason and Devon arrived, gave the team Morphers and Morph-X powered Dino Chargers and decided to split themselves into two teams.

Super Sentai (Dinosaur Teams)

Chase with the Legendary Dino Rangers.

Chase and his team followed Jason on a frontal assault while the Beast Morphers team attacked from behind. When Goldar Maximus and the rest of Evox's army arrived, Jason summoned his old Mighty Morphin' teammates and the Dino Rangers to defeat the army in a big fight.

Chase in Team Up

Chase fighting against some foot soldiers.

During the battle, Chase defeated several foot soldiers using his special Dino Morpher Blast Attack.

When the battle seemed won, the Legendary Dino Rangers combine all their weapons into the Dino Power Ultra Blaster and manage to destroy Goldar Maximus.

Evox arrives and says that the real fight begins now. Chase witness how Evox is using the geode to summon his newest Zord, the Chimera Zord, he and the other Dino Rangers are attacked by the evil Zord. Koda and Shelby summoned their Zords and Chase joined his team in forming the Dino Charge Megazord, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Dino Thunder Rangers summon their respective Zords as well. All three Megazords try to fight against the Chimera Zord, but it proves to be too powerful for them.

The Rangers after to destroy Evox

Chase and the other Dino Rangers triumphant fight over Evox's Chimera Zord.

Devon manages to summon the Beast-X King Zord and join in the fight. Devon and the Dino Charge Rangers combine their Zords into the Dino Charge Megazord Beast-X King Formation. With the combined might of all three Megazords, the Ranger teams combine their blasts into one powerful energy beam, destroying the Chimera Zord as Evox retreats.

With the fight over, the Ranger teams regroup in the quarry, with the Dino Charge Rangers regaining their Energems and Keeper regaining his staff. Zoey is confident they can handle him before thanking everybody for their help, the teams departed and said goodbye to the Dino Charge Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Grid Connection


Originally from New Zealand, Chase is a cool laid-back 18-year-old. He wears the right clothes, listens to popular music, always well coiffed. He's very handsome and receives a lot of attention from the girls. He gets around by riding a skateboard most of the time, usually sporting a hoodie and/or headphones. However, Chase's one flaw is his forgetfulness; he's usually late to anything important, stopping to flirt with girls or responding to texts.



Dino Charge Black Ranger

"Para Charger Engage!"
―Transformation announcement via Dino Charge Morpher[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Dino Morpher Blast: Inserting another Para Charger in the Dino Charge Morpher, he spins the cylinder to energize the morpher and fires a purple blast in resemblance of the Para Zord's head at the opponent.
  • Dino Morpher Blast Final Strike: Inserting the Raptor Charger with the Para Charger in the Dino Charge Morpher. he spins the cylinder to energize the morpher and fires a spiraling green blast of the Raptor Zord's head, following a purple blast of the Para Zord's head, that bites the opponent on impact.


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Appearances: DC Episodes 2, 3, 5-22; DSC Episodes 1-22; BM S2 Episodes 12, 13


Dino Charge Black Ranger in Dino Steel


Dino Charge Black Ranger (Para Chopper)

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DC Episodes 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13-16, 18, 19; DSC Episodes 1, 4, 9, 11, 15-17, 20; BM S2 Episode 13


Dino Charge Black Ranger in Armor X

"Dino Armor X Charger, Engage!"
―Transformation announcement via Dino Charge Morpher[src]

Armor X was developed by Kendall as an enhancement to the Dino Charge Rangers' ranger forms to add weaponry and enhance movement. However, it only worked with the Black Energem when it was first created, later becoming compatible with the Red Energem. Using it with any other charger or Energem causes an explosive blowback. Tvicon TV STORY-True Black

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added

  • Spiral Attack: Dino Charge Black uses the Armor X claws and clutches them with the Dino Charge Morpher, performing a spinning orange drill strike towards the opponent.


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Appearances: DC Episode 14; DSC Episode 4


Dino Charge Black Ranger in Dino Drive

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: DC Episodes 10, 12, 14, 16-20, 22; DSC Episodes 1-11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22


Dino Charge Black Ranger in Dino Super Drive

"Dino Super Drive Charger, Engage!"
―Transformation announcement via Dino Super Drive Saber[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


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Appearances: DSC Episodes 2-11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22; BM S2 Episode 13


Dino Charge Blue Ranger

Chase assumes the role of the Blue Dino Charge Ranger after switching bodies with Koda for a short time.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to DSC Episode 16.


Dino Charge Blue Ranger in Dino Steel


Dino Charge Blue Ranger (Stego Shield)

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to DSC Episode 16.


Dino Charge Green Ranger

Chase assumes the role of the Green Dino Charge Ranger after switching bodies with Riley for a short time.

Powers and Abilities[]


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to be added


This form is exclusive to DSC Episode 16.


Dino Charge Green Ranger in Dino Steel

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


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to be added


This form is exclusive to DSC Episodes 16.







Villain Groups[]

Sledge's Crew[]
Lord Arcanon's Crew[]
Evox Virus Army[]
Evil Space Aliens[]
Mesogog's Army[]


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Behind the Scenes[]



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  • Chase's surname, Randall, is mentioned once by Heckyl in the episode "When Evil Stirs", when Heckyl peeks in their sent postcards.
  • Chase's skateboard has an image of a Kiwi on it. Kiwis are a national symbol of New Zealand, his home country. The Kiwi is New Zealand's national bird and the word 'Kiwi' is a colloquial term for New Zealanders.[1]
  • Chase is the first Black Ranger to take the place of a Yellow Ranger.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Icon-kyoryuger
Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Koda - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - James Navarro - Prince Phillip III - Kendall Morgan - Zenowing
Energems - Dino Charge Morpher - Gold Ptera Morpher - T-Rex Super Charge Morpher - Titano Charge Morpher - Dino Com - Dino Saber - Dino Blade Blaster - Dino Chargers - T-Rex Smasher - Para Chopper - Stego Shield - Raptor Claw - Tricera Drill - Dino Spike - T-Rex Chopper - Triple Spike - Gold Ptera Saber - Royal Dino Punch - Dino Steel - Dino Armor X - Dino Super Drive Saber - Dino Cycle
Keeper - Albert Smith - Heckyl
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Zord - Para Zord - Stego Zord - Raptor Zord - Tricera Zord - Ptera Zord - Ankylo Zord - Pachy Zord - Plesio Zord - Titano Zord - Spino Zord
Toy-Exclusive Zords
Deinosuchus Zord - Oviraptor Zord - Ammonite Zord - Archelon Zord
Dino Charge Megazord - Ptera Charge Megazord - Plesio Charge Megazord - Titano Charge Megazord - Dino Charge Ultrazord - Spino Charge Megazord
Sledge & Snide's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Wrench - Poisandra - Fury - Curio - Vivix - Vivizords - Spikeballs
Lord Arcanon's Crew
Lord Arcanon - Singe - Doomwing
Iceage - Scrapper - Slammer - Spellbinder - Cavity - Stingrage - Duplicon - Puzzler - Bones - Smokescreen - Gold Digger - G-BO - Memorella - Shearfear - Meteor - Wish Star - Greenzilla
Cloaked Alien - Nightmare - Ninja - Hunter - Game Face - Spell Digger - Half-Bake - Hookbeard - Beauticruel - Scumlaw - Leisure - Loafer - Fortress - Screech - Conductro - Professor Strickler - Badussa - Heximas
Power nav icon Power Rangers Beast Morphers Icon-gobusters
Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel - Tyler Rinker
Beast-X Morpher - Striker Morpher - Beast-X Visor - Morph-X Keys - Beast-X Blaster - Beast-X Saber - Striker Saber - Cheetah Beast Blaster - Cheetah Claws - Beast-X Ultra Blaster - Beast-X King Activator - Beast-X King Ultra Bow - Beast-X Spin Saber
Grid Battleforce: Commander Shaw - General Burke - Betty Burke - Ben Burke - Blaze - Roxy - Megan - Cole
Civilians: Mayor Adam Daniels - Muriel Reeves - Joey - Regina Collins - Dr. Walsh - Kerry Dixon - Mike Reeves
Captain Chaku - Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Keeper
Legendary Dino Rangers:Tyler Navarro - Koda - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Jason Lee Scott - Billy Cranston - Black Ranger - Yellow Ranger - Kimberly Ann Hart
Beast Bots

Cruise - Smash - Jax - Steel

Zords & Megazords
Racer Zord - Wheeler Zord - Chopper Zord - Wrecker Zord - Jet Zord - Beast-X King Zord - Reptillobeast
Racer Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X Megazord - Wrecker Zord Battle Mode - Striker Megazord - Beast-X Ultrazord - Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X King Megazord - Beast-X King Ultrazord
Leader: Evox/Venjix
Generals: Scrozzle - Blaze - Roxy - Vargoyle
Foot Soldiers: Tronics - Gigatronics
Zords: Ripper Zord - Chimera Zord - Omegadrone
Season One: Cycletron - Needletron - Shoveltron - Slicertron - Meltatron - Railtron - Vacuutron - Antennatron - Drilltron - Tooltron - Clonetron - Tubatron - Tubatron 2.0 - Burnertron - Turbotron - Shockatron - Spiketron - Infernotron
Season Two: Drilltron 2.0 - Trappertron - Gamertron - Keytron - Digitron - Controlatron - Dumbbelltron - Boxertron - Tiaratron - Bulldozertron - Thieftron - Clawtron - Antennatron 2.0 - Railtron 2.0
Season One: Cycledrone - Needledrone - Shoveldrone - Slicerdrone - Meltadrone - Raildrone - Vacuudrone - Antennadrone - Drilldrone - Tooldrone - Delta Gigadrone 1 - Clonedrone - Tubadrone - Tubadrone 2.0 - Burnerdrone - Turbodrone - Shockadrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 1 - Unidentified Gigadrone 2 - Spikedrone - Delta Gigadrone 2 - Infernodrone
Season Two: Drilldrone 2.0 - Trapperdrone - Gamerdrone - Keydrone - Digidrone - Controladrone - Alphadrone - Betadrone - Gammadrone - Deltadrone - Tiaradrone - Bulldozerdrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 3 - Unidentified Gigadrone 4 - Thiefdrone - Clawdrone - Antennadrone 2.0
Sledge's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Poisandra - Wrench - Fury - Curio - Vivix
Ryjack - Goldar - Putty Patrollers - Triptoids
Black Rangers
Zack TaylorAdam ParkCorcusCarlos VallerteDanny DelgadoTommy OliverWill AstonDillonJake HollingChase RandallJavi Garcia
Adam Park (movie)Zack Taylor (2017 movie)Vesper VasquezCyra DrakeJamie GilmoreXevJohnny Lawrence
Secondary Rangers
Phantom RangerMagna DefenderMike CorbettAnubis CrugerJarrodJungle Fury Bat Ranger
Zack PuttyPuttyZaneAbrahamOsamu TezukaPsycho BlackBison Shadow RangerEvil Black Overdrive Ranger
Mastodon Sentries
Power Sets
Black RangerBlack Aquitar RangerPhantom RangerBlack Space RangerMagna DefenderBlack Wild Force RangerBlack Dino RangerBlack Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Bat RangerRanger Operator Series BlackMegaforce BlackDino Charge Black RangerDino Fury Black Ranger
Black Ranger (1995 movie)Black Ranger (2017 movie)Black Squadron Ranger