PR2020 logo This article is about a/an set of Rangers in the Power Rangers franchise.

A collection of Orange Rangers from "A Jump Through Time" RPG sourcebook.

This category lists all the Orange Rangers in the Power Rangers universe. Despite the color being officially part of four teams in Super Sentai, none of them have been adapted into Power Rangers yet (and, in the case of the first, never will, due to being a pre-Zyuranger Sentai season). So far, only two Orange Rangers are known to exist in the main series (making it among the rarest of Ranger color designations).

Main Orange Rangers[]

These are Rangers who belong on the main team, and are protagonists of the show. They are also the first to appear as that specific color designation for the team.

Alternate Orange Rangers[]

Rangers commonly associated with Orange[]

These Rangers have no specific classified color.

False Rangers[]

Evil Orange Rangers[]

Enhancement Modes[]

Orange Rangers who can assume Enhancement Modes and Battlizer forms.

Chronological List of Orange Rangers[]

See Also[]



All items (14)
